125 topics in this forum
by Mr_Merkhem99- 8 replies
Okay so, I recently started going on b-hop servers to improve my ability to b-hop and that, and thought maybe KZG could get a b-hop server? Would it not only be fun to play, but people who want to learn b-hopping on Scouts can join a b-hop server to get the hang of b-hopping. Just an Idea Cheers Lads
ScoutznKnivez alternate round
by medzii- 14 replies
Thought of an idea with inspiration from a 1v1 server I used to play on. That is to make one of the rounds for each map something different. Some ideas are no-scope, chicken (player models and hit boxes are replaced with chickens), additional health, 1hp round, normal gravity, deagznknivez and knife only. If any one else has other ideas for this let me know :)
Scarecrow streching
by jary- 1 reply
- 846 views Please fix its really annoying. I think its to do with the glove plugin. This is on JailBreak.
by jary- 11 replies
Currently u cannot edit or delete the shoutbox messages. I would like it to be added thanks.
- 7 replies
Pretty simple idea, currently there is barley any Classic Offensive servers and I think if we were to make one like the casual comp server it would be a lot of fun.
Minigames Suggestion
by Gyro Ⓡ ?- 5 replies
So i was on Minigames earlier today and when i spawned in, i was in spectator mode but i was playing/doing the map. I could do the map but nobody would see me, as if i was a ghost or something. This gave me and Kayex a good idea to actually implement this into the KZG Minigames server. A command called !ghost which allows to play the map when you die, but nobody would see you. The player who does !ghost would restart from the start as if they just joined and do the map. They will not be able to gather any points as if is they are not playing with alive players. They should not be able to interact with any alive players at all. (besides voice chat) Make sense?
Store Tag Ideas !
by Ec1ipse- 20 replies
So good guy @skyprah added Store Tags (Wooo Hooo) Let's give him some ideas of new ones! so comment below The tag and colour you think would be cool and people would like. Example = Purple[Ewclipse] [Ewclipse]
Make nenw ffa server
by lockhaRt- 6 replies
hello peeps, I am suggesting that we get a headshot only ffa server and or just an ffa server!
Forum Tags for Surf Admins.
by AddicT- 8 replies
I did bring this up with @skyprah, but I want to know what others think too. If you don't know what I mean by Forum Tags, I mean like these: I reckon there should be one for Surf Admins
Website addition
by jary- 9 replies
So I thought that to fill up some space on the right side of forums there should be something about teamspeak. Like with the ts ip and maybe a lil photo. It may bring more people to ts etc
5v5 Scout tournament? 1 2
by deSt- 27 replies
@BuLLee @Nosey @Ironstrike @Sir Blazemore @Mr_Merkham99 I think this idea has been suggested before but got completely ignored/forgotten about so I'm re bringing up the idea. Basically it's pretty simple, it would be 5v5 Low Gravity on a yet to be decided map. There will be 8 teams of 5 (More could be added depending on how many people like the idea) Each game will be best of 16, if you win you move on in the brackets. Each match will be watched over by an admin or either a mod. Prizes could consist Credits/Raffle Tickets. Rules: General KZG Rules Obviously no cheating. No abuse, banter is obviously allowed just don't take it to far. (Post anymore …
Build Wars
by ForceX- 17 replies
Yo, The link above is a video of buildwars it is a CS:GO gamemode that I find quite enjoyable. Purple Dragon was the head admin of a buildwars server until it got hacked and shutdown he then went on to make his own one. The original buildwars server had max 32+ people. General Scope Of The Game Mode: You start off with two teams both teams build bases using props found throughout the CS:GO maps and you can rotate flip and turn these props and use 1 way walls at the end of the timer the team with the most players will go out of their base and go rush the enemies base. The objective is to either find a flaw in …
Fan Fiction Thread
by MacgregorALT- 4 replies
Make a fan fiction thread.
Save The Bacon fix
by jary- 2 replies
So on Minigames at the moment when you play save the bacon, It has auto respawn which is nice. But the auto kill in spawn is still acitivated about 2 minutes in the game so people keep getting killed non stop so u cant move or do anything please we need a fix on this map. Thanks! :D
Easy Surf Casual Rank Glitch
by Ka-chow!- 5 replies
So Basically on the easy surf server when you get the rank CASUAL it doesn't show in the text chat, it just shows your name and not your rank or your colour, it doesnt bother me anymore because I am now ranked as COMPETENT, but i think it should still be fixed.
New maps (Easy Surf)
by Tay- 1 reply
Now I know that we are waiting for some changes to come to KZG before we have new maps added and other things, but could we possibly get just a few new maps in, just to keep us busy or something. Currently completed all available maps and find that a lot of them are getting stale. Perhaps just a few tier ones or something? Perhaps some: Rebel Scaz/Resistance Water run banjo Beginner Happy Hands Sunny Happy Love Cubic Doodles Ember Simpsons Healthy_e
Capture the Flag?!
by Acid- 14 replies
Killzone Gaming - Capture the Flag (CTF) Why should we add this gamemode to KZG? Personally, I think this is unique. There are only a handful of CTF servers out there. I can see myself enjoying the fuck out of this. Please comment below your thoughts on the idea. About: 2 Teams (CT and T), in a DeathMatch situated gamemode. If you're not already familiar with CTF, both teams have to travel to the enemies bases, capture and return the flag to their base to gain points. How do we make this gamemode interesting and fun? We introduce: [*]Jump Pads, Teleporters [*]Guns Placed at random locations of the map [*]Speed Boost Powerup [*]Invisibility Powerup […
Ak - 47 special day - jailbreak
by RobloxKid999- 11 replies
I have seen many amazing special days like AWP FFA or Cowboy day but i think more should be added. I think a new special Day to be added could be an ak-47 day. I think this special day should be added as it proves peoples skills and it would help people to get better with sprays and of course it would be fun. I look forward to seeing what you guys have to say! - Le James
Combat Bhop Server
by deSt- 19 replies
So recently there was a thread made about making a Bhop server which would be really cool but I think what would be better is a combat BHOP server. Currently there aren't many people who host a popular combat bhop server and I think if KZG made one it could draw a whole lot of new people to the server. If you havnt had any experiences with Combat Bhop servers it is basically when auto is enabled on generally 1.6 maps and you just bhop around killing people. Also I think if this were to get added Jetpack should be set to a low price seeing it's quite a big part.
Casual Competitive Map Pool
by panthA- 0 replies
Hey Just wondering if KZG was open to revising the map pool for the Casual competitive server. At the moment it is current possible to have no maps from the active duty group in a 5 choice map pool. The maps I could suggest removing would be those out of the Active Duty and less popular e.g. Italy, Aztec, Dust(CSS) ect. Alternatively, something like UMC3 could allow for a Category style system to allow for an Active Duty and Reserves groupings. This would allow players who specifically want to play maps like Office to still be able to vote for them. Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure how this would work along side SM's current map system. UMC3 can offer wh…
M8, who wants some new maps!
by Haz- 1 reply
Add dis surf map...M8 surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons M8
New Maps - MG
by beary- 5 replies
Any new mini games maps to add in? would be nice to place something new!!
- 1 reply
So basically I was wondering if we could make it an option to gift credits, currently it's disabled I'm not sure why. For example I kinda wanna do a giveaway with 100k+ credits but can't really. Also was wondering if we would be able to make the credits global, for example if I have 20k on Mini Games I will also have 20k on Scouts and Knifes. Basically once you have bought everything you want out the shop they basically become a waste. But if you were to make it global credits I could go use the rest on Jailbreak or Surf and not let them go to waste. Thanks for reading ::weeb: :knight:
Possible BW server? (Build Wars)
by Elev8- 3 replies
Hey guys, ive noticed that theres no BW servers on cs-go? The mode was quite popular in css i probably spent over a few thousand hours playing the game mode and i assumed that it would continue to live on in cs-go but i haven't found any? Ive created this thread to possibly get a KZG Build Wars server, im quite new to KZG and i have no idea how much a server costs to run or even if this is a possibility for the future, this is just a suggestion on my behalf as i think it will attract a huge amount of people to the concept of the game mode. Description [*] There are two phases, the build phase and the war phase. During the build phase, the Terror…
by __ryan- 8 replies
Some things that should be changed about the forums: 1. Server hosting - legit costs like $3 a month to host a good server connection. Pages take way to long to load on the current hosting. 2. Down the bottom of the home page you have the order of power. EG. Owner, head admin etc. There is currently no global admin (not even sure what the hell that is) but you should add that in. (ALSO surely server moderator is above Trial admin....) 3. follow on from point 2 subsection a. You should make it so that if I hover over owner for example it shows Skyprah's name or senior admin it shows acid and whoever else is senior admin. 4. a) Your admin application requ…