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294 topics in this forum
Announcement To Admins and shit
by Zypher- 6 replies
I've been inactive as dick lately. Sometimes I'll go into jailbreak and for a sneak peak and perv on some of the admins. Even when there are 3+ admins online no one is muting the mic spammer. Please, if you hear a little shit screaming or someone playing that thomas the tank engine shit on jailbreak please mute them, it takes 2 seconds and makes the server more enjoyable and less cancerous.
Inactivity Krizziii
by Krizziii- 6 replies
Hello, I will be inactive for 5 days this week because I'm going on holiday from Tuesday to sunday. Thanks everyone Have a good week -Krizziii
sPeC mE bRo
by xQc Son- 0 replies
Why do people say spec me when I already know that there better, like stfu u smerf
by SEEKER- 5 replies
Check out my motor bike stack that occurred about an hour ago. (skip to 4:00 to see the stack) it will be up in 10 - 5 minutes
by Lazer- 8 replies
Dear KZG, During the past couple weeks ive been getting hate for reasons of me talking shit. i have admittedly done this alot and i cant beg that you all forgive me expect numerous changes over time with my behaviour. during my time here on kzg ive realised everything you all have done for me and i do bad shit to you all sorry to everyone i have shit talked to. i do understand that this is all leading to a permanant ban and i dont want that so i am going to do do my best to improve and get myself on track, i have never been the friendliest person on kzg or the most liked so if you can all give me another chance ill make it up to you. - Lazer
by jackson- 5 replies
Evening everyone. Today I've decided to change my name. Just like @Acidbubbl I am requesting ideas because I find it hard to think of a name. I've decided to change it because it is bland and pretty boring in my opinion. I would like the name to be related to certain likings that I have and has formed who I am today so when you hear that name the first thing that comes to my mind is myself. Things I would like the name related to: - Bunny hopping - Surfing That's it. Just a name that is somewhat similar to these because they're the reason I am so addicted to Counter Strike and the reason I got into community servers and fortunately found …
IEM Sydney 2017
by Sirtron- 9 replies
Bye BYe neggars
by Harik- 9 replies
Selling my steam account @skyprah pls make sure all perms are removed from the servers if anything eradic happens from my steam id it isn't me. Ill keep the forum account and will probably come on every now and again. By friends, it def has been a good time for a lil nigga lik myself
My New Knife
by Diesey- 9 replies
Don't Bet Kids Its my first time ever being successful... From Rags to Riches, I present to you I am the luckiest guy ever, this bad boy is worth 580 bucks! Can any of you experts tell me how nice the pattern is? Don't Bet!
R.I.P erica's eye
by Krizziii- 2 replies
by Domino- 7 replies
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. But I figured this is the best way to tell you what happned and explain why I might be so bad at MG. uhh so basically I broke 4 fingers and now I am very limited in what i can do without them. Hopefully this gets over quickly so I can start playing again properly real quick, but whatever. Thanks for reading!
Inactive..... Again :')
by Guest- 5 replies
Hey Guys :P Like most, I'll be away this set of holidays for the first week from Sunday the 18th till Saturday 24/Sunday 25. Heading up North to do a weeks fishing trip :D. I apologize for a lot of my recent inactivity. But after this break, I should be back to a regular, play every night, no life kinda schedule xD. Hope to see you all soon and wish you a great set of holidays :D -Merk
I'm growing stronker!
by SuGaR!- 8 replies
Pokemon Pets
by skyprah- 3 replies
I'm looking at adding Pokemon pets into some of the servers. These will be the same as the chicken/crow existing pets. I would like about 6 of them including at least two flying ones. They will all have basic animations like the existing pets. Please vote for the Pokemon that you want to see on the servers!
Steam Discounts (free)
by Green- 2 replies
Hey guys, I've got a couple game discounts to giveaway for steam as I will not use them... hit me up for more information my steam community link is : Just add me and ask me if you want them there is 5 of them (as of this post) mostly just adventure games. Thank you and gg.
wiseys trial/admin idfk
by CheekyMyBabeh- 6 replies
Ok yall wiseys had his fun take his admin away
Late Night Comp
by Void- 5 replies
This game gave me fucking cancer, please boost me to nova someone :)
by SEEKER- 4 replies
i just played on a non KZG surf server and they have a radio that plays a playlist of music. i quite enjoy this when i dont feel like using my mic and just chilling. is it worth a look into. the only thing is it is only onew type of music (trap/chill) if i made it i would add the option to change genres and stuff like that. thoughts?????
Jaggo's Resignation
by Jaggo- 6 replies
Hey folks, i've decided to step down from my current position as AWP and SK Administrator, and well BHop lol. I have been staff for 435 days, or 14.3 months... it's been a big ol yikes of a ride and i've enjoyed a good portion of it. Why am I leaving? The current state of the AWP server is a mess imo, i've had disagreements with certain staff which I won't really point out, as it will just cause drama. I'm not resigning solely due to them but as if I try to make a difference, or simply anything, i'd be suppressed. I also play other servers nowadays and have been having more fun on them. Special thanks to @BuLLee and the @ScoutzKnivez Admin . I would also like to th…
Acid's Thread
by Acid- 6 replies
Here I will upload all my videos that will mostly be Minigames and other funny moments on KZG servers. Enjoy. Youtube Channel: Minigames - Part One [video=youtube][/video] [video=youtube][/video]
Nutella Challenge (for Zypher
by erica.- 7 replies
(PICTURE REMOVED) = Like mother, like son. This is the nutella challenge (challenged by Zypher) and SpicyGloobs has told me to use this photo. Ty friends.
Laters guys
by Acid- 9 replies
2 years, 2 much fun. Laters, thanks to all the people that made kzg memorable.
Clips pls
by lockhaRt- 5 replies
Give me clips so i can make frag edit pl0x. c y a
5man team.
by lockhaRt- 4 replies
Looking to make a 5 man team, the team would consist of entry's, support, Awp, Lurk and strat caller. You must be within n1 and mg1 Reply with steam profile page link if interested.
Krizzii Loses His Knife [Video]
by Acid- 5 replies