Fun Mod
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8 topics in this forum
[GUIDE] How to play Fun Mod
by skyprah- 0 replies
FUN MOD Fun mod is a unique and enjoyable server to play. Something different to the usual type of servers you see floating around. You gradually gain XP which allows you to level up and eventually unlock various bonuses. Another major feature is the Roll the Dice, that allows players to type a command every two minutes which gives them a random positive or negative effect/ability. You can access Roll the dice with /loss or /rtd. Another major feature is the gaming shop where players can buy different extra for their hard earned money. Your money is stored in your bank which you gain by picking up money from dead bodies. The server also has playable songs (!son…
Fun mod VIP Features
by skyprah- 0 replies
The following features are accessible with VIP. VIP can be obtained using in-game credits. Access to custom VIP accessories Gain 20% more XP than other players Extra +5HP for each kill and can achieve greater than 100HP On weapon maps, you'll have access to the weapon menu to select your weapons Access to the [VIP] tag in chat and scoreboard Special kill effect You'll receive extra money for any damage you take. Extra throwing knives upon spawn each round Access to sniper weapons (must also be level 25) On surf maps, you'll receive HE and smoke gr…
by Wolfleader- 6 replies
Where has fun mod gone?
by ThyPr0ski- 11 replies
Does anyone know why fun mod is down and has been down for over a month? Is SkyPrah planning to update it, taken it down indefinitely or something else please help i have no life and need fun mod to satisfy my needs thanks, ThyProGuru(ThyPr0ski rn)
KZG Fun Mod - Anti Camping
by Kaotic- 9 replies
If you play fun mod, you'd know that the anti camp is quite annoying. As a lot of maps dont require a lot of movement and after only a few seconds you'll be classed as camping. Just a quick poll to see how the community feels about it/if its just me that it annoys. Feel free to comment suggestions or why you feel it should/shouldn't be removed. Thanks guys, -Kaotic
Feedback of Fun Mod :)
by Jenny- 18 replies
Hello KZG, Yesterday my mates introduced me to the Fun Mod server, and I thought I would leave a thread to leave my feedback, hoping that it doesn't leave me looking like a dumbass . I also only have 1h~ on the server so this is based off my experience so far, hopefully this feedback will benefit the server and eventually let it gain popularity over time. So during my time yesterday I actually did have quite a bit of fun, even tho there was only about 5-6 people on the server, it didn't take away from the fact that you could kinda just chill out and mess around for a bit if you didn't feel like playing seriously or if you wanted something else to do. Here…
by Wolfleader- 0 replies
GENERAL SERVER RULES Hacking/Cheating is a permanently bannable offence. Scripting/Macroing will result in a suspension for 2 weeks when first caught. If caught again, said user will be permanently banned Abuse towards other players will not be tolerated and will be punished with the utmost severity. We understand that the environment on all servers can become heated at times, but the community of Killzone Gaming does not condone any form of toxicity/hate speech/abuse/racism/discrimination. No advertisement of any form. The only exceptions are KZG, twitch and/or youtube links. Mic/Chat spam is not allowed. The use of vocoders (voice-c…
Come join the Fun Server!1
by Wolfleader- 0 replies
Hey Everyone, the Fun Server has been out for a while now (since like march) and is finally gaining traction within KZG and has been getting an outstanding number of players over the last two months. I am hoping to see even more players in the near future and hope everyone in KZG comes and tries it out and see if they like it ? I am hoping to have a little KZG event (have to ask skyprah) on the Fun Server and Teamspeak or Discord so stay tuned for that Anyways definitely come and try out the Fun Server i am sure you will enjoy it!! IP: or go to this URL steam://connect/