Any discussions of our official Rust server should be done here.
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9 topics in this forum
KZG Rust Clan
by Wolfleader- 7 replies
Hello all, I am looking to start a KZG clan in rust. Right now i have not decided on much for example, what server we are going to play on, maximum size of clan, roles, etc. However all of these details and more will be decided once i get a rough estimate of how many players would like to join and there experience. If you are interested in joining or would like to discuss further details on the clan feel free to add me on discord WOLFLEADER#0999 Also do the poll
Would you start playing the kzg rust server
by Bismuth- 1 reply
Ignore this post if you don't play RUST
My Sweaty TRYHARD RUST CLAN?!??!?!
by Wolfleader- 7 replies
Anyone wanna join my sweaty rust clan?? just add me on steam: and put » in front of your name Server undecided: either monthly vanillla or 2x vanilla weekly
KillzoneGaming Rust Server 20x
by VelxinOne- 3 replies
Hello my fellow members i've gone and changed the server from a 3x to 20x as requested by a few members and i do think it would hold a better player base then a vanilla Here you will find the infomation needed to play the server and also its change log. We currently have on average around 5-7 players on atm but will soon rise " hopefully " Name: [AU/NZ] KillZoneGaming 20x FreeVIP|Kits|+More Slots: 50 Rate: 20x Modded Plugins: Auto Doors - Do /ad "timelimit" E.g /ad 5 for 5 seconds Autofuel - Place in TC auto refuels lights Better Chat - Simple better chat system Better Loot - Modif…
[KZG] Rustcon Solo|Duo|Trio Slightly Modded
by VelxinOne- 4 replies
Hello my fellow KZG Homies I VelxinOne have taken the role as manager for the KZG Rust server ill be working on this project daily trying to keep it up to playable standards the server will be a 3x Solo|Duo|Trio [Slightly Modded]. All notes and updates will be posted in the changelog on the forums [Added] [Remove] [Work in progress] Death Notes - Broadcasts players and animals deaths to chat Supply Signal Alerts - Broadcasts a message when someone throws a supply signal ^^^This may be remove depending on feedback^^^ Save Announcer - Announces to all players when the server saves Auto Fuel - Automatically fuels li…
Clan for rust server!!
by Wolfleader- 2 replies
Hello, As you may or may not know @VelxinOne has been working on a Rust server for KZG!!! Yay You can check that out here: I am looking for 2 other Members to start a clan with me. I am yet to decide the name of the Clan as we can do it together. If you would like to be in my team please comment below with this format: 2 People will be chosen soon.... Why do you want to be in this clan? Got any name ideas? How active are you on Rust and what is your skill level? How can you help the clan? Anything else you want to add?
KZG Rust Server?
by Σxoticrage- 16 replies
Should KZG have a Rust Server? Please Vote, Thanks
some1 2 play with
by Macgregor- 8 replies
can someone play with me for this wipe
Rust server is back!!!
by Paradox- 1 reply
The Rust server is finally back!!! The server is going to be in the Modded section of the Rust server browser. The server is 3x and instant craft. Bag timer's are 1 min insted of tp because we all hate people who keep tp'ing back. only 5 people to a clan. This is to stop zurges as no one wants to get rolled over by 20 players. @Singular Latex Glove