1,538 topics in this forum
unbanning me on scouts and knives
by pimpgames- 3 replies
Name: Server Banned On: Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:182873400 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 1/9/2016 Banning Admin (if known): bullee Reason for Ban (if known): i was playing music and didnt get warned to stop Why I should be unbanned: becuase i was never told to stop and he just banned me
by LuXSE- 2 replies
name: LuX SE CSGOWEST.COM server banned on: [KZG] Minigames steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112061081 steam profile: date/time of ban: 2/9/2016 1:43 (give or take) Banning admin: sorrow Reason for ban: asking for some one to go in on the jackpot (not 100% percent sure) Why should i be unbanned: I did not do any thing serious never abused some one on the server and always play on the this server and always help others.
Unban Appeal ScoutKnives
by TheOneTheOnly- 8 replies
Name: nek Server Banned On: ScoutKnives Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:181340904 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban:13/8/16 Banning Admin (if known): BuLLee Reason for Ban (if known):Im gonna say changing my name to eeLLuB Why I should be unbanned: It was a joke and i would of changed my name back to nek if you requested it. I honestly didn't see a request for me to change my name back, all i saw was eeLLuB? from either you or Merk and than i got banned. Anyways i would like to be unbanned since i enjoy scoutknives and would like …
Unban request Teal
by Tealll- 18 replies
Teal SK 11:30pm 23/08/2016 dopescope I think he thought I was cheating dopescope the trial mod with approximately 160 hours on csgo doesn't have a clue on whats going on in cs let alone the real world. I am not cheating, I've been playing for a long time and you guys shouldn't even attempt to trial people with such little experience in the game. What a waste of my time dopescope.
Volar Unban - minigames
by Volar- 14 replies
Name: Volar Server Banned On: Minigames Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:120479705 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 7/08/16 - 8/08/16 (Don't know time) Banning Admin (if known): Reason for Ban (if known): Not following admins requests I think. Why I should be unbanned: To the best of my knowledge I was not notified that I was doing anything wrong, given a warning or getting banned. I still do not know why I was banned and if I get unbanned I will not break any rules again.
Unban Appeal
by cyburcool- 3 replies
Name: cybur Server Banned On: minigames Date/Time of Ban: today Banning Admin (if known): Thrasher Reason for Ban (if known): said he sucked when i killed him with a sick trickshot Why I should be unbanned: um i got a noscope on him which gives me the right to say he sucks, clearly admin abuse. Was about to get another sick kill for my montage but i got banned just i was i hitting it, not sure if thrasher should be demoted for this but I guess he should be given a second chance since he didnt't know. Thanks, cybur.
mattmeister BAN
by mattmeister- 9 replies
Name: mattthecoolkidxx360blazeit I got baned on all of the kill zone gaming servers I am very very sorry fro what I did I was tilted and my freidns were over my house they told me to do it so what I did I freekill 11 t and I know its wrong I not 100% sure why I did it. my steam profile : Not sure who baned me jailbreak is my favourite server I play o it every day for about 2h now I cant because I did something stupid Pls give me one more chance ;) have a good day
SpecZz Unban - Minigames
by specCynz- 9 replies
Name: SpecZz Server Banned On: Minigames Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:1:103073048 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum) Date/Time of Ban: SpecZz 28/07/2016 Banning Admin (if known): unknown Reason for Ban (if known): being rude or something? Why I should be unbanned: because i wasnt only trying to joke around and have fun, the admin was already mad and took it out on the first person he could. Unfair use of admin powers and was definitely blatant use of bullying and admin abuse.
Daniel's Ban Appeal
by Daniel- 12 replies
Name: Daniel Server Banned On: Minigames Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 9:00pm 10+ GMT Banning Admin (if known): Thrashlord Reason for Ban (if known): Ghosting, evading a ban, disrespecting staff, mic spamming 1. Ghosting. Statement I made was: "Here is Sorrow, sitting with a cod gun in a pot plant" and received a 10 minute mute/gag. Fair enoughish. I accepted that it was viewed as ghosting. Other people were able to say "On roof" or "climbing the ladder" without receiving punishments which in my personal opinion highlights Sorrow's double standards and what …
Ban Appeal For KillZoneCraft
by RinnyDrank- 11 replies
Name: ImRinny Server Banned On: KillZoneCraft Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 3/4 Days ago Banning Admin (if known): Sorrow/ThrasheR Reason for Ban (if known): Cheating I was apart of this duping situation cause i got bored of mining and so i remembered a duping glitch and i tryed it and it worked so i used it because mining took ages and building high tec machines that are really good are too so i really do apologies for what i did i really hope i can make it up to you guys. I really want another chance to be let on that server but I can see why if u didnt l…
Can I be Unbanned??
by ChickenDestroyer21- 2 replies
Server Banned On: KillZoneGaming Jailbreak. Steam ID: ChickenDestroyer21 Steam Profile Link: Date/Time of Ban: Around 5:00pm in australian time. Banning Admin: I Dont Know Yet Reason for Ban: Freekilling Cause I Was Bored! Why I should be unbanned: i am a friendly person to the community and i will not ever do this again and i hope these admins start to know me and talk to me more and i always try to help people if they are sad and angry when i get the chance. When i am on I can be a little rude and i can swear but if you guys want me to I will find out and help myself a way to stop if you guys can s…
Z9 Leader Unban Appeal
by Z9Leader- 4 replies
Name: Z9 Leader Server Banned On: easy surf Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:1:171524770 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 18/6/2016 8:45PM not sure Banning Admin (if known): Thrasher Reason for Ban (if known): DDoSing Why I should be unbanned: because im really sorry will not do it again and i only dosed him because he did to me so i did same sorry.
Unban Appeal
by billlll- 6 replies
Name: DJ HITLER Server Banned On: Surfing server?? KZG? Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:149994297 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: Today Banning Admin (if known): I don't know Reason for Ban (if known): Ddosing? Why I should be unbanned: Z9 Leader was trying to get me to ddos Fybiz and i said no so he threanted to ban me on the server and i said no so he ddosed me until i gave him fybiz's ip adress and then i ddosed him so i didnt get ddosed and nor did fybiz, i made a report on him, try and join the server and im banned ::( lease if it was for ddosing ill never do it again, i…