1,538 topics in this forum
Unban Appeal ScoutKnives
by TheOneTheOnly- 8 replies
Name: nek Server Banned On: ScoutKnives Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:181340904 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban:13/8/16 Banning Admin (if known): BuLLee Reason for Ban (if known):Im gonna say changing my name to eeLLuB Why I should be unbanned: It was a joke and i would of changed my name back to nek if you requested it. I honestly didn't see a request for me to change my name back, all i saw was eeLLuB? from either you or Merk and than i got banned. Anyways i would like to be unbanned since i enjoy scoutknives and would like …
I hacked; I'm sorry
by PL4sMa- 8 replies
Name: Zak Server Banned On: All KZG but banned on ScoutzKnivez Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_1:0:184783997 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: About 2 months ago Banning Admin (if known): DopeScope Reason for Ban (if known): Wallhacking Why I should be unbanned: K idk if you're gonna unban me probably not cuz im a hacking dipshit but thats ok, I just wanted to say that after 2 months im sorry and i really am missing the great KZG community im not making this shit up to make it sound all lovely and shit im actually from deep inside me reg…
squigga's Unban Appeal
by ANELE ⠀⠀⠀⠀- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: squigga Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53934728 Date / Time of Ban: 03-04-17 20:22 Admin that banned or muted (if known): dopescope Reason for ban (if known): changed name to someone else killed a bunch of people resulting in "mass freekill" and also im a member of invex (apparently) which resulted in a week ban and a perm ct ban, week ban is already over. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i got given a second chance idk who by but the beats knew, so did gyro/squizzy and im sure more did considering its been almost a month since that ban was even made and ive been playing on ct no …
Aang's Unban Appeal
by BlackHammer- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: Aang Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: Date / Time of Ban: 10:38ish SA time Admin that banned or muted (if known): Probably I OUT PLAYED YOU or whatever his name is Reason for ban (if known): I was muted for 400 minutes for saying "Fucking N***a" Fair enough I will take the mute. But then later on someone asked me why I was muted, so I told them WHY I was muted. I was muted for saying "Fucking N***a" and then the admin which is probably I out played you. Banned me for a week. Even though I was telling the person WHY I was muted. Why I should be u…
Fox's Unban Appeal
by ✪Fox- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: Fox Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:71993206 Date / Time of Ban: 1:30am - 1:40am 4/8/17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Eclipse Reason for ban (if known): Respawn Glitch Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I feel that I should be unbanned as I am a new player to the community. Not only am I new person to this community, I don't even know the the rules. Which needs to be taken into consideration when banning players and that wasn't at all thought of when I broke a "rule" I did not know of. I was given a warning. But other players did it, So I thought I was being picked on. So …
Darren 3.0[SKRUBLORD]'s Unmute Appeal
by Darren 3.0[Skrublord]- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: Darren 3.0[SKRUBLORD] Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:181370181 Date / Time of Ban: 04/19/17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Eclipse Reason for ban (if known): telling someone to 'nek' Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I should be unbanned since at the time when I said it I meant it as joke a but have realized it is not a joke since some people could see it in a different way. I apologized to him right after I said it since he told me he was offended. I now know to not say that to anyone even if it s a joke, since it shouldn't even be a joke in the first place.
Wolfy's Unban Appeal
by Wolfy- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: Wolfy Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: STEAM_STEAM_1:0:47478606 Date / Time of Ban: Idk Admin that banned or muted (if known): Idk Reason for ban (if known): Um im a toxic 12vie Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because i think ive changed took a massive break been playing some other servers but its not as good as kzg <3
zacjac's Unban Appeal
by ✪ Zacjac - TwitchFun.TV- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: zacjac Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:60447634 Date / Time of Ban: December 2016 Admin that banned or muted (if known): sirtron i think Reason for ban (if known): scamming someone (tried to give it back) [not a kzg member] Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I'm not going to repeat the story of why i got banned as its in previous threads. I feel as if i should be unbanned because ive changed and matured alot as a person and i would never even think of doing what i did again. I want to meet all the new players on this server and hopefully some of the 2016 players again. Skyprah…
кєямιт's Unban Appeal
by кєямιт- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: кєямιт Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105966293 Date / Time of Ban: 09-07-17 20:57 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Larko Reason for ban (if known): Assumed for hacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: My little brother was playing when admins suspected that he was hacking ( he wasnt ) and i am not able to play on any KZG servers being that the ban was a community ban and a Ip ban
50's Unban Appeal
by 50.- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: 50 Server you were banned / muted on?: Combat Surf Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:179182092 Date / Time of Ban: 10-07-17 19:17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): TheRiddler Reason for ban (if known): spamming ff in console Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I'm sorry for spamming ff, saw someone else do it, saw that nothing was happening to them so did it aswell. Was a stupid idea and honestly sorry for doing so, I'm sure I won't do anymore stupid shit if I get unbanned, I won't be toxic and I'll follow the server rules. Thanks, 50
Sexy Smexy's Unmute Appeal
by Sexy Smexy- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: Sexy Smexy Server you were banned / muted on?: Combat Surf Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27574550 Date / Time of Ban: 12/3/17 20:18:55 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Super Soc Reason for ban (if known): Being very racist. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I have recived a 2 month siclence, and i apoligize, and i reconise what i have done wrong, also knowning what i was doing wrong at the time... I have been gagged close to 50 times in a month, and i'm not proud of it. I feel as this is something i can learn from, and not make this "Mistake" again. Please forgive me -Smexy <3 I know it might…
Hazza's Unban Appeal
by The Jamdonut- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: Hazza Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:198272424 Date / Time of Ban: 15/01/2018 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Jiggzo. Reason for ban (if known): Freekilled 3 people Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I belive that i should be unbanned because i am sorry for what i have done. I belive that everybody should get a second chance. I am a regular player and i am sorry for what i have done. i want to teach new players how to ct and i cant do that when i am banned. i am sorry for what i have done and i will never happen again. please forgive me for my actions and i will never freek…
Ace's Unban Appeal
by wolf2647- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Ace Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:173960865 Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: 02-18-18 19:40 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Duplicate Accounts Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: my previous unban req was denied but i would like to explain further. The reason that my account and others on my IP have 8-month bans is because of attempting to join a kzg server, while another ban was in place for a different account on the same IP (my brothers accounts). This was not an attempt to evade a ban, we just didnt know how long the original bans were for. Apparently this account STEAM_1:1:207390930 (m…
HUF's Unban Appeal
by HUF- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: HUF Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:150051574 Server Group: AWP Server: REEE Date / Time of Ban: 06-21-18 18:02 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: Reason [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account other account that is banned STEAM_0:1:94639360 it was banned 04-02-17 06:50 about a year ago but i was able to still play on this account edit: i have not moved or used a vpn to evade the ban before this ban Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i like to play sk again
✪ 5mile!'s Unban Appeal
by 5mile!- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: ✪ 5mile! Steam ID: jungle_jim12 Server Group: Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 06-30-18 15:32 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: wallhack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i have made other appeals, upon i admit, to ban evading, which was wrong. i will admit to using a wallhack in a kzg match, and beg forgivness because i love this server and cheating on it was a really stupid thing to do. i have two accounts on csgo. the one that was banned for wallhacking, (my alt/ my friend who never plays cs and hacks on it anyway's account) [idfk anymore] and this account [5mile!] thinking i wouldv…
pichi's Unban Appeal
by pichi- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: pichi Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:454582923 Server Group: Server: Fun Mod Date / Time of Ban: 11-11-18 15:47 Admin that Punished You: Console Reason for Ban: smurf Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I should be unbanned since this is now my 3rd false ban. I was banned for "smurf" which is a useless term to ban me on, I have already told a bunch of people that I have a griefing ban on my main for no reason on comp and that I cant join any server. (If you want proof ill record my self trying to join a server on my main) My main is When I got the griefing ban on my main I was…
Munckey's Unban Appeal
by Munckey- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Munckey Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:119962466 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_1:0:227669421 Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 12-09-18 06:19 Admin that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Link above explains that I was banned for using a free to play account, valve only recently gave word that csgo became f2p, and the only way KZG gave notice to there players that they weren't going to allow f2p accounts on there servers was via there group page on steam. I don't find…
Sloth's Unban Appeal
by EXOTICAU- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Sloth Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93194193 Alternate Accounts: Server Group: JAILBREAK Server: Jailbreak Date / Time of Ban: 03-26-17 16:58 Admin that Punished You: Skyprah Reason for Ban: Multi-Hack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i have been banned for almost 2 years, and i have never cheated since it was a one time thing and i genuinely want to play the game and KZG is the biggest server in australia and i really want to play on it but i can't because i'm banned of something i did years ago, i actually care about the game nowadays and have items i care about in my inventory that i wouldn't dare to chea…
leke* ʙʀᴀᴢɪʟ's Unmute Appeal
by ? ????- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: leke* ʙʀᴀᴢɪʟ Steam ID: Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: Permanent mute, i got muted on 16/01/2019 at 8:48 PM/ Admin that Punished You: panthA Reason for Ban: "After going through the logs from poison and yourself, I personally haven't seen any wrongdoings on Poison's end apart from a mistype that muted you for 30 minutes instead of 10. With that being said, going through your chat history of toxicity and consistent abuse against our players is unacceptable. Added in the fact that you have now threatened an a…
xy's Unban Appeal
by hipp- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: xy Steam ID: STEAM_76561198215762093 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AWP Server: BHop Date / Time of Ban: 02-05-19 Admin that Punished You: console Reason for Ban: i dont know why i get ban.they thought i aimbot Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: bcs i want to play
Big Holly's Unban Appeal
by Big Holly- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Big Holly Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:73746893 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: SKILL Server: Beginner Date / Time of Ban: 04-03-19 05:33 Admin that Punished You: Skyprah Reason for Ban: Releasing Personal Information Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Firstly, I understand that what i did was wrong and whilst i'm not happy with being perm banned, i would've thought a Week Ban or less as this is my first offence, i'm a very friendly peer when playing amongst the server and many on the server can vouch for me. it was late last night, playing on the server having fun whilst i hear angel bad mouthing oth…
Sexy Smexy's Unban Appeal
by Sexy Smexy- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Sexy Smexy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27574550 Alternate Accounts: If i'm going to be completely honest, i don't have any of the accounts anymore. Server Group: COMBAT Server: Combat Surf Date / Time of Ban: 02-16-18 15:58 Admin that Punished You: Gimmieyofries, order of "TheRiddler" Reason for Ban: Constantly toxic, doxing people, staff disrespect, just being a cunt in general Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: This ban was issued over a year ago, i do admit to use of alts (All are known about by staff already) I haven't been on KZG with a alt account if about 2 months now, as i was asked to stop.…
Chunky's Unban Appeal
by Chunky- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Chunky Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:96951204 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_1:0:77915059 STEAM_1:0:456224543 STEAM_1:1:99172254 Server Group: AIM Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 04-21-19 09:05 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I have no idea why I was banned. I don't have a vpn and have played on these servers for ages with no issues. Went away from my computer with counterstrike open for about 2 hours came back went to connect to the server and come up saying I was permanently banned. Have no previous banned accounts from both cs nor th…
[COMBAT SURF] stay lurkin's Unban Appeal
by stay lurkin- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: stay lurkin Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:535357114 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: COMBAT SURF Server: Combat Surf Reason for Ban: Aimbot Admin that Punished You: Clifford Reason for Ban: Aimbot Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I should be unbanned because i wasnt cheating, I am an old gen player from about 2 years ago and ive played kzg for a long time. I understand that a fresh account is sus but i came back to play a week ago a couldn't log onto my main account due to forgetting my email from years ago and passwords etc. i promise i wasnt cheating i swear on my mum i wasnt
[COMBAT SURF] Source/BLAKKA's Unban Appeal
by Source1- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Source/BLAKKA Steam ID: Steam_76561198131982933 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_76561198320423931 Server Group: COMBAT SURF Server: OTHER Other: kzg combat surf Reason for Ban: Auto Detected aimbot Admin that Punished You: AUTOBAN? Reason for Ban: Auto Detected aimbot Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: So i was banned on my alt first then tried to hop on main too see what was going on. Then remembered i was hvhing on my alt hoped on cbs not realising i had everything still on there and got banned this also banned my main staight away that was when i realised what i had done. I think i should be unbanned beca…