125 topics in this forum
1 in the Chamber ON JAILBREAK
by SANDOS- 2 replies
On 1 in the chamber days on the jailbreak servers, players can grab guns from the gun rooms with full ammo.
Minigames Suggestion + TS3
by Spodeyy- 3 replies
Suggestions Add Timers to minigame courses, a leaderboard can show the top players and add a competitive aspect to the community Teamspeak - The ip shown in chat to join the KZG teamspeak is wrong. It doesn't work, not sure if this is across all your servers but it is on minigames Thanks
Add these please!
by okikp123- 1 reply
Teamspeak is a very popular application for members of the KZG community and it has been growing alot recently especially the different games. It has come to my attention that many people have been playing League of Legends recently. So to finalize a LoL channel should be added for these players.
New maps
by MaticN- 1 reply
Hi guy, i would like to suggest new maps, e.g Train, Aztec? Is that possible?
skill surf Map Cooldown
by ???????- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Surely there should be a cooldown for a map. For example, if Kitsune has just been played, there should be 3-5 maps played before it can be voted for again. This will stop the constant playing of certain maps
Better Zombie Escape Csgo
by eaze- 2 replies
Zombie escape is one of the most popular servers on Csgo, 6/15 of the top community servers are Zombie escape servers according to game tracker. In Australia connecting to servers in America and Europe heavily effects the gameplay as you have 200+ ping and therfore could be fixed if KZG's zombie server if they were more populated.
1V1 Server
by CableTV- 1 reply
Hello are we able to add more guns to the 1v1 server like some SMG's, or shotguns?
NEW Dust 2 on Retakes
by tommo.- 3 replies
Adding the new Dust 2 on retakes would be a great way to train on the new map.
by Astellis- 1 reply
Can we please get a 250 ping cap on the compeditive server and the 1v1 server, it sucks when you're stuck with people with 300+ ping and they are just sitting there trying out the skins, if it wasnt for that they wouldnt be there since they are lagging so badly XD
M8, who wants some new maps!
by Haz- 1 reply
Add dis surf map...M8 surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons surf_Singletons M8
regarding ski
by jdogie- 1 follower
- 4 replies
since i heard there's difficulties with the old map i have linked below some possible candidates (personal fav) (very popular in na and eu, good map) (jail removed)
HTML Code In signatures suggestion.
by Ownaj- 1 reply
@wooki was asking in shoutbox for you @kwala. What he asked is if you could enable HTML code in signatures so he could have embedded discord links in his sig.
- 1 reply
So basically I was wondering if we could make it an option to gift credits, currently it's disabled I'm not sure why. For example I kinda wanna do a giveaway with 100k+ credits but can't really. Also was wondering if we would be able to make the credits global, for example if I have 20k on Mini Games I will also have 20k on Scouts and Knifes. Basically once you have bought everything you want out the shop they basically become a waste. But if you were to make it global credits I could go use the rest on Jailbreak or Surf and not let them go to waste. Thanks for reading ::weeb: :knight:
Low grav surf?
by Eatthedead7- 2 replies
IDK of this is already a thing but I remember how fun it was when I'd download a surf map and do sv_cheats 1, sv_gravity 400 (Again IDK if this is a thing already xd)
The Forum Avatar
by kidx- 1 reply
So the forum avatar is very small I think if we can do so, can we make it a bit bigger so we can see the pic like my you cant really see it ;(. Cheers, Pepsi
Scarecrow streching
by jary- 1 reply
- 847 views Please fix its really annoying. I think its to do with the glove plugin. This is on JailBreak.
by Sebastian_Vettel- 1 follower
- 5 replies
what the FUCK does VIP give you in surf thanks
Casual Competitive Map Pool
by panthA- 0 replies
Hey Just wondering if KZG was open to revising the map pool for the Casual competitive server. At the moment it is current possible to have no maps from the active duty group in a 5 choice map pool. The maps I could suggest removing would be those out of the Active Duty and less popular e.g. Italy, Aztec, Dust(CSS) ect. Alternatively, something like UMC3 could allow for a Category style system to allow for an Active Duty and Reserves groupings. This would allow players who specifically want to play maps like Office to still be able to vote for them. Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure how this would work along side SM's current map system. UMC3 can offer wh…
Showing spectators
by Will- 2 replies
Another little suggestion for bhop is when someone is spectating you a HUD will tell you who it is
private comp nights?
by kidx- 0 replies
So we get 2 teams for e.g Team Killzon vs Team [[cool]] and first to 24 rounds wins I think it would be awesome but what do the staff.
emojis on the forums
by quint3n- 0 replies
on some forums we have emoticons as well like kzg and we use phone emojis as well such as :rage: and :happy: but on we only have limited emotes and we still have Halloween emotes and Halloween was nearly a month ago now, i think we should get the phone emotes on the forums to :D
MINIGAMES Map Suggestions
by Forest- 0 replies
Some of the MINIGAMES maps are getting boring more maps should be added to make the server more fun here are two maps that are good and fun to play. 1. 2.
Credits / Store Ideas
by Jaggo- 1 reply
Whattup nerds, i've thought of some sik new ideas for the server. My first suggestion is being able to buy credits, e.g $5 for 5k. Gambling seems to be a pretty big thing so why not add this in. My other suggestion is a way of getting vip with credits, this is a suggestion and feedback is appreciated, but being able to buy vip for lets say only 1 or 2 months max for like 250k credits or smth. Just some ideas I had kek. thanks sk badmin jaggo
new kitsune
by Lachlan- 0 replies
add surf_kitsune_nb not the normal one, because this one has a bonus, no boost and fixed telehops
Complete the Map List
by caramel- 1 follower
- 1 reply
For the Casual Competitive servers, add de_nuke and de_anubis as both are currently in the official map pool but cannot be played on the Casual Competitive server.