Skill Surf
153 topics in this forum
Skill Surf Commands
by JDee- 0 replies
Skill surf commands A list of commands you can use on the skill surf servers - please keep in mind some commands are disabled on certain servers Checking Times/Ranks !mtop - Check the top ranking players on the current map. !btop - Check the top ranking players on the current maps bonus's !top - Check the overall ranks of the players !mrank - Check for group threshold times or a specific *online* players time. To check for group threshold - "!mrank @g1" Checks for the slowest group 1 time, you can put @g2 for group 2 and @g3 for group 3 ect. To check who is a certain rank on a map - "!mrank @*the rank you want to check*" eg. "!mrank @52" - which will p…
Skill Surf Rules
by JDee- 0 replies
Skill surf rules Breaking any of these rules will result in a punishment. If you see another player breaking the rules please use !calladmin to report the player, alternatively you could always make a support ticket on discord with any evidence you have of the incident (clips, audio, screenshots) and we can issue a punishment from there as well. 1 - Spam is not allowed in any form (micspam, chatspam, ect..) 2 - Abuse towards staff or players is not allowed 3 - DDOS/Dox threats aren't allowed and will be punished harshly (this includes jokes) (Self-doxing comes under this rule as well) 4 - Playing music without a staff members approval (musicvote) is no…
- 1 reply
It isn't a beginner map, it isn't even an easy map, this shit is HARD. I am pretty experienced with surfing and am by no means a beginner at it and I can't even get past the 2nd fucking stage in that map. What cooked unit was in charge of picking the maps for the beginner server because there have been so many maps I've come across on the server that aren't beginner maps in any way, shape, or form. The same goes for the easy server, there's so many maps on that that aren't easy at all but are in the map rotation for some reason. The map rotation on both servers needs a serious revision because they aint fuckin right. Obviously they were picked by someone who is very…
bring back zoomathon to noob surf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by NightmareAUS- 3 followers
- 7 replies
I really like Zoomathon it is one of my best and favourite maps, why was it taken out of Noob Surf! This is unacceptable, the only server I play is noob surf and that is my favourite map why can I not play it anymore????
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Made a little python script to send me discord notifications when a surf map I want to play is running. Maybe good for people going for map completion or recs on specific maps? Was bored so I came up with it just as something to do. Don't know if people will find it useful and might be a bit janky but anyways here it is.
Private Servers
by IcySuki- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Are you able to still buy private csgo surf servers?
Fix startzones please
by haydenn- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Whoever thought making it so if you re-enter a start you get restarted has no clue what they are doing. This idea is so trash. WRs are unbeatable now (aircontrol). The zones on the server are so trash that you need to leave the start zone and re-enter to even get a good start. Please just revert the changes, the old system was completely terrible, but this is actually so unplayable. just revert it
- 3 replies
Hi, I’m Silver 3 :)))))))))))))) and recently I have been trying to complete as many maps as possible while surfing on kzg. I have never enjoyed surfing one map for hours on end to further beat my pb time, and found more enjoyment in surfing new maps for the first time and completing them, so I set goals of completing 200 maps, all tier2’s, 300maps, all t3’s, completing 400maps etc. Currently working through what remaining tier4 maps I can complete. This post is aimed at discussing issues found during my progression and some questions regular players haven’t been able to answer for me. The original purpose for this post was to ask about the unfinishable t1/2/3’s that…
Landmarks: What they are and why they are broken
by CraftyCritter- 3 replies
Landmarks are used in maps when mappers want to have a seamless transition between 2 places. This differs from regular teleports, as regular teleports teleport you to an exact location in the level while landmarks teleport you to a position offset from the landmarks position. Example video: Notice how even though I went through the same teleporter, I was still at the same height on the ramp the entire time. There are good examples of broken landmarks on Silver 3's post so I won't post proof, but I encourage people to read his post so knowledge of the bugs on KZG is noticed and possibly something is done to fix them. What i…
Mesa_mine endzone broken
by GW96- 1 reply
At the end it says "You must pass all checkpoints to finish your run". Happened on easy surf yesterday and today I think.
by reubenwoof- 4 replies
This is a petition to bring back the AMAZING map which is surf_life_of_duck. I have so many memories from playing this on ZTS back in the day. #bringbacksurf_life_of_duck
There needs to be a change in the moderation system.
by eighty_88- 1 reply
I don't know why, but everybody is getting soft nowadays. A man can't even have an argument with another person, or even diss a mod without being muted or something similar. This server is my main server where I chill out and shit, but when people that can't help but drag attention towards themselves are on, the mods are way too overprotective of them and seem to only listen to their complaints. Why can't society just go back to normality, without the need for people to want what's best for themselves? The mods need to go through more trials then just being someone who only caters for themselves, and those who they deem worthy. KZG needs to get their shit together, I mean…
- 3 replies
I was trying to find this out because in !profile it only shows your normal rank
ADD back surf_legends
by But_A_Fly- 1 reply
It is just that uch of an og map. where the fuck did it go you had it back in 2018-2019. I need my favorate map back
Triggers broken?
by Sam|- 2 followers
- 3 replies
V.I.P triggers command (Sm_triggers) not working since recent changes? Wondering if this was intended or not and if so why?
fix the goddamn top 200 server
by CraftyCritter- 0 replies
its been broken for over a week nobody can join it
fix speed cap glitch
by CraftyCritter- 2 replies
When you hit a ramp and gain lots of speed (enough to easily hit maxvel) your speed gets slashed down to under 3500 when you should have 3500 constantly. It's happening on every KZG server and it makes some records impossible to beat and also makes maps harder to complete. surf_funhouse_njv (ramp before tele) , surf_wew (ramp 3) and surf_koa (but less noticable) are good examples. I've even booted up my own surf server to see if it was the game, and it was working as it should have. Plz fix
hey guys uwu
by Jaggo- 5 replies
hey guys!!!! im a new begginers surf player and i just want to tell yall im the best surf player out *dab* also who tf is blake
Game Crashes Every Time I Join A Surf Server.
by __GeMzZ__- 3 replies
Hey when i try and join a surf server my game crashes i verified game files and it said there where two files with problems but i auto fixed them but after that still crashes does anyone know why this happens? if so please let me know thanks. Juice.
surf_kitsune2 Walkthrough
by S1nap5e- 4 replies
Hey guys, new map guide on in my opinion one of the best tier 3 surf maps. Comment below on what maps you would like to see next!
the correct way of using !calladmin command
by Bl@ñk (Bl@storious)- 5 replies
Hello to all. I would just like to point out the correct use of the !admin command. Many players are trying to use the command but are not effective so admins can't help. !calladmin <message> /calladmin <message> where <message> is the message you trying to say. This message needs to include as many details as possible. Just saying "mic spam" doesn't help the admin know what the problem is. eg 1. !calladmin johnny is spamming his mic and has been doing this for 20 minutes now. eg 2. /calladmin jack is a new guy and he's playing music, we've all asked him to stop but he's carrying on I hope this post he…
Surf guides - surf_looksmodern
by S1nap5e- 2 replies
Surfed on 66t Let me know what map(s) you guys would like to see next!
1 month private server?
by Jonteee- 2 replies
Sorry if this isnt the right place to post this, couldnt find anything else that would make more sense to post on. Hi i just have a suggestion, im wanting to get a private server but $60 for 3 months is alot for something that im not sure if i even will end up preferring over the public servers, so i was wonderring if you could add a 1 month private server for $20 or maybe just even do a seperate sale for me. thx
- 2 replies
Please fix the teleports on stage 2 of surf_jumble, it sends you backwards making the stage impossible. Also surf_hotwheels bonus 6? or 5 does the same.
- 1 reply
Hello please fix surf_ardon bonus 6 timer. It won't save a time under 1 min or so it seems. Done it twice under 1 min.