Skill Surf
153 topics in this forum
by Wildonga- 0 replies
Hey just letting you know my VIP status hasn't worked for the past week, Thanks @VIP
Dealing With Youth Crime
by [REEE] RadicalRandal11- 4 replies
Dealing with Youth Crime Over the past two years, Townsville and surrounding areas have fallen victim to a new epidemic. As crime rates soar and sentencing rates drop, communities have decided to take matters into their own hands. This hate has led to strained ties between the community as vigilante hate groups emerge. Youth crime has come to the foreground of local political and social issues and cannot go unanswered. Currently, youths facing sentencing are being let off due to the sheer number of offenders already in the system. As offenders are being let off, only to reoffend, the youth justice system needs to be scrutinised and improved upon. …
Admin applications and shit
by ichangemynamealot- 3 replies
hello tito can you please give a reason as to why you deny people thanks it would make more sense then just a single word response bye thanks also woods for admin
Loading times
by ichangemynamealot- 7 replies
Can someone explain why this server takes a fucking year to load peoples settings? The time it takes is ridiculous and I feel like something isn't working properly. anyway please remove the loading timer and fix the issue instead xoxo
requesting tier upgrade of map
by kin37ik - 浪人- 0 replies
might cop some flak for it, might not, im of the opinion that surf_method most certainly shouldnt be classed as a Tier 2 surf map, experienced surfers will disagree and i can understand why. however it took even me 19 minutes to complete the map once and only once, some other players have mentioned that it is quite difficult, probably a little bit too much so for a Tier 2. im thinking it would just scrape in as a Tier 3 map if im honest, thoughts?
Surf suggestions
by First Class- 2 replies
Hey guys i'm going to be respectful and straight to the point 1.) WRCPS ON TELEHOP MAPS. This is super busted. There are 3 requirements that you need to meet to start a stage; A certain max velocity, no pre-hopping, and starting a stage on the ground. maps with tele hops either have the wrcp by glitching the requirements OR just by having them before the requirements were put into place. This makes it impossible to get wrcp on the stage or in some cases even start the stage (surf_furious stage 4) as it is a drop zone, and it triggers the "Starting stage on the ground" requirement. 2.) CHEATED TIMES. There are a lot of cheated times that have been reported, yes, …
by T- 1 reply
fix pls start boost teleporter at cp2
Map Recommendations
by Raven- 4 replies
Hello Fellow Surfers Can you please recommend some maps you would like added to the skill surf servers. Please post the name of map, Gamebanana link, the tier of the map, and the number of bonuses. I will go through the list and we will add all suitable maps to the servers: Please use the following format. Map Name: Gamebanana Link: Tier: Linier or Staged: Bonuses:
Skill Surf Styles?
by Noddy- 6 replies
It'll be good to gather everyone's thoughts on getting styles implemented for surf, Backwards, Sideways, Low grav etc.... As a bhop fuckn legend I am, I got sick of normal hoppin on maps so I just started jammin the styles and it made a much better experience. It's also good for some low tier surfers to have a crack at some records. (You never know guys... @My Name is Tito might surprise you and complete a map for once). Anyways it is a phattt +1 for me
Repost - A message about staff
by TheRealJonnyBoy- 5 replies
The fact that you deleted the post when you didn't even reply to an important reply, actually shows that you are wrong on behalf of .dex Here is a repost. I was muted for a day by .dex, one of the staff members which was understandable, I had broken a rule. But then when I joined back 1 day later and mentioned it, he told me to not say another word about it. I replied with "Ok", then another admin told me to not talk about it, I said "Whatever." 3 minutes afterward, the same admin that muted me told me not to talk about it again. Even though I had not said anything. I then typed this message: TheRealJonnyBoy: umm it’s been 3 minutes, .Dex, drop it. I was banned …
by droppy- 3 replies
surf_crush is kicking me because of missing map so I went to download the map from another server only to find that you have a different version of the map so I would like to request a download link to your version of surf_crush tyty
surf_ivory MADE BY SID <-
by Giraffe- 6 replies
Can we get it on the server ASAP. Thanks.
map broke
by blueiv ツ- 13 replies
hi i cant get the sr for surf_prime_time_r3vamp because it's broken. everyone has like 13,14 second times which is impossible the tele that the bot and everyone else uses is missing. pls fix surf_prime_time_r3vamp. tHanK yOu
Colum_up teleports
by S1nap5e- 2 replies
Hey there is just a minor issue in that the teleports in colum_up have all been rotated for some reason way to the right meaning that successful telehops on stage 5 and 6 become next to impossible. This wouldnt be a problem except that speccing the bot shows that the teleports for it are gun-barrell straight however making some times unbeatable
by Bobbby- 3 replies
i request that we get downycats other maps on this server (surf_zts and surf_galactic) because we already have downycats worst map (Catrix) which he made for his dead cats so i think we should put his other maps on because they are 20x better then catrix and would be a good addition for the community.
A message to the admins.
by Giraffe- 8 replies
Hello fellow killzonians! I am draph and I'm here today to talk about a serious issue that has yet to be dealt with. As many of you may know, one of your beloved surf administrators named Sid has created the masterpiece of a map named surf_beverages. If this is new news to you, you can check out some details of the map, including images and a playthrough of the main map over on the official gamebanana [< click] page where the map was released. Some more very exciting details to the map are that one of the greatest surfers of all time, donkey, has created a bonus that is featured in the map, and is very difficult if you lack the skills of tier 5 surfing. …
How true gods surf
by Giraffe- 6 replies
9/12/17 - Major Surf Update
by 1DJ- 4 replies
Hello, We recently deployed a new surf plugin across our surf network tonight. You'll notice a few things New Ranks - We've completely redone ranks, creating a more competitive experience. I know a lot of players may be dissapointed after changing ranks. But Please remember our old system was pretty shit. No way should a tier 1 only surfer be able to get to rank 30. The main change in this update is that points are heavily dependent on map tier and your rank in the map. That way getting a good time in a hard map is worth a lot more than simply finishing a tier 1. I urge you to think about this as KZG 2.0 Where you start from your new rank instead of…
Giving out points for stages (Poll)
by fluffys- 9 replies
Hello, I am posting this to get the communities opinion on the topic of Stages, specifically points in regards to completion of stages and stage records. The vote will have two questions: Should points be given out to players who complete a stage (players will not receive these points more than once, meaning no improvement points) Should extra points be given out to players who achieve a stage server record Keep in mind the points for these stages would be very low, something around 5 points for completion and 15 points for a stage record, and once a player has achieved their completion points for a stage, they cannot gain more points for completing t…
[Surf] Map vote lag
by Giraffe- 2 replies
The server always has a massive lag spike when the map vote pops up, really annoying for people in runs. @1DJ
- 15 replies
so since this is the only fkn server left standing (like a god damn cockroach) im stuck playing here, below ive provided some of my experiences and i have also listed some things that should be fixed ASAP before i go insane whoever zoned most of the maps has severe autism and probly has the surf skills of a 4 yearold - give someone with above 100iq zone perms (i suggest me) about 4 million random maps that are so shit they shouldnt even exist when doing most stage maps u spawn random ways wtf lol? im sure easy fix when using practice mode make it so it doesnt reset when entering new stages/endzones. remove thing that prevents you from surfing …
remove shit maps and stop fucking with shit
by theboygenius- 2 replies
Primetime has been fucked with enough either revert it back to normal and get rid of times or fucking remove the map along with spike and hero.
by mustbecheating- 5 replies
This map is pointless to have in the server all it consists of is a single ramp that goes straight, this is meant to be skill surf. where is the skill in going down a straight ramp??
Admin Enquiry
by (∨LONE) ❀ ducati ❦ flower- 0 replies
Hey i was thinking about applying for admin, pretty known name on the server. generally funny guy but when it comes down to it im not afraid to tarnish my reputation for the good of the server. whats the consensus here? everyone think i would make a good admin? also Surf_Lodypreview is broken
14/10/17 Map Update
by 1DJ- 2 replies
New Maps Tier 1: colum_2 (T1 9S B) superbia (T1 6S) dinwood (T1 4S) cancer (T1 7S) greenbrick (T1 L) prime_time_r3vamp (T1 6S) teho_v1 (T1 6S) forgotten_v2 (T1 L 5B) surf_chaos_fix (T1 3S B) Tier 2: colors_final (T2 9S B) quark_rc (T2 7S B) atrium (T2 6S B) boner (T1 4S) exurbia_v2 (T2 5S B) jenocide (T1 6S) lighrust_easy (T2 5S B) pathfind…