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294 topics in this forum
ExoticRage The Credit Thief
by N8tiveK0ala- 5 replies
Bish stole ma credits please donate to the poor koala on combat surf to gain my love.
The new English Dictionary
by ♣♣♣Cookiemeister♣♣♣- 4 replies
Ok so latley we have realized that the English Dictionary is lying to us and school is aswell. So below will be the new English Dictionary. School is actually Skrool Nachos is really cold Archos Jalipeno is now Galipeno Mum is now JUM Porn is now Corn Soup is now Soyp No is now Roe Crow is now Lorww Cookie is now Crookie Sorry is now Moggi Knife is now Kwiffe Sheep is now Shreep School is now Skrooll Pool is now Gooal Counter Strike:Global Offensive is now Silly God is now Knota Katana is now Krotarna Believe is now Berieve Skitz is now Skripts Cool is now Krooll …
Um pretty sure i am rank 1 on SK
by ♣♣♣Cookiemeister♣♣♣- 0 replies
Not actually but pro enough to be it
I feel special
by Jaggo- 10 replies
So basically whenever I play scoutz I generally say hi to people I know. Whenever THRASHER plays scoutz I say hi, no response. After atleast 50 silent treatments I finally got a response. I feel the bromance growing within us @THRASHER
- 9 replies
The 2017 Krakow Major is the next Counter-Strike: Global Offensive major. The tournament consists of 16 teams, 8 being Legends from the previous major (2017 Eleague Major) and 8 teams from the qualifying tournaments previously played this year. Through the CS:GO main screen, you are able to purchase and select 7 teams' stickers who you think will pass through to the playoffs, 1 team you think will go 3-0 in the group stage and a team who you think will go 0-3. The teams attending this major include: My Team Pick 'em so far includes: Feel free to show me your picks.
wiseys trial/admin idfk
by CheekyMyBabeh- 6 replies
Ok yall wiseys had his fun take his admin away
Thrasher Impersonation
by Acid- 5 replies
1,000th Post
by sm!- 14 replies
@Ec1ipse is stoopid @Sorrow is a fried unit @skyprah loves hanging behind cloud with his pip in 1 hand and his balls in his other @Acid pro doxer @Wan Kin Tu Yu (vol 0) anyways keen for a carry from myself @KiyaB another pro doxer, shit at cha cha slide @Sirtron average aim.... yeah @Harik ESEA rank s @the wage gap doesn't another pro doxer @DeadlyMullet fuck da amg @Void = vendetta mask @Cartiier RDMER x JIMMY RUSTLER @Stephhh major concerns for you as a person
by Uncle Fusion- 12 replies
Hey guys. Since I work a lot and have missed out on most things E3, what has been announced? What are we all excited for?
by Wolfleader- 10 replies
I currently do Overwatch boosting for ranks bronze,silver and gold. I can boost you to around anywhere between bronze and 2700 i will not boost any higher than that as higher level players have to play with noobs which isn't fun If i boost from anything below 1750 i will have to use your account as i am not low enough to play with you (This can change every so often depending on my rank) I can play any role at low levels and will carry you out of Elo hell! I can assure you that boosting your account is safe and free of charge. As long as people don't know your security question they cant do much but play on your account If there …
- 14 replies
I thought it'd be cool to see some of the oldest admin applications. Senior Managment @GimmeYoFries July 21st, 2016 JAILBREAK ADMIN APPLICATION Current in game name:GimmeYoFries What server are you applying for:[KZG] Jailbreak Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45553178 Age:17 Where are you located?:Auckland, New Zealand Do you have an in-game microphone?:Yes, I use it when I'm on CT or whenever I need to. How many hours on CS:GO?:3100 How many hours do you have on the server? Rounded down to 80 hours and currently rank #2 on the server. Have you read the server rules for the server that you applying for admin on?:I …
what's your desktop background?
by BuLLee- 22 replies
this is mine, share your BG, i want to see some good ones which I might change to
Overwatch Ranked
by Acid- 4 replies
Been playing a lot of Overwatch lately. Currently ranked 2000, chilling in Gold. Hit us up with your Battle.nets and will add some people if you are down to play sometime.
KZG Clash of Clans
by Guest- 8 replies
Hey Merkham, Aerobrian and I have created a clan on Clash of Clans for KZG. We thought this would be a cool idea for KZG to expand itself onto other games. The name of this clan is: KZG OFFICIAL The banner is blue with a white flame going diagonally across. We hope you guys will join, and help us defeat our enemies!
Happy 100 bbg
by Ec1ipse- 4 replies
HAPPY 100 @Macgregor WE FINALLY DID IT ! (It's all red since I don't want everyone seeing my snapchat stuff and Macgregor's code nor snapchat name)
Doing artworks for free, again!
by jackson- 6 replies
So I'm doing Steam artworks for free, banners and all sorts of graphic work for free again! If you want something just comment what you want below in this template: Name: Steam URL: What type of artwork do you want: What do you want in your artwork: Other: Oh and I've gotten better as well so expect more quality artworks.
by Lazer- 8 replies
Dear KZG, During the past couple weeks ive been getting hate for reasons of me talking shit. i have admittedly done this alot and i cant beg that you all forgive me expect numerous changes over time with my behaviour. during my time here on kzg ive realised everything you all have done for me and i do bad shit to you all sorry to everyone i have shit talked to. i do understand that this is all leading to a permanant ban and i dont want that so i am going to do do my best to improve and get myself on track, i have never been the friendliest person on kzg or the most liked so if you can all give me another chance ill make it up to you. - Lazer
- 7 replies
All the sheep all over the world turn into some sort of Carnivorous Zombie sheep... These sheep are continuously duplicating to a point where you will not be alive for a long time (5-20 Years) You can pick any 7 items in the world that you want to survive with. Do remember that these sheep are zombies so they will eat you... alive ^-^ But you can't just say something like "Lifetime supply of food". You would have to state what food specifically. It could be something like what follows Enough ravioli to last a lifetime, Enough water to last lifetime, etc... (Doesn't have to be worded like that) Good Luck Surviving!... Until you die ^…
The N Word.
by Acid- 17 replies
Discuss... Watch: My take: Thought long and hard about this. Unless we are going to ban the words: Towelhead, Gook, Faggot. Then Nigger shouldn't be banned. Either none of them are okay, or all of them are okay
Add me i need friends :^)
by Greey- 1 reply
Add me pls i need frunds yus yus yus uks duu
Zaccode 20 asks for nudes
by quint3n- 6 replies
Cards Against Humanity KZG Custom Deck CARD SUGGESTIONS
by Black Chef- 2 replies
Hey guys, So I've started a project of making a KZG theme'd deck for the online version of Cards against Humanity, if you don't already know what this game is here's the concept: Each round one black card is revealed, this is the question card and might look something like this: My only purpose in life is ___. you then use the 10 white cards in your hand to fill in the blank, the winner of the round is the funniest answer judged by the card czar whom's role is rotated every round. There are also blank white cards where you are able to write whatever you want as your answer for that round. Simple in nature, amazingly fun. So I'm aiming for MINI…
Best Netflix and Chill Show
by ♥ Sleepy ♥- 5 replies
What is your netflix and chill show? Mine is Rick and Morty
- 12 replies
Comment below what's to the right of you... those items to the right of you are the only items you can use in the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Glass Of Water Book Deck Of Cards
Favourite Music Thread
by sm!- 14 replies
Post your favourite music/artists below! I wanna see what KZG is into