505 topics in this forum
Admin Application
by TrumperyPear- 16 replies
KZG Forum Name: TrumperyPear Steam Name: TrumperyPear Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34793341 Age: 15 People Vouching: Nosey, Harry, B1N, Panda, Im a Bag Do I have an in-game microphone?: Yes Hours on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: 1,814 + 2 other accounts House on Combat Surf Server: 3d 15:41h Are you active?: I play everyday. Have I read the server rules?: Yes Have I ever donated?: No. Are you familiar with the admins on the server?: Yes Description of Myself: I am a 15 year old and I like to play for fun. I have been playing CS for ages, when I was a little kid I played Source, and then I started playing CSGO when it came out. I play on the KZG surf server alot…
mEdZ's Admin Application
by medzii- 19 replies
Hey KZG. Most of you on scoutz know me, but to those on other servers I'm mEdZ. I will occasionally play on the casual surf and 1v1 server and have previously played mini-games and casual comp but you will mainly find me on scoutz. I'm currently MG2 and have a GN2 account although I was DMG before I stopped playing matchmaking. I will happily play matchmaking with anyone who wants to but will rarely solo queue and basically spend all my CS hours on kzg servers. I'm applying for admin to highlight myself as someone who you can look for or talk to for help and to assist pre-existing staff in controlling the server. I strive to be more active on both forums and teamspeak to …
Delroy's Admin Application
by Delroy- 11 replies
I've been apart of this community for a while now, and I've enjoyed learning my place to the point that I'm... well, rather addicted. I've tried to involve myself in all aspects of the community and have already made friends I plan on keeping for a long while. But before this turns into another one of 'Delroy's Novels' I'll try to keep on topic. Basically, I want to express my interest in becoming a staff member for the KZG community. Specifically, the easy surf server. I feel competent in my ability to perform to the expectations and bring only law and order, keeping 'fun' the number one priority. I've been admin to one of the largest World of Warcraft private serve…
kin37ik's admin application
by kin37ik - 浪人- 14 replies
thank you to those who take the time to read this.
Casual Competitive - panthA
by panthA- 12 replies
My Alias is PanthA, I've been playing FPS games for the past 10 years and have been playing CS:GO specifically for nearly 3. I have competed at a decent level with CS:GO and at a very high level in previous games. All of which I have dedicated my life to. Servers I have Ran - Call of Duty Rifles only Harbor 24/7 Harbor 24/7 Arcane Gaming - SnD Call of Duty 2 Toujane DM 24/7 Arcane Gaming - SnD Call of Duty : UO [X] Clan - SnD [X] Clan - CTF Call of Duty 4 Arcane Gaming - SnD Arcane Gaming - Scrims Arcane Gaming - HC :RSM: SnD CSS Arcane Gaming - Scrims CS:GO Void Surf Arcane Gaming DM - Dust2 24/7 SvK - Scrims …
Hrollo Admin Application 1 2
by Hrollo134- 27 replies
IGN: Hrollo Which server: Minigames People Vouching: 3oo, Collector, Sammy, Snooked, Rocko, Destiny, Knxwledge, Flexicute, Critical, Cheese, Acid, Mr0z0 and Nitro Age: 14 (I do realise I'm only 14 Birthday is in 1 month) Steamid: STEAM_0:0:58459057 Play Time: 5.1 Days Microphone: Yes Description of yourself: My name is Hrollo, I am 14 year old Male from New Zealand. I am a mature and normally on minigames for at least 1-4 hours a night. I have been playing games for around 5 years now one of the first games my parents introduced me to was aion which was an online mmo game then moving on to steam games, ETC. Normally when i am not a…
by Cheese- 28 replies
Tay's Admin Application
by Tay- 13 replies
Thanks for reading my application. I love you all and have a terrific day :)
knxwledge ~ admin application 1 2 3
by knxwledge- 58 replies
thanks for reading :kzg:
Harik's Mod Application - JB 1 2
by Harik- 37 replies
Thanks for reading, means a lot!
Admin application 1 2
by Noddy- 33 replies
What server are you applying for: KZG 1v1, Casual Steam profile: Age: 18 Where do you live: Queensland, Australia Are you available most days: Yes! I am on every single day How many hours on the server do you have: 54 Hours. Do you have a headset: Yes I sure do How many hours on CSGO do you have: 794 Hours and counting! Have I read and understand the rules of the server Im applying for: Of course! Why do you want to be an admin: During my hours playing on the 1v1 server I have noticed a fair amount of griefers, hackers and dis-respectful people and only a small hand full of admins available to assist to these matters…
Destinys Mod App 1 2 3
by deSt- 61 replies
Description of Yourself: I am currently a 14 Yr Old loving life. My first name is Scott and I'm from Liverpool. I'm always a laid back guy who is easy to talk to. I have many hobbies, some of which are Football or Soccer :P F&F Movies, Walking Dead and of course Gaming! I have been gaming for many years now. The first game I encounted was Club Penguin, I would play this every Saturday for 2 hours whilst calling up my mate on dial up and just talk for ages about it xdxd Then second game I really got into on PC was Torchlight. Me and my brother would play this for ages and just grind so hard. I think that's where my habits of grinding Scouts day in and out came from :) …
[JAILBREAK] Rileyfitz's Mod Application
by rileyfitz- 23 replies
Thank you everyone for reading my mod application!
Black Chef Application 1 2
by Black Chef- 31 replies
I felt that applying for moderator first was the right choice having baby steps instead of leaping into the unknown. Please let me know what you think. Thanks as Always :tounge: Edit: If you would like to see how I handle real situations rather than me just explaining how then feel free to read my conversations with @Sirtron and @NBK . I handled both Situations differently as I knew that Sirtron would be willing to listen to what I had to say, I also met what he wanted along with adding my own points, this is how i do almost all arguments. On the other hand NBK wasn't up for any conversation, I knew this through his lack of effort and my previous interact…
Ec1ipse's Application 1 2
by Ec1ipse- 43 replies
Current Ingame Name: Ec1ipse What server are you applying for?: KZG Jailbreak Age: 15 Do you have an in-game microphone?: Yes Where are you located?: Australia, Perth How many hours on CS:GO?: 306 Hours Played, 2 Days, 10 Hours and 20 mins played on Jailbreak How often do you play CS:GO? Mainly everyday for 2-3 hours Have you read the server rules for that server you are applying for admin on? Yes many times and i have asked admins for the uncommon rules aswell Have you ever donated to the server? Yes, Lifetime VIP Name atleast two people who will vouch for you to be an Admin: Tito CELLAry Notsuree teaR Knight Sirtr…
Snooked's - Admin Application 1 2
by Snooked- 30 replies
Thank you for reading my Administrator Application!
Minigames Admin Application
by Teknique- 15 replies
Thankyou for taking the time in reading my Admin Application. Enjoy your time.
by TH3B3ATS- 16 replies
Jailbreak Server What is your Steam ID ( STEAM_0:1:88644382 What server are you applying for? Jailbreak Age: 15 Do you have an in-game microphone? Yes, loud and clear How many hours on CS:GO and on the KZG server you are applying for I have 671 hours on csgo and 138 on KZG What nights/days do you normally play on KZG servers? Mostly everyday Have you read the server rules? Yes Have you ever donated to the server? Yes, Permanent vip Name at least two admins who will vouch for you; Delacey, Not a cop, Gimme Yo Fries Why do you want to be a…
Alex's Admin Application
by AlexJones- 22 replies
Alex Jones Jailbreak Admin Application People Vouching Delacey Papi Sirtron Cellary Magic China Ec1ipse Rileyfitz g1zmo Nodigit Black Chef Marone SpicyGloobs Description of Yourself Personally I find it hard for me to define or describe myself, however, I am a 16 year old mature teen, I can definitely be a cheeky cunt at times, I can definitely be assertive but will be completely caring when needed, e.g, friends have issues and need someone to talk to. I love all types of hobbies from gaming to music to entertainment (such as movies and TV shows) and obviously all sports. I am in grade 11 at school and have had work experience as a poo…
Panda's Moderator application 1 2
by Panda- 31 replies
Thank you for reading this application. I would appreciate if you left some feedback on this application. Have a good day. :)
Admin Application [Updatedv2]
by Lucify- 9 replies
All written above in designated area.
B1N's Admin Application
by B1N- 18 replies
I hope that i do accepted as said before that i have the highest of hopes for this community to thrive, and that i hope that i can be here when that happens as part of the Calvary. i also hope to benefit the server with knowledge in general!! Thank you for taking the time to read my Application and i hope that you have a lovely day and that ill see you on a server later on.
Mini-games Admin app
by Doobzy^- 9 replies
My message to yall is keep doin' what ya doin' and keep KZG great :D Peace
Admin Application for Kronic
by Kronic- 11 replies
Current ingame name?: My In-Game Name Is Kronic What server are you applying for?: I am applying for the Casual Competitive server Steam ID ( STEAM_0:1:89992163 Age: I am 18 years of age Where are you located?: I am located in Mount Evelyn, Victoria Do you have an in-game microphone?: Yes I do have/use a microphone 24/7 How many hours on CS:GO?: I currently have around 1.1k hrs on record How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt or /playtime or gameme in server): I have 49 hrs on the Casual Competitive server Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: I have thoroughly read and accepte…
Majestic's Administrator Application
by AddicT- 15 replies
KZG Website Username: majesticc / majestic❤ Steam Name: majestic Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34906342 Age: 14 (turning 15 very soon) Location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia People Vouching: Dandy, J_VilL & Menma Do I have an in-game microphone?: Yes I do, and I am using it a lot more often now! Hours on Combat Surf: 4 days 02:38:06 hours Hours on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: 710 Have I read the server rules?: Yes, I have read them multiple times c: Have I ever donated?: Yes, I bought lifetime VIP a few days ago. Description of Myself: I am a 14 year old gamer (nearly 15) and I like to play for fun, and because the KZG servers entertain me for hours on end. I am…