1,239 topics in this forum
Justin's Unban Appeal
by jiggzy.- 3 replies
Your ingame Name: Justin Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:170985439 Date / Time of Ban: Unknown Admin that banned or muted (if known): Gyro Reason for ban (if known): Unclear Map Game Orders Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I believe I should be unbanned as my actions to cause the 12 hour CT ban were unintentional. From my perspective I had thought I had given understandable rules for the map game 9 Colors however my timings were certainly not on point nor was my explanation. From this I have learned that a demo is always needed for the map game being played and the rules must obviously be clear. I …
Andi's Unban Appeal
by Andi- 2 replies
Your ingame Name: Andi Server you were banned / muted on?: Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:115633803 Date / Time of Ban: 14:18:40 Admin that banned or muted (if known): ban_bot Reason for ban (if known): <14:18:37> Welcome to KillZone Gaming's Official TeamSpeak server. <14:18:38> Connected to Server: "[KZG] Official Teamspeak Server" <14:18:40> "Ban_Bot" pokes you: You have been banned for a VPN, if this is a false ban please visit <14:18:41> You were banned permanently from the server by "Ban_Bot" (VPN Detected, visit if this ban is false ) <14:18:41> Disconnected fr…
leo's Unban Appeal
by leo- 1 reply
Your ingame Name: leo Server you were banned / muted on?: Casual Comp Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:165975740 Date / Time of Ban: 01-04-17 00:35 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Senior Sirtron Reason for ban (if known): On the ban this is the reason link and it does not work. But i think i was talking crap in chat mucking around. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Becuase i won't talk crap in chat, and also ive learned my lesson.
Corbin H's Unban Appeal
by Corbin H- 2 replies
Your ingame Name: Corbin H Server you were banned / muted on?: Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:166075650 Date / Time of Ban: 10/1/2017 19:11 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Senior Sitron Reason for ban (if known): Spamming Chat Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I have learnt my lesson and am now more mature and a bette player and won't happen again
$EYE$'s Unban Appeal
by $EYE$- 1 reply
Your ingame Name: $EYE$ Server you were banned / muted on?: All the servers Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:181734830 Date / Time of Ban: 10/4/17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): I don't know Reason for ban (if known): Okay so what happeneed was my youngeer brother was banned on a server and beecausee we are on the same internet that made me geet banned >.> Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because I did nothing wrong lmao
CloudRush's Unmute Appeal
by black- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: CloudRush Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_CloudRush Date / Time of Ban: 02-23-17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): knxwledge Reason for ban (if known): Spaming Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: people ask me question i cant respond, cant talk to anyone,
ButtonsFX's Unban Appeal
by ButtonsFX- 3 replies
Your ingame Name: ButtonsFX Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:124944300 Date / Time of Ban: Can't Find It Admin that banned or muted (if known): Not to sure. Origanlly 400 Minutes From Eclipse. Then unknown for Perm Ban Reason for ban (if known): For using trickery. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I am well aware of the rules and i feel bad for using trickery. I used to play Jailbreak so much and really want to get back into it, because it had great admins and such a great community.
Bijin's Unban Appeal
by Bijin- 3 replies
Your ingame Name: Bijin Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157978586 Date / Time of Ban: 03-23-17 04:46pm Admin that banned or muted (if known): top 3 freash start Reason for ban (if known): Yes I do know why I was banned, I was banned for inappropriate language, which was the racist word that starts with N. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I now fully understand the no tolerance of racism this admin or this server may have. What happened was I made a joke saying "Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims" this was because people were joking around; I was muted in chat for 5…
Reano's Unmute Appeal
by Oniwach- 1 reply
Your ingame Name: Reano Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159176796 Date / Time of Ban: 01-22-17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Deadlymullet Reason for ban (if known): The reason for the mute is for saying ni**er one to many times. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I think i should be unmuted because i have learnt from my mistakes and I will never type or say ni**er again i hope the community forgives me and forgets about it
KILLSwiTch's Unban Appeal
by KILLSwiTch- 2 replies
Your ingame Name: KILLSwiTch Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: c0dst3r1721 Date / Time of Ban: 720 minutes Admin that banned or muted (if known): Ec1ipse Reason for ban (if known): Doing a patience day in cells Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because i didn't know that you could not do a patience day in cells im deeply sorry for it and im going to pay for VIP. Again im sorry and i will not do it again.
Lemons's Unban Appeal
by Lemons- 3 replies
Your ingame Name: Lemons Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: STEAM__0:0:64536205 Date / Time of Ban: 03-11-17 18:05 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Skyprah Reason for ban (if known): I was mic spamming and being abusive. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I am very sorry for Disrespecting an admin and not following the rules. I hope to play on this server again and seeing as its my first ban I would like to appeal and i sincerely apologize for the way i acted and it will never happen again.
Nimda's Unban Appeal
by I AM THE FUCKING ADMAN- 4 replies
Your ingame Name: Nimda Server you were banned / muted on?: Easy Surf Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:150485700 Date / Time of Ban: 02-21-17 18:24 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Tito Reason for ban (if known): The reason listed is ban evading Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: So here is my situation. A few weeks before this all happened I was on zts surfing and this guy with the name bumboy11 was on. I later found out his name is Tuck and he plays here too. Me and him started talking and he was telling me he got banned on kzg because of a name he…
Spunno_'s Unban Appeal
by Macgregor- 3 replies
Your ingame Name: Spunno_ Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159176796 Date / Time of Ban: Not Sure Admin that banned or muted (if known): DeadlyMullet Reason for ban (if known): Saying racist terms in chat and being a nuisance Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: sorry for saying nigger and being a nuisance to everyone - Spunnos words
TalkSick [Trading]'s Unmute Appeal
by TalkSick [Trading]- 4 replies
Your ingame Name: TalkSick [Trading] Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:161314168 Date / Time of Ban: 02/11/17 - 18:49:42 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Knowledge Reason for ban (if known): I actually don't know why I was muted because I was playing on the server, then when I joined the next day and tried speaking it didn't work. So then I checked if I was muted and it said yes. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because many people on the server know me and they enjoy me on the server because they like my jokes and because I got muted for nothing. Also, because I really enjoy speaking to the ser…
ANELE's Unban Appeal
by ANELE ⠀⠀⠀⠀- 5 replies
Your ingame Name: ANELE Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:152054662 Date / Time of Ban: im not sure Admin that banned or muted (if known): thrasher Reason for ban (if known): im not sure, i dont even remember being banned, i cant find any previous source bans on your source bans page. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i play alot of skill surf and i want to try jail break because i have played a bit of it on gmod and i want to learn it for csgo as well since gmod isnt exactly populated and the server seems really chill so im sure you put alot of work into your server so i dont want to disturb it in any…
`Juddy.'s Unban Appeal
by Juddy *OLD*- 15 replies
Your ingame Name: `Juddy. Server you were banned / muted on?: Casual Comp Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7043094 Date / Time of Ban: 29/1/2017 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Thrasher Reason for ban (if known): This is why I am here. I play alot, and I'm not sure why i am actually permabanned. I know only one reason that doesn't deserve getting permabanned was that i was using a soundboard on Teamspeak. I only played a couple of normal sound effects, no earrape around any admins, and I was permabanned in Teamspeak. It led onto all the KZG Servers. Now I cannot play on my favourite community that I have been on for a while now, and I don't even …
Nightly's Unban Appeal
by Nightly- 10 replies
Your ingame Name: Nightly Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68671825 Date / Time of Ban: 12-31-16 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Skyprah Reason for ban (if known): I was scamming people and i got banned cause it made the server look really bad cause i had the server group as my main group and it was really stupid of me and you get nothing out of it it all you get is bad shit back come back too you. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I think i should be unbanned cause i have thought about my actions and i was really dumb of me to try and scam someone and its not fun or fair for them and ill never…
Squirtle's Unban Appeal
by SquirtleOG- 7 replies
Your ingame Name: Squirtle Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37903346 Date / Time of Ban: 12-27-16 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Sirtron Reason for ban (if known): "Being Abusive Towards members of the KZG community" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: As many of you know I was not a good person, Hell I will say I was an absolute CUNT of a person. But that was the old me, The Squirtle that would snap at every little thing. It's been quite awhile since my mute and during that time I had a lot to reflect on, I have changed my ways since then, I found GOD and I am a changed person. I would really l…
KIWI DJ's Unmute Appeal
by KIWI- 18 replies
Your ingame Name: KIWI DJ Server you were banned / muted on?: Easy Surf Your Steam ID: Date / Time of Ban: 13/6/2002 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Delroy Reason for ban (if known): falsely muted for no fucking reason Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because all i said was ive heard shit about him i was never talking shit to him i said ive heard shit. and he said he has video proof he can show u it. when i was talking to him i was telling him ive heard shit and that he falsely muted gagged and BANNED my friend just for saying the word nigga. and if u watch the video i clearly …
Berlo's Unban Appeal
by Berlo- 4 replies
Your ingame Name: Berlo Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:145050430 Date / Time of Ban: 12-09-16 23:24 Admin that banned or muted (if known): DopeScope Reason for ban (if known): I got banned for acting immaturly to an admin (ignoring admin), It didn't go far but I got perm banned which sucks because I'm faily new to the server Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I would like to be unbanned because I feel stupid about what happened and I know I can act a lot better than what I did, I just wasn't having the best of days and kind of released that anger on to DopeScope, I'm sorry and I hope you can …
EXTC's Unban Appeal
by xxxtasy- 1 reply
Your ingame Name: EXTC Server you were banned / muted on?: Casual Comp Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77303240 Date / Time of Ban: 2-3 Days, forgotten time. Admin that banned or muted (if known): CONSOLE Reason for ban (if known): Bunnyhop script. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I apologise for using the script. No one was on the server at the time and I wanted to test it out. If I were to be unbanned or not I will not use third party scripts for self benefit. I'm sincerely sorry and hope I can be trusted to play among-st friendly others.
Le James's Unmute Appeal
by Le_Jamez- 3 replies
Your ingame Name: Le James Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:193634030 Date / Time of Ban: 8/02/2017 19:52PM Admin that banned or muted (if known): Thrasher Reason for ban (if known): I said nigger once than Foxie said "Nigga" so i corrected him and said "Nigger" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I get that i got a perm mute and i accept that but a perm gag. I dont really think that a perm gag is necessary. Foxie said "Nigga" and i corrected Foxie by saying " *Nigger".
kinji's Unban Appeal
by kinji- 4 replies
Your ingame Name: kinji Server you were banned / muted on?: 1v1 Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:139115750 Date / Time of Ban: 14/02/17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Lockhart Reason for ban (if known): for saying kys in text chat Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i dont deserve this shit
Stacy's Mom's Unban Appeal 1 2
by Stacy's Mom- 49 replies
Your ingame Name: Stacy's Mom Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:196680583 Date / Time of Ban: 04/02/2017 8pm Admin that banned or muted (if known): Harik Reason for ban (if known): "wall hacking" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Well first of all i dont wall hack. Secondly why the fuck would i hack in Jailbreak. Thirdly if it even looked remotly close to wall hacks it was a lucky shot, i know for a fact that if i was walling there would be more than 1 piece of evidence so until you can provide me with more than 1 shot how about u stop abusing your power based on 1 source and 1 piece of "solid evidence…
Uncle Gazza's Unban / Unmute Appeal
by ✪ Uncle Gazza ✪- 2 replies
Your ingame Name: Uncle Gazza Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:186383700 Date / Time of Ban: 01/25/2017-12:24:18 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Deadly Mullet Reason for ban (if known): I had left my slam on diddent mean to and i alt tabbed to change my mic settings and my slam played on its own it played shrek ear rape and now i am perm muted. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because i diddent mean to use my slam and i like talking to people