125 topics in this forum
by Haz- 6 replies
NEW IDEAS FOR 1v1 Firstly there should be a better ranking system for example, If someone is ranked 2 on the server and has just joined the will be put into arena 10 will people that are rank 1000 and higher will be in arena 8-10 and will lose 1-5 matches to people way out of their skill level. Therefore there should be a system in place to position higher ranked players into arena 1 - 5 when then join the server. Secondly there should be more player slots in the server as only 10 arena is just to little. There should be at lest 30 player slots (15 arenas) as people that are ranked 3000 are competing againist people ranked 1000 and up. Also having more player slots …
!knife Glitch (MG)
by Hawaii- 3 replies
In minigames, in certain maps you do not spawn with a knife for certain reasons (killing, when you are not allowed). If we could remove this bug that would be great. I already know that if you do the knife glitch you will be slayed/banned, but you could maybe remove it on certain maps or make a warning of some sorts to people.
by shanehehexd- 13 replies
add !showtriggers to bhop to help with routes that require you to avoid annoying triggers like bhop_forest
!ws plugin broken on cascomp
by paradiso- 3 replies
Atm the !ws plugin seems to be broken. Skins are reset and joining/rejoining seems to randomise skins or give you someone elses skins. Any fix to the issue will be nice ?
1 in the Chamber ON JAILBREAK
by SANDOS- 2 replies
On 1 in the chamber days on the jailbreak servers, players can grab guns from the gun rooms with full ammo.
1V1 Server
by CableTV- 1 reply
Hello are we able to add more guns to the 1v1 server like some SMG's, or shotguns?
1V1 Still crashes people
by SpaceJam2k- 2 followers
- 4 replies
Since no one wants to report it, I will, 10 people just crashed before i got fucked aswell. happens at the start of nearly every game. thanks cunt
5v5 Scout tournament? 1 2
by deSt- 27 replies
@BuLLee @Nosey @Ironstrike @Sir Blazemore @Mr_Merkham99 I think this idea has been suggested before but got completely ignored/forgotten about so I'm re bringing up the idea. Basically it's pretty simple, it would be 5v5 Low Gravity on a yet to be decided map. There will be 8 teams of 5 (More could be added depending on how many people like the idea) Each game will be best of 16, if you win you move on in the brackets. Each match will be watched over by an admin or either a mod. Prizes could consist Credits/Raffle Tickets. Rules: General KZG Rules Obviously no cheating. No abuse, banter is obviously allowed just don't take it to far. (Post anymore …
- 5 replies
So my first point is that are we able to make it so we can edit/ delete posts in shout box. I have found many situations where I misspell a whole sentence due to auto correct and I'm unable to edit or delete. If this is not possiabld to get changed are we able to decrease the time from 25 seconds to 10 or 5? Seeing if you do make a mistake you can correct your self a lot faster and it saves the person your talking to time.
- 1 reply
So basically I was wondering if we could make it an option to gift credits, currently it's disabled I'm not sure why. For example I kinda wanna do a giveaway with 100k+ credits but can't really. Also was wondering if we would be able to make the credits global, for example if I have 20k on Mini Games I will also have 20k on Scouts and Knifes. Basically once you have bought everything you want out the shop they basically become a waste. But if you were to make it global credits I could go use the rest on Jailbreak or Surf and not let them go to waste. Thanks for reading ::weeb: :knight:
Add these please!
by okikp123- 1 reply
Teamspeak is a very popular application for members of the KZG community and it has been growing alot recently especially the different games. It has come to my attention that many people have been playing League of Legends recently. So to finalize a LoL channel should be added for these players.
add, !rank and !coin please!!!
by SpaceJam2k- 5 replies
You guys should add, !rank and !coin With ranks, it will appear with a list of ranks from silver to global. which players can choose their own rank to be next to their name. With coins, it will appear with all the coins that are out their, from tournament trophy coins, to pins, etc which players will be able to have beside their name.
- 5 replies
Basically it would be cool if we could get some new player models on Scouts & Knifez. Currently I believe there is only one player model for the t side and I think it would be cool to get some additional ones. Here is a few ideas that would be cool if they got added. http://gamebanana.c…
Ak - 47 special day - jailbreak
by RobloxKid999- 11 replies
I have seen many amazing special days like AWP FFA or Cowboy day but i think more should be added. I think a new special Day to be added could be an ak-47 day. I think this special day should be added as it proves peoples skills and it would help people to get better with sprays and of course it would be fun. I look forward to seeing what you guys have to say! - Le James
Awp Server?
by Bekky- 4 replies
I believe an AWP Team Deathmatch server is needed.
Ayo wtf is this trickery???
by Chibiz- 3 replies
So I was jus' surfin on the new 100% server and I had no problems. Then I notice a nigga places 100 tick on the server title.... But the server aint 100 TICK!!!!! I fuckin h8 liars
by Mr_Merkhem99- 8 replies
Okay so, I recently started going on b-hop servers to improve my ability to b-hop and that, and thought maybe KZG could get a b-hop server? Would it not only be fun to play, but people who want to learn b-hopping on Scouts can join a b-hop server to get the hang of b-hopping. Just an Idea Cheers Lads
B-hop Server
by Ka-chow!- 16 replies
I'm from easy surf and on some maps there is B-hop bonuses or maybe even in the actual map. i am enjoying the opportunities i get to B-hop and i think it would be really cool if KZG got its own B-hop server. i can find B-hop servers elsewhere but i really like the KZG servers and i would like to stick to them.
Better Zombie Escape Csgo
by eaze- 2 replies
Zombie escape is one of the most popular servers on Csgo, 6/15 of the top community servers are Zombie escape servers according to game tracker. In Australia connecting to servers in America and Europe heavily effects the gameplay as you have 200+ ping and therfore could be fixed if KZG's zombie server if they were more populated.
Bhop section doesnt work
by ichangemynamealot- 1 reply
Can't make a topic, please fix it or don't who cares.
bhop spectating
by waffu- 4 replies
hi there ,, just a quick suggestion ,, or "bug" in the bhop servers is to fix / implement the spectating server records. i have a selected amount of server records for legit bhop and would love to rewatch them to record or see where i could improve. bhop currently has a spectating option (!replay) but when using it the bots seem to stand there and not show the replay. would really love this to be fixed or properly implemented in bhop and im sure others can agree (unless this issue is only not working for me :/)
bring back ski
by ππͺπΉπͺπ΅πΈπ½- 2 followers
- 5 replies
Could we please have surf ski back in rotation in combat surf?
bring back the member list
by Sirtron- 5 replies
Can we bring back the shortcut to and the staff list in the header of the forum? makes it quick and easy to check the members also allows new members to learn who is admins and know the senior staff is. Probably already in the cards to bring back just checking in.
Build Wars
by ForceX- 17 replies
Yo, The link above is a video of buildwars it is a CS:GO gamemode that I find quite enjoyable. Purple Dragon was the head admin of a buildwars server until it got hacked and shutdown he then went on to make his own one. The original buildwars server had max 32+ people. General Scope Of The Game Mode: You start off with two teams both teams build bases using props found throughout the CS:GO maps and you can rotate flip and turn these props and use 1 way walls at the end of the timer the team with the most players will go out of their base and go rush the enemies base. The objective is to either find a flaw in …
Capture the Flag?!
by Acid- 14 replies
Killzone Gaming - Capture the Flag (CTF) Why should we add this gamemode to KZG? Personally, I think this is unique. There are only a handful of CTF servers out there. I can see myself enjoying the fuck out of this. Please comment below your thoughts on the idea. About: 2 Teams (CT and T), in a DeathMatch situated gamemode. If you're not already familiar with CTF, both teams have to travel to the enemies bases, capture and return the flag to their base to gain points. How do we make this gamemode interesting and fun? We introduce: [*]Jump Pads, Teleporters [*]Guns Placed at random locations of the map [*]Speed Boost Powerup [*]Invisibility Powerup […