125 topics in this forum
by Charon- 2 replies
On the mg server the mp_round_restart_delay is @ 0 it would be nice to set it to 1 on maps where its team vs team and there is a 1v1 we dont know what happened and who killed who. thanks c:
NEW Dust 2 on Retakes
by tommo.- 3 replies
Adding the new Dust 2 on retakes would be a great way to train on the new map.
new kitsune
by Lachlan- 0 replies
add surf_kitsune_nb not the normal one, because this one has a bonus, no boost and fixed telehops
New maps
by MaticN- 1 reply
Hi guy, i would like to suggest new maps, e.g Train, Aztec? Is that possible?
New Maps - MG
by beary- 5 replies
Any new mini games maps to add in? would be nice to place something new!!
New maps (Easy Surf)
by Tay- 1 reply
Now I know that we are waiting for some changes to come to KZG before we have new maps added and other things, but could we possibly get just a few new maps in, just to keep us busy or something. Currently completed all available maps and find that a lot of them are getting stale. Perhaps just a few tier ones or something? Perhaps some: Rebel Scaz/Resistance Water run banjo Beginner Happy Hands Sunny Happy Love Cubic Doodles Ember Simpsons Healthy_e
Offline Reporting System
by Black Chef- 22 replies
Players are more likely to break the rules when admins are offline, this is just common sense but currently the only ways to report issues during this time period are incredibly slow and time consuming. My suggestion for fixing this is /report "name" "reason" this command could be used by any admins/moderators from any server instantly expanding the number of patrolling staff on a server. Admins for the server can then type /reportlist to see who has been reported, for what reason, who by and what time it was reported. Admins for the server can then type /reportremove "name" to remove this report from /reportlist.
Percentage of your posts
by Sirtron- 10 replies
If when you looked at all your posts it would give a breakdown of where you have posted and how many threads/posts you have made in certain areas.
by Astellis- 1 reply
Can we please get a 250 ping cap on the compeditive server and the 1v1 server, it sucks when you're stuck with people with 300+ ping and they are just sitting there trying out the skins, if it wasnt for that they wouldnt be there since they are lagging so badly XD
Possible BW server? (Build Wars)
by Elev8- 3 replies
Hey guys, ive noticed that theres no BW servers on cs-go? The mode was quite popular in css i probably spent over a few thousand hours playing the game mode and i assumed that it would continue to live on in cs-go but i haven't found any? Ive created this thread to possibly get a KZG Build Wars server, im quite new to KZG and i have no idea how much a server costs to run or even if this is a possibility for the future, this is just a suggestion on my behalf as i think it will attract a huge amount of people to the concept of the game mode. Description [*] There are two phases, the build phase and the war phase. During the build phase, the Terror…
private comp nights?
by kidx- 0 replies
So we get 2 teams for e.g Team Killzon vs Team [[cool]] and first to 24 rounds wins I think it would be awesome but what do the staff.
Ranks for non admins
by Sirtron- 2 replies
So basically if people are not wanting to become admin but still want to grow and develop with the server they have no recognition, I would suggest that that after a certain amount of forum posts they would increase by a rank.
regarding ski
by jdogie- 1 follower
- 4 replies
since i heard there's difficulties with the old map i have linked below some possible candidates (personal fav) (very popular in na and eu, good map) (jail removed)
retake server
by knxwledge- 6 replies
@skyprah why u slackin fo retake server pls thanks
Retake server?
by Uncle Fusion- 17 replies
It would be cool if you guys had a retake server, they can be pretty popular, also its good to practise on! :)
Rust Server
by MyCookedNugget- 19 replies
I was wondering if Killzone Gaming Can Bring Back A "RUST" server as it will be beneficial for the Community, and i dont recon it will take you guys that long to figure our the finanaces and what kind of a server you want. Let me know in the comment section if this is a Great Or Bad Idea
Save The Bacon fix
by jary- 2 replies
So on Minigames at the moment when you play save the bacon, It has auto respawn which is nice. But the auto kill in spawn is still acitivated about 2 minutes in the game so people keep getting killed non stop so u cant move or do anything please we need a fix on this map. Thanks! :D
Scarecrow streching
by jary- 1 reply
- 847 views Please fix its really annoying. I think its to do with the glove plugin. This is on JailBreak.
ScoutznKnivez alternate round
by medzii- 14 replies
Thought of an idea with inspiration from a 1v1 server I used to play on. That is to make one of the rounds for each map something different. Some ideas are no-scope, chicken (player models and hit boxes are replaced with chickens), additional health, 1hp round, normal gravity, deagznknivez and knife only. If any one else has other ideas for this let me know :)
Server Idea's
by Fybiz- 1 reply
Surf Server: Shoes: SurfBoard SkateBoard Nike AirMax Treadmill Boots Hats: SnapBack Dildo Characters/Costumes: Dildo Unicorn with dildo as a horn Surfer dude Me Sky fat dwarf
SG AWP Mapool update
by vilify- 1 follower
- 2 replies
The mappool has been the same since the start of sg awp (2018ish) and i would love to see new maps on the server as it is getting repetitive
by jary- 11 replies
Currently u cannot edit or delete the shoutbox messages. I would like it to be added thanks.
Showing spectators
by Will- 2 replies
Another little suggestion for bhop is when someone is spectating you a HUD will tell you who it is
Sign in with Steam doesn't always work
by Bl@ñk (Bl@storious)- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I have just battled for about 10 minutes trying to sign in using steam. I even tried clearing my cache and cookies before signing in but that didn't help. It finally has worked now. Can this please get looked at? Another question is now that I've signed in with steam, is it possible to change my account from a steam sign in into a normal sign in? I just don't want to run into the same problem again. I almost made a new account but then i would lose all the posts from this one.
skill surf
by Dubzz Fx- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hello I am Dubzz Fx and I'm 15 years of age, I've been playing for while now I'm currently rank 4 on skill surf and here is a small list for now with some of the easiest bugs to fix that would make the server alot better and more enjoyable for the people, so lets get started cheated times/glitched times: most of the t1 maps have cheated time such as surf_summit, surf_reprise, surf_nyx, surf_mesa_fix these are not all the maps but their are time are just unbeatable because remove a skip or the start zone like surf_rebel_resistance, surf_egypt and surf_overgrowth2. speedcap/server down: Kzg has alot on maps on it that don't have the right speedcap on it such as …