189 topics in this forum
Suggestion for scoutsknives
by owenadamant- 4 replies
Just curious if there is a way to fix a bug on scoutsknives. My guns seem to be randomly dissapearing and only showing a crosshair. I can still fire and scope normally but the weapon viewmodel isnt visible
Combat Surf Tournaments SUGGESTION
by TheRealTeo- 4 replies
Hello all KZG members, I would just like to put an idea out there for skyprah and other admins... I think that combat surf tournaments is a good way to bring new players into the community and a chance to have some fun. This tournament will be like any other there will be two teams competing, those two teams will consist of 5 players on each team. The max amount of teams will most likely be decided my skyprah and thrasher you will have to register your team on a forum just like this one before game day. Prizes can be requested by you guys in the reply's bellow +1 this if you think this can work -1 this if you think this could not work
Combat surf Keeping weapons
by Dandy♔- 4 replies
I and many others from the combat surf community think after each round you should keep your weapons as it can get quite annoying trying to get them again. Also i find it helpful for people to just start the round off with their previous weapon as they don't have to waste time going for that weapon again. Not much to write about this topic as it is pretty straight forward (:
Server ideas!
by medzii- 4 replies
Just a few ideas for servers, some I've heard from others and I'm sure others have been requested but here's what I've got: -Hide and Seek -Gun Game -Zombies/Survival -King of the Hill Will update with any other ideas or suggestions if people want to reply with their thoughts ;)
Combat Surf
by CableTV- 4 replies
Hello have you ever consided having 100% accuracy on the combat surf?
Guns for Surf Easy
by ValveBoi- 4 replies
Could we have the option to have !guns so we could choose an AWP or M4A4 or any gun to put skins on, like the Dragon Lore and other cool skins. It would be cool to have this and it would not interfere with killing people because you can't kill anyone anyway. :)
Forum ranks
by Sirtron- 4 replies
Ok, i was bored this morning and got thinking which is never a good thing, but I got thinking about the forum ranking system. I know that it has been talked about for awhile between people and we all agree it is a really good thing but time is money and we all do this out of love of cs:go so there is never any time frame put on projects, so it has been put on the back burner while other more important things have happened. What I'm suggesting in is for the forum ranks to both be visible in on the forums and also on the KZG servers. I know this is more than likely going to be way to hard and not worth trying but still thought I might share and see if it is possible. So,…
Added CT Player Skins for MG
by Acidic- 4 replies
As a regular user, there are only two available CT player model skins I can buy from the !store and a lot of T skins for some reason. Is there a reason why it's so unevenly spread out and maybe it would be a good idea to add some more CT skins?
- 4 replies
"Strictly" Jailbreak: Prisoner & Guard Skin Packs: All Servers: - War type of models - Overwatch Character Tracer - Agent 47…
!hide fix
by jary- 4 replies
Hi so recently today i realised that on minigames when u do !hide it doesnt hide vip player models. Can we please get a fix on this please. Thanks!
- 4 replies
There's been quite a few experiences that more than myself have dealt with where staff have been annoying with their mics and us plebs are unable to !sm them since it will result in a kick. It's a silly rule to begin with that we're unable to !sm everyone, if a staff member needs to talk to you, they can always just use admin chat anyway. So can we please remove this rule as its annoying you can't mute admins, especially if they have a shitty microphone .
by jary- 4 replies
So on MG there is auto respawn and when it goes to a multi-game map it's still on and I find it annoying to have this on those maps. Would like it to be somehow removed on multi-game maps only. Thanks
Killzone Overwatch Server
by Magic- 4 replies
As some may know the new update (which is still in beta) includes dedicated servers, here is the updates info. soon every player can create their own, unique Overwatch experience and share it with their friends, their teammates, or the entire world. Introducing the Server Browser. An extension of Overwatch's Custom Game mode, the Server Browser allows you to adjust the settings on various maps, modes, and heroes, creating your own tailor-made server. If, for example, you want to increase Pharah’s missile speed or remove the cooldown from McCree's Combat Roll, the power is yours. Once you're happy with your settings and you're ready to launch your game, you'll n…
RP job suggestion
by Dongle- 4 replies
As a new server KZG roleplay is bound to grow with new content. One of those being the assortment of jobs you can choose. What I propose; Arms dealer A method to get 'materials' in order to craft weapons (perhaps picking them up from somewhere and delivering them somewhere else to give police a chance to catch them) Ability to craft weapons Higher tier weapons as you level up the job (levels up by crafting weapons) A safe place to store materials as it would be unfair for a cop to confiscate your life work Sell guns to other players rather than a vendor, you get to decide how much you charge them! A setback of this job could includ…
[TTT] 1-hit knife
by Giraffe- 4 replies
Perhaps limit the number of times it can be bought to once per round as it is extremely OP and skill-less if it's any more than that.
Dust_2_overcore barrels
by Dandy- 4 replies
Can we remove the barrels on dust_2_overcore (combat surf) - i made this suggestion many months ago, it was accepted yet nothing ended up happening about the situation. Especially want them removed for the surf 6v6 tournament They were originally removed however added back in for whatever reason Thanks
by tommyboi_cro- 4 replies
Can we have deagle + knives oneday pls? I love the warmup on some sk maps where u have a deagle. Pls consider senpai.
by sown- 4 replies
Hey, just asking if or when demos will be added again. They help a ton with "unban" disputes and could also be used as a form of media production. I know they require alot of memory but they shouldn't last long (2-3 days maybe?). I don't know if they'd be required on all servers but definitely more staff intensive ones. Although we have chat logs, alot can be said on the mic and also "in action" eg: Jailbreak. It is also important to have demos in an under-staffed server, that way the average and honest player could have a liable source to track misdemeanors If demos do comeback i hope that they're advertised in server chat, as it would be benefitial for members to r…
Deagle only server
by ₣Ł€ŦĆĦ_19- 4 replies
Although it was a while ago, I talked with an admin about a new server, and he/she said that if I got 50 signatures for people who would play, they would make it happen. I lost the doc I had with about 40, and gave up. After hearing peoples interest and enthuisiasm on them wanting to play a server like that, I decided i'd come here and propose it. I understand you may not have the equipment/time/staff for something like this, but if you do, I am willing to do a signature count sort of thing. Ty in advance.
hitreg sucks i hit good shots and even tho i just to get you guys to admit it sucks and you need to fix it
by Zurls303- 1 follower
- 4 replies
fix the hitreg for the sake of csurf i cant play its bullcrap i hit a shot it wont hit me and every1 think that too its not just me so whoever can fix it pls fix it its annoying its bugging i cant hit shots i hit good shots minium dont say its good bc thats wrong see ng and dxn had good hitreg do that get there hitreg make it like theres dont just leave it pple wont play on it as much even tho theres like aton of poeple on there it goes down by night if you had good hitreg then i wouldint have complained but this is a reason i am bc me i like playing i like hitting shots but however you guys decided nah the hitreg is fine but its not its really …
Ability to spectate
by smokey- 2 followers
- 4 replies
Tonight me and a couple of others ran into a cheater around 11pm. Because it was so late, there were no admins online to do anything about it so we all lost a good amount of points. Giving players the ability to spectate would be extremely useful, especially for those late week nights where people turn their cheats on to farm up as much points as possible. Tonight I had to try gather as much evidence as possible by climbing up into Arena 1 every time and baiting out suspicious shots (which is extremely hard when they try and hide their cheats). Please take this into heavy consideration, because enabling spectate will allow players like me to be able to reco…
More Admins On JailBreak Server
by teaR♡- 3 replies
On the server we have much fun and joy whilst the Admins are on but what happens when the Admins are off... *Answer* People disobey the rules and apply their own rules. For instance last night on the 3/6/2016 I've witnessed many people disobeying the rules and a lot of free killing was happening but there were no admins on that night. We need more admins on~! :blush:
Hunger Games Server
by Magic- 3 replies
Hunger Game servers are awfully popular and have great success but there are only 2 AUS/NZL servers so far and I think this would help Killzone gamings Community. Mag1c, (just a tip nothing to serious :) )
Collisions between players
by YouthCoon- 3 replies
collisions are on between teams are on, meaning that beautiful bhop that u had going was just ruined on some random kid that you wanted to knife, basically turning collisions off will make bhopping on the server so much more fluent etc, i used to play on other scoutzknifez servers and it was a m a z i n g, so fluent without a chance to be ruined by some kid flying in the sky opposite to you , :)
Rust Section in Forums?
by deSt- 3 replies
I was wondering if we were able to get a Rust section in the forums, would be easy to post suggestions/bugs & just have a general discussion about it. @Kwala @skyPRAh