The Lounge
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294 topics in this forum
Killzone Gaming Community Discord Rules
by My Name is Tito- 1 follower
- 0 replies
To maintain a fun and enjoyable experience within our community Discord server we have a set list of rules. Server Rules We will always enforce Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Discord's Terms of Service Discord's Community Guidelines Killzone Gaming's Terms of Service If you have any staff complaints, please create a Report Staff Ticket in #support or direct message "Mr Awesome#6228", we will deal with them accordingly. Rule 1 - No NSFW Zero tolerance for NSFW / NSFL content / discussions. (This includes usernames and avatars). Rule 2 - Be Respectful There is zero tolerance for drama, racism, hate speech or ha…
- 332 replies
Post your random and funny quotes from members of the community.
Post Your Setup!!!! 1 2
by My Name is Tito- 35 replies
So I thought to make this thread for everyone to post a photo and what not of their own gaming setup/s! Comment your setup's away! P.S everyone post their battle stations who knows I might do a giveaway with the best setup? for VIP or something ;) [hr] So to start us off I guess I'll go first! all parts / accessories can be found *Here* p.s Shout out to @"Voideox" for the wallpaper
Free steam logos 1 2
by Sirtron- 35 replies
You need a job done right, get me to do it. Just comment below the name that must feature, the style and your colour. I will try my best to do they as best and quickly as I can.
Games to try 1 2
by panthA- 35 replies
Hey, Got a little bored of CS:GO the other night and realised I own 3 games. CS1.6, CSS and CS:GO. I've tried Dark souls 3 on PS4 and didn't hugely like it but if anyone has any games I can try out, please let me know! PS. Don't like survival games like H1Z1 or Rust.
We need to study! 1 2
by quint3n- 33 replies
I was thinking about this all last night I just couldn't sleep it kept me awake. I personally think skyprah should have to shut down servers early every night, so the people of KZG can go and read a book or get some rest! Gaming all day and all night can really mess up schedules for day and night and shutting servers down early would mean we could all study or do something productive. Just a thought and I really think this would improve KZG greatly!
Choose your own player models! 1 2
by skyprah- 31 replies
What players models would you like to see in the servers? I want you to list down below ANY player model that you would like to see added. These can range from movie characters to anime characters and even possibly Scotty from the prank patrol (suggested by @SpaceJam2k). You could also include which server you would like it for as some servers require more normal sized models, where as Surf you could easily suggest some larger or smaller shaped player model. I am aware that there is a number of suggested player models from game banana currently on the forums. I will be getting around to adding some of those. I prefer to use custom and unique models instead of the game…
Thoughts On The Walking Dead 1 2
by Ec1ipse- 29 replies
Hello, So today i was talking to @CELLA on teamspeak and @Acid was there and we got talking about The Walking Dead (If you don't know what it is or haven't watched it, Don't talk to me *JOKES*) And out of nowhere @CELLA starts shit talking about it, but he couldn't give any reasons for it being bad he just said "The Walking Dead is shit, i watched the first episode and it was shit". When i heard this i was very upset and i asked why but he couldn't give any reasons. (He just hates it because he doesn't understand it) I would LOVE to hear your thoughts/opinions on it ;) (If you don't like it give reasons) - Ec1ipse
Killzone team for ESEA 1 2
by Noddy- 28 replies
hey lads, I have been given permission to make an ESEA Open League team representing KZG. I will be holding some trials for anyone interested in joining this team (If you suit a role below). Below is everything you need to know about the upcoming team: Basics Name: KZG Preferred Ranks: GNM+ Continent/Location: AUS/NZ Time Zone: AEST/NZST Practice Time's: Will vary on when everyone is available. (Night time suited) Roles Coach: Sirtron Entry Fragger: Playmaker: Strat Caller: Support: Awper: Trials will be taking place through the next 2 weeks. Contact me over steam or teamspeak if you are interested. Throughout the trials I will be looking for peo…
Favorite alcohol 1 2
by Trash.- 26 replies
Yo so what are your guys favorite alcohol For me mine's probably Wild turkey American honey and favorite beer would be Coopers pale ale its some good shit yo
- 26 replies
Best Grill Gamers 1 2
by Sammy- 25 replies
Vote ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
PAX Australia 1 2
by Bubble- 25 replies
So who's coming? Will give out free hugs and s1ck KZG merch that @skyprah will be providing... *cough* i mean selling for free
by Acid- 24 replies
The time has come. I'm going to be completely changing my name on everything... I am going through a complete remake/revamp and am going to be branding my steam profile because I feel its time for a change. A name is something that is supposed to be unique to you, and I feel as if Acid is not that. I have had this name for ages, and all of you know me as Acid, but its too damn generic. If I end up not being able to find anything, I will obviously stay as Acid and not force a change of name. I would like for my new name to incorporate my real name "Charlie", but seeming that it is a fucking shit name and goes with nothing, not really finding any luck. I…
Your favourite movies
by Blackeren- 23 replies
steak challenge
by BuLLee- 22 replies
I am the god of steak. but apparently @sorrow is the lord of steak. How do you independent folks cook ya steaks? kids who still live at home learn from the cooks we know you don't cook ya steak. I will reveal my secret to making the perfect steak at the end.
by My Name is Tito- 22 replies
Okay guys, so some of you may know that our mate Knight is being called a silver and we are thinking of arranging him a Global account which costs about 50 USD so who wants to help Knight to Global? This is a somewhat serious post so please flow in if you're possibly able to get Knight to Global? Our current interested parties are; Myself: $5USD @Skyprah : $10 @Sirtron : $5 @Dopescope : $10 @Deadlymullet : $5 @Delacy : $5 $10 from our target All payments will be given to Skyprah If our target is met, Knight will play on the weekend with the GE account in matchmaking with the whole of KZG spectating him. #Knight4Global
Which sport is better?
by Ec1ipse- 22 replies
VOTE FOR WHICH SPORT IS BETTER ! Also comment below your favourite team !
what's your desktop background?
by BuLLee- 22 replies
this is mine, share your BG, i want to see some good ones which I might change to
Its ma Birthday
by Ironstrike- 21 replies
Hell Yeah 13 :P
Cya KZG!
by Panda- 21 replies
Hey everyone I just want to say thanks for making me have a great time here on KZG, but I've decided to quit. Cya yall have a great future! Cha boy Panda!
Message to all the scripters...
by Acid- 21 replies
This is just a little friendly message to all the people who finally got caught scripting. Honestly, I'm kind of glad you got unbanned. I guess everyone deserves a second chance. The majority of these people that got banned for scripting were casuals, people that played on our servers frequently, even an admin got banned. I hope the people that got banned come back embarrassed, but also will learn to bhop the way it should be done. It's not hard, just put a few hours into practice using scroll key. Hopefully more cheaters are exposed because from my point of view, it's funny as shit to see players that I see everyday thinking that what they're doing is legi…
Are these perm bans really worth it?
by SpaceJam2k- 21 replies
This is one of the more serious topics, and this is all legit. I cannot believe the amounts of perm bans that have been thrown out to people for the most silliest and ridiculous reasons. I have seen extreme mutes for the silliest reasons, and it doesn't stop there. It keeps happening. Staff are becoming to nazi with there mutes/silences/gags/bans and i want this to stop. I'm not name dropping but i want these perm bans to stop. Perm bans should ONLY be givin out to hackers. Perm bans are givin out to people for "inappropriate language" and fucking "ignoring admins" are u serious? fucking mute them for a period of time. Don't perm ban. This cont…
Skyprah Appreciation Thread
by Void- 20 replies
Just wanted to take a quick moment to say how much I appreciate all the hard work and effort Skyprah puts in to KZG :) You're an absolute top bloke mate, keep up the good work
Favourite Movie/TV show
by Flexicute- 19 replies
This is just to let me know and give me suggestions for a movie or TV show I can watch I recommend people watch: Stranger things ;)