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294 topics in this forum
Suspected cheater "Ja[Z]RRR"
by Sky- 12 replies
SteamID details: Steam2 IDSTEAM_0:0:39328085 Steam3 ID (32bit)[U:1:78656170] Steam3 ID (64bit)76561198038921898 (Dec) 110000104b032aa (Hex) StatusNOT BANNED CountryAustralia First seen as banned (CET)Never Last time checked (CET)2016-09-29 13:28:05 Times checked2 View Steam Community profile Some Footage of him playing with suspected Soft aim and Wallhacks will be hopefully up tomorrow arvo, cheers
I'm back but i'm not :)
by Ec1ipse- 12 replies
Hey guys, I'm back from camp but i can't play at the moment because of family problems but i should be on Sunday :) - Ec1ipse
- 12 replies
Comment below what's to the right of you... those items to the right of you are the only items you can use in the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Glass Of Water Book Deck Of Cards
by knxwledge- 12 replies
i guess i should give reasoning for my absence. last week thursday we were in for a lot of rain, and around 6:30 we were sent a sms flood evac so we packed up everything we could and drove to the local university and stayed there for about 2 nights. the first night getting to the university it was pouring down rain, and in the morning when we went down town to see our place it was about 2 ft under water. edit: we had to sleep on the floor, Mum and nan didnt sleep at all for the 2 nights we were there. its peak was around 11.6 meters so my entire downstairs went under. Mums care destroyed. Mums plants destroyed. Our belongings destroyed.…
by Uncle Fusion- 12 replies
Hey guys. Since I work a lot and have missed out on most things E3, what has been announced? What are we all excited for?
Songs pls
by Flexicute- 12 replies
Gib me songs ma neegars here's mine: later bitches
Cya Friends
by Daniel- 11 replies
Yeah basically I'm going to be leaving KZG, might come on every once in a while to say Hi and maybe have a bit of fun but that's about it. Wanted to say a few things firstly: 1. I'm a fuckhead. Last night I was just pretty mad and a massive smart ass for no reason, which is the exact thing I hated on jailbreak, but none the less, I was one. 2. Sorry. Probably to Sorrow mostly but also to the rest of the community, honestly think some of you are fuckheads too but still, if I offended you or what ever I am sorry for that 3. Thank you. Thanks for all the good times I had, mainly on TeamSpeak but there were pretty good times on jailbreak as well 4. Cya around! I p…
It's done
by Sorrow- 11 replies
Kerser v 360
by Krizziii- 11 replies
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DO THE POLE Lets see @Thrasher
Gone For 3 Weeks
by Ironstrike- 11 replies
Hey All Hope your doing well, I just wanted to say that i will be going overseas for 3 weeks so i cant use my computer. This is my first overseas trip besides NZ so thats why we are going away so long .We are going to Italy England abu dhabi and amsterdam. Thus l am missing out on the whole holiday which kinda sucks. Anyway I live on the 16th and come back on the 10th. Seeya Guys Have a good one :)
gonna b inactive
by Kwala- 11 replies
sorry but im gonna be inactive as i need to study for some exams!!! i might popin every now and again but yeah atar > csgo :DD
Keep it up lads
by Acid- 11 replies
The one thing I love about this community is the activity of each and everyone one of you guys that visit the forums regularly. If you guys haven't noticed, I love to check the forums every now and then. Honestly brings a smile to my face when I see regular members posting shiz. From giveaways to banter or just some news and happenings within the community. Thanks to everyone who continue to contribute every day! Kind Regards, Acid. P.S May have been a little drunk when I wrote this, just feel like it had to be said.
NZ and AU #1-2 stoner countries o.O
by tjweary- 11 replies
sooooOOooo im just scrolling around through the internet, doing mah thing and i came across a rather fun little statistic~ we are the number one and two countries when it comes to getting stoned. :) i think that's an achievement, how about you guys?
Sorry Admins And AKM
by 「Koi」- 11 replies
hey guys a couple admins and AKM knwo that i raged at you a while ago sorry it was all in the moment i am not asking for forgiveness all i want to do is to play peacefully on the server without u hating me
KZG Windows App
by Wolfleader- 11 replies
Hello KZG, So i have thought about creating a KZG App for a while now and have finally decided to do it, The idea is instead of opening Chrome you would just have to open the program. This means less processing power getting wasted on unnecessary tools within most browsers. Here is an example of its usage: This will be greatly optimised when later in development. I would eventually love to integrate this into a phone app for both IOS and Android when i have a more stable version. It is still in Version 0.1.0 which is first release. Currently it only is the basic website with no border. I wou…
Meme Train
by skyprah- 10 replies
Post your memes for our entertainment.
What's It Like Being An Admin
by Squizzy- 10 replies
Hello KZG Community My name is Squizzy and i'm a Jailbreak admin. I have been for over a month and have been enjoying this experience greatly. I am going to be talking to you all on what its like being an admin and what I believe you should do if you wish to become one. What's it like being an admin? Being an admin has really told me who I want to be and what I am currently as a person. I have learnt how to control a community and give them a leader. It has been a heck of a ride with ups and downs but we all have to learn. As an admin you need to be respectful to all and never let a voice be unheard, being an admin isn't all fun and games but it's still somethin…
Knights first clutch as silver 4
by Not A Cop- 10 replies
- 1.6k views :D
by Acid- 10 replies
Hey Guys! I've been addicted to a game lately called Battlerite, it is is an action-packed team arena brawler. You can play 2v2's and 3v3's with randoms or friends. There are different champions/heroes similar to League, but it is completely different. THIS IS NOT A MOBA. It is currently on Steam, its in Early Access with the price of 20 USD. Now, some of you won't buy the game due to its price and I don't blame you. I was never really into games like this, I was lucky enough to play Beta and I couldn't stop playing this game (already stacked up 50 hours = nerd) You will not regret it! You can always play with me!! When the game comes out, it will be free. But there ar…
Best Admin 2k16 KZG
by Sammy- 10 replies
Who do you think is the best admin out of these 10 people.
Staff Steam List
by Squizzy- 10 replies
Hello KZG Community! This is just a list of all the KZG Staff with their steam profiles. Please add these beautiful people that are affiliate with the server you play the most. Please do not spam these people with messages as we are human beings and like a little personal space but feel free to always talk to us incase of a problem or an inquiry. If any of you below would like to be removed from this list or I got something wrong just message me and I will fix it :) Owner skyprah - Head Admin Thrasher - Senior Admins Acid - Kwala - http://steamcommunity…
Happy New Year [Get Fucked]
by Nutella- 10 replies
Good day Folks, So its coming to the last hour's of 2016 and im about to get fucked up so yeah happy new year hope you all have a good one
ESEA hacked.
by panthA- 10 replies
This is nearly a month late but I noticed there was no mention of it and people may not be all that active on ESEA or Reddit's Global Offensive sub where this was posted everywhere. 'Steve Ragan' wrote: E-Sports Entertainment Association (ESEA), one of the largest competitive video gaming communities on the planet, was hacked last December. As a result, a database containing 1.5 million player profiles was compromised. 'Steve Ragan' wrote: The leaked records include registration date, city, state (or province), last login, username, first and last name, bcrypt hash, email address, date of birth, zip code, phone number, website URL, Steam ID, Xbox ID, an…
by jackson- 10 replies
Evening everyone, or morning if you're reading this in the morning. If you haven't already seen the title I am doing artwork for free. Yes some of you may say "What an idiot, why wouldn't he charge clients a certain fee for an artwork considering he is the most prestigious, creative and well-known graphic designer in the online gaming community" Well, I would simply reply with "It's not all about the money, the satisfaction that my clients receive is all I care about when making an artwork, knowing that a client is extremely happy with their product makes me happy and that is all I want in return when making an artwork" But yes, I am doing artworks for zilch, no mon…
by Wolfleader- 10 replies
I currently do Overwatch boosting for ranks bronze,silver and gold. I can boost you to around anywhere between bronze and 2700 i will not boost any higher than that as higher level players have to play with noobs which isn't fun If i boost from anything below 1750 i will have to use your account as i am not low enough to play with you (This can change every so often depending on my rank) I can play any role at low levels and will carry you out of Elo hell! I can assure you that boosting your account is safe and free of charge. As long as people don't know your security question they cant do much but play on your account If there …