1,239 topics in this forum
Harambe is Sorry
by Harambe- 5 replies
Server Banned On: all Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:1:160230462 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: Um like 2 weeks ago Banning Admin (if known): Skyprah Reason for Ban (if known): In a group called ban panda Why I should be unbanned: Well first off because skyprah did only say leave the group so i did and just to talk to him for a unban but i got rebanned so im guessing that it is because we needed time to think about what we did and it has been two weeks and i have had time to think about what i did to Panda and how toxic i was been i…
BOT tjweary
by tjweary- 9 replies
sup, i got randomly banned late one night, found out it wasnt some temp ban, hence im creating the thread ::P you mind unbanning me so i can mess around in scoutz n knives xx
by VxOblivion- 2 replies
Name: Oblivion Server Banned On: all but i was playing 1v1 Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban:11/10/2016 Banning Admin (if known):unknown Reason for Ban (if known):unknown Why I should be unbanned: I have no idea what happened but i was playing 1v1 and i got perma banned from all KZG servers now i did nothing wrong i wasn't cheating i wasn't abusive i didn't accused anyone for cheating i was banned without notice or warning. please unban me this ban is false i have a $500 inventory i wouldn't hack
Pqnda's unban appeal
by owenadamant- 1 reply
Name: Pqnda or Doggo Server Banned On: All current KZG servers Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): not exactly sure on how to gain access to? Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 11th of october (Approximately 11:30 - 12) Banning Admin (if known): Dope Scope Reason for Ban (if known): Possibly being abusive and not listening to admin/s Why I should be unbanned: Im not going to say that I should be unbanned, but I feel being banned from all servers without warning was a bit rediculous. Yes, I was verbally abusive and I did get qui…
- 9 replies
Name: .exe Server Banned On: All servers Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:59628935 Steam Profile Link : Date/Time of Ban: unkown, sometime before 9/10 4:00 pm Banning Admin (if known): unknown Reason for Ban (if known): unknown Why I should be unbanned: i have a multiple hours on the server mainly JB occasionally Mini games and its a shame to find i am banned from all servers for no apparent reason. when ever i attempt to connect to a server it just states 'you have been banned by this server' so please can this be investigated o/
Perm muted in jailbreak
by Percy lad- 10 replies
I was perm muted on the jailbreak server and my appeal to admin in the chat along with many others was met with 'appeal on forums' I do not know where to do so, but here seems appropriate I wasnt playing music or swearing I was just messing around and spammed my mic really loudly twice and was given a 5 min mute then a flat out perm I know what I did was bad but it seems harsh and id like another chance as im usually ok on the server
Unban me
by Shaggy- 7 replies
Name: Shaggy. Server Banned On: Teamspeak Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: October 3rd, approximately 10:30pm Banning Admin (if known): DeadlyMullet I was banned from teamspeak because I don't like jailbreak rules...? I was chilling with friends in a teamspeak channel when there was a discussion brought up about your jailbreak rules. All of a sudden there are 3 admins arguing that their server is fantastic and that we shouldn't criticise the rules. All I did was make the point that there are 15 minute rounds where 10 of those minutes are spent h…
Kaelan's Unban
by Kaelan- 7 replies
Name: Kaelan Server Banned On:Minigames Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 08-08-16 14:27 Banning Admin (if known):Not known Reason for Ban (if known):gimp Why I should be unbanned:what the fuck is a gimp? I just wanted to play some lit mg with my homies tried to connect and it told me I was banned, like dafuq homie?
Unban Appeal
by Konichiwa *OLD*- 9 replies
Name: Pust Server Banned On: KZG minigames Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: a couple weeks ago Banning Admin (if known): Idk Reason for Ban (if known): Playing Music Why I should be unbanned: I Will Never Spam Or Play Music Again
They Said I Was Unbanned???
by Konichiwa *OLD*- 1 reply
Name: Pust Server Banned On: KZG minigames Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: a couple weeks ago Banning Admin (if known): Acid/Sorrow Reason for Ban (if known): Playing Music Why I should be unbanned: I Will Never Spam Or Play Music Again They Said I Was Unbanned I Tried To Go On I Was Banned, So I Went On My Bros Accont And Said That To Sorrow And I Got Hiss Accont Banned His Id: STEAM_0:0:156512782
please unban me dopescope
by treelo- 7 replies
Name: treelo Server Banned On: kzg scoutknives 24/7 Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): tdotydot1 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: couple of weeks ago Banning Admin (if known): DopeScope Reason for Ban (if known): hacker was changing his name to mine and I was banned by accident Why I should be unbanned: I did nothing wrong
sto unban appeal
by stoooo- 8 replies
Name: sto Server Banned On: Scoutz and Knives Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:107905747 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: Roughly days ago (around August 9, not sure exactly) Banning Admin (if known): Bullee Reason for Ban (if known): Trash talk/ abusive behaviour Why I should be unbanned: I was having a really bad day and took it out on the people on the server, which I am truly sorry for, I have friends on the server who tell me how good it is, and I'm sad I threw it all away because of my behaviour. I would like to be unbanned to experienc…
by quint3n- 7 replies
Name: quint3n (at time of ban:¯_(ツ)_/¯) Server Banned On:Jailbreak Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum):STEAM_1:0:144494684 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum) Date/Time of Ban:27/6/16 around 8pm Banning Admin (if known):Thrasher Reason for Ban (if known):A warden freekilled a few (in my opinion) and i tried to explain why it was a free kill (once again in my opinion) but was told to be quiet by admins, when i tried to argue my point as i was clearly not being listened to and did not get an explanation as to why it wasn't "freekilling". I then was talking in admin chat and when told to shut up i …
SamuelOG Apeal On Unban
by SamuelOG- 12 replies
Name: SamuelOG Server Banned On: JailBreak Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum):STEAM_0:1:7543757 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban:11:00AM 16/May/2016 Banning Admin (if known): M@CHINE , Drew Reason for Ban (if known): "Wall Hacking" Why I should be unbanned: So today i was just playing some jailbreak with my brother. it was special day (Awp FFA) and my brother was sitting down next to me playing. i was still alive and i wanted to kill him. he was in a spot where you shouldn't be able to see him. but since i could see his screen i could kill him/ the other guy in there. …