125 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
I know about !nominate I don't think you can use it all the time. Is there a listing online or somewhere else? I wanted to suggest new maps but I don't wanna waste people's time, suggesting maps that are already there.
Team Speak
by Squizzy- 3 replies
Hi How Do you connect to KZG's Team Speak. When I try the one that Johnny O's said about 'how to connect to KZG TS3' it doesnt work. HALP. Thanks Squizzy
by shanehehexd- 13 replies
add !showtriggers to bhop to help with routes that require you to avoid annoying triggers like bhop_forest
by __ryan- 8 replies
Some things that should be changed about the forums: 1. Server hosting - legit costs like $3 a month to host a good server connection. Pages take way to long to load on the current hosting. 2. Down the bottom of the home page you have the order of power. EG. Owner, head admin etc. There is currently no global admin (not even sure what the hell that is) but you should add that in. (ALSO surely server moderator is above Trial admin....) 3. follow on from point 2 subsection a. You should make it so that if I hover over owner for example it shows Skyprah's name or senior admin it shows acid and whoever else is senior admin. 4. a) Your admin application requ…
Throwing Knife in SK
by ♣♣♣Cookiemeister♣♣♣- 13 replies
I realise this is most likley been requested before. But anyways BRING throwing knives into SK
Website addition
by jary- 9 replies
So I thought that to fill up some space on the right side of forums there should be something about teamspeak. Like with the ts ip and maybe a lil photo. It may bring more people to ts etc
Just A Really Cool Suggestion
by okikp123- 8 replies
I am not sure whether this plugin would be to hard to code but as a store module you should add something that allows you to open crates or cases that give you other things from the store. I would suggest putting the price of this at around 2000 credits. The reason why I want this to be added is because it adds a more interesting a unique experience compared to other servers.
by Chewbacca- 9 replies
Heylo guys, Im Chewbacca and im the 6 year old that everywon complains about im not actorly my age i am the age i say i am im 6 yo boy, Ive been playing KZG for about 1 year or more with months and i have notased great things like amazing admins on all servers we all have our ups and downs we can be grumpy but you still do your jobs, @skyprah has done amazing work for our comminity and so has @ Thrasher and we pay them with respect which is good becos they have done very nice things for us. but i have 1 complainment MG knife gliching in multigames maps adm ins and mods have constantly asked you guys to spasificly not do !knife during the round when the event hasnt ended e…
TeamSpeak channels
by Sirtron- 6 replies
For the VIP channels can we have them alphabetise them, it's driving up the wall? Or my preference is to delete them as most of them are never used.
- 7 replies
Lets make it happen for retakes then maybe executes. happy to volunteer my time assisting with implementation.
Help for the new arrivals
by Dope- 9 replies
yo i had an idea for the forum for the new arrivals they are finding it hard to navigate through the forums you could have a forum help pop on arrival to the forum to give them an idea on how to use our forums also could put a click to not see in the future option so it was only once or until they are comfortable navigating through out the forum.. What yous all think -edit i know there is already forum help but they are having to seek it out just thought it would save a lot of hassle
by jary- 11 replies
Currently u cannot edit or delete the shoutbox messages. I would like it to be added thanks.
KZG 1v1 Arena Server Broke rn
by ₣Ł€ŦĆĦ_19- 4 replies
It's currently broken, need admin quick sticks
Some skins
by nysm- 5 replies
hey!! KZG, today i was just going through some player, gun and knife skins and found a couple you may like it would be great to hear your opinion. :heart: Player skins Gun skins --- My fav one another thing i found was a knife menu, some of the knifes are already in the current one but the ones that aren't are pretty cool. Thanks :D
Forum Tags for Surf Admins.
by AddicT- 8 replies
I did bring this up with @skyprah, but I want to know what others think too. If you don't know what I mean by Forum Tags, I mean like these: I reckon there should be one for Surf Admins
by Sirtron- 8 replies
I don't know if this is intentional or not but when you don't respond to a coin toss request it will automatically accept it. To me this is very bad and may cause people to complain admins and on this forum. It needs to auto reject the coin toss not accept.
Deathrun being integrated into Minigames??
by .vert zaMpa- 8 replies
Deathrun is a super fun mode that I used to play heaps. There is really good maps and I was thinking we could integrate it into Minigames? Maybe like 5 or so maps, and then people could nominate them and hopefully get the majority. Would be pretty cool imo. Deathrun has always been one of the funnest modes. Cheers, Dupreeh. (NOT TOO SURE IF ANYONE HAS DONE THIS YET)
- 5 replies
Basically it would be cool if we could get some new player models on Scouts & Knifez. Currently I believe there is only one player model for the t side and I think it would be cool to get some additional ones. Here is a few ideas that would be cool if they got added. http://gamebanana.c…
1V1 Still crashes people
by SpaceJam2k- 2 followers
- 4 replies
Since no one wants to report it, I will, 10 people just crashed before i got fucked aswell. happens at the start of nearly every game. thanks cunt
bring back the member list
by Sirtron- 5 replies
Can we bring back the shortcut to and the staff list in the header of the forum? makes it quick and easy to check the members also allows new members to learn who is admins and know the senior staff is. Probably already in the cards to bring back just checking in.
Surf is bad time to fix!
by bumboy11- 5 replies
It's ya boi bumboy11. Your surf server needs fix so i here to suggest fix. Main issues: - Map timer is like 1 hour. Should be 20 minutes per map. Not an hour. - rtv system is broken. should only need to rtv once to change map instead of twice! - havent been able to check all maps cause map timer is an hour and most maps just repeat in a cycle but some bonuses are not zoned and some maps need to be rezoned. - implement !sm - remove extra warning for !r so you only have to do it once/or instead of !r r - in /ckadmin disable challenge mode. Your players are using it to easily get points and making them go higher on the leaderboard when they are trash …
- 2 replies
Do not know if the suggestion link thingy even works anymore so I'm just going to dump the suggestions here. Some maps suggested may already be in the map pool but probably not. Tier 2: surf_noble surf_sandtrap surf_sandtrap2 Tier 3: surf_dyhana surf_hob surf_jaqen2 surf_minimumwage surf_not_so_quick surf_orbion surf_palm surf_wizard Tier 4: surf_axiom2 surf_hero surf_highlands surf_junglespic_ksf surf_lt_unicorn_official surf_neoteric surf_rez2 surf_rst surf_sippysip surf_stonework surf_synada surf_whoknows …
- 6 replies
Ok where do i began i have been here a short time and managed to do a lot for KZG i would like to put out to everyone that we are always seeking to expand if you have friends who play cs but are not familiar with our servers or our website please feel inclined to bring them along as with more people amongst us we are capable to do bigger things i have scouted out 27 members for kzg in the matter of a week i see no point is to why it should be hard to get them here and apart of KillZone Gaming i know that we can do it as i have demonstrated what a simple giveaway on my behalf can do. it is essential for us grow in order to provide yous with new servers, game modes and more…
- 5 replies
So my first point is that are we able to make it so we can edit/ delete posts in shout box. I have found many situations where I misspell a whole sentence due to auto correct and I'm unable to edit or delete. If this is not possiabld to get changed are we able to decrease the time from 25 seconds to 10 or 5? Seeing if you do make a mistake you can correct your self a lot faster and it saves the person your talking to time.
Minigames Suggestion
by Gyro Ⓡ ?- 5 replies
So i was on Minigames earlier today and when i spawned in, i was in spectator mode but i was playing/doing the map. I could do the map but nobody would see me, as if i was a ghost or something. This gave me and Kayex a good idea to actually implement this into the KZG Minigames server. A command called !ghost which allows to play the map when you die, but nobody would see you. The player who does !ghost would restart from the start as if they just joined and do the map. They will not be able to gather any points as if is they are not playing with alive players. They should not be able to interact with any alive players at all. (besides voice chat) Make sense?