125 topics in this forum
Easy Surf Casual Rank Glitch
by Ka-chow!- 5 replies
So Basically on the easy surf server when you get the rank CASUAL it doesn't show in the text chat, it just shows your name and not your rank or your colour, it doesnt bother me anymore because I am now ranked as COMPETENT, but i think it should still be fixed.
Forum Link Doesn't Work - Admin Needed
by Bl@ñk (Bl@storious)- 2 replies
- 1.4k views if you click on that, it throws an error saying the theme needs to be reset in the admin panel. Can admin look at this?
by Haz- 6 replies
NEW IDEAS FOR 1v1 Firstly there should be a better ranking system for example, If someone is ranked 2 on the server and has just joined the will be put into arena 10 will people that are rank 1000 and higher will be in arena 8-10 and will lose 1-5 matches to people way out of their skill level. Therefore there should be a system in place to position higher ranked players into arena 1 - 5 when then join the server. Secondly there should be more player slots in the server as only 10 arena is just to little. There should be at lest 30 player slots (15 arenas) as people that are ranked 3000 are competing againist people ranked 1000 and up. Also having more player slots …
Gif as Avatar
by deSt- 5 replies
I'm pretty sure @Dandy made a thread about this but I don't know if it got a reply. Anyway I was just wondering if we would be able to make it so we can have gifs as avatars, from what I've seen on other websites I think it's possible.
New Maps - MG
by beary- 5 replies
Any new mini games maps to add in? would be nice to place something new!!
- 7 replies
Pretty simple idea, currently there is barley any Classic Offensive servers and I think if we were to make one like the casual comp server it would be a lot of fun.
by Mr_Merkhem99- 8 replies
Okay so, I recently started going on b-hop servers to improve my ability to b-hop and that, and thought maybe KZG could get a b-hop server? Would it not only be fun to play, but people who want to learn b-hopping on Scouts can join a b-hop server to get the hang of b-hopping. Just an Idea Cheers Lads
mini games Server
by ✪ Wolvez- 12 replies
I think for the mini games, it should have auto bhop
Introduction of gangs
by Sirtron- 5 replies
When gangs are introduced can we create a section in the forums to discuss all things gang related. It would sit next to ROTM and people can just post in there. What are your thoughts? Will it clutter the forums up to much?
Bhop section doesnt work
by ichangemynamealot- 1 reply
Can't make a topic, please fix it or don't who cares.
add, !rank and !coin please!!!
by SpaceJam2k- 5 replies
You guys should add, !rank and !coin With ranks, it will appear with a list of ranks from silver to global. which players can choose their own rank to be next to their name. With coins, it will appear with all the coins that are out their, from tournament trophy coins, to pins, etc which players will be able to have beside their name.
Soundcloud on signature?
by Sirtron- 3 replies
On other forums they are able to embed Soundcloud songs as there signature, I was very interested so I looked it up and came across these two things. Was wondering if we are able to embed now as I have tried and it doesn't work, or if you have to put the BB code in to allow us to do so.
Spectator Unable to Switch Player Glitch
by Acidic- 6 replies
I'm not sure if this issue is only on the minigame server, valve related, or what but since I've been playing on the minigame server, the spectator mode can sometimes glitch out and I am unable to switch between players. I know this has happened with someone else so it's not just me experiencing this issue. Just giving the heads up, maybe it's a sourcemod plugin causing it.
by CableTV- 3 replies
People keep asking for respawns in minigames and its getting very annoying. I reckon we need to make a new rule like 1. you get a warning if you keep going.. 2. you get a mute/gagged for a 10 minutes and if they keep going.. 3.they get a mute/gagged for 1 hour
Minigames Suggestion
by Sammy- 6 replies
while playing minigames i got the best idea any i am hoping skyprah can think about this. When you play Minigames music plays so you can do !stopmusic but there are some good songs that i actully do like and i asked alot of my friends to get the name but. Please can you add something to the server which tells us what song is playing id love if this please can be added.
by Dope- 4 replies
Yo can we have a donate button on the forum
Zombies server?
by Noddy- 6 replies
Would be pretty cool too see KZG implement a Zombies server to the list!
Possible BW server? (Build Wars)
by Elev8- 3 replies
Hey guys, ive noticed that theres no BW servers on cs-go? The mode was quite popular in css i probably spent over a few thousand hours playing the game mode and i assumed that it would continue to live on in cs-go but i haven't found any? Ive created this thread to possibly get a KZG Build Wars server, im quite new to KZG and i have no idea how much a server costs to run or even if this is a possibility for the future, this is just a suggestion on my behalf as i think it will attract a huge amount of people to the concept of the game mode. Description [*] There are two phases, the build phase and the war phase. During the build phase, the Terror…
SPR spammers
by Brainn 5 replies
Can we add a feature to block SPR spammers?
Sign in with Steam doesn't always work
by Bl@ñk (Bl@storious)- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I have just battled for about 10 minutes trying to sign in using steam. I even tried clearing my cache and cookies before signing in but that didn't help. It finally has worked now. Can this please get looked at? Another question is now that I've signed in with steam, is it possible to change my account from a steam sign in into a normal sign in? I just don't want to run into the same problem again. I almost made a new account but then i would lose all the posts from this one.
Gif Avatar
by Dandy♔- 3 replies
Gifs as your avatar would be pre cool, if possible. Set a cap on size of file if necessary and have a gif as your Avatar :)
!ws plugin broken on cascomp
by paradiso- 3 replies
Atm the !ws plugin seems to be broken. Skins are reset and joining/rejoining seems to randomise skins or give you someone elses skins. Any fix to the issue will be nice ?
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Surfing has been violated and broken.
by bumboy11- 3 replies
it's ya boi bummboy11 here! I come on today to check if my boi Crowns is still rank #1 god tier surfer on KZG easy surf! AND hes not!!!!! I worked so hard 4 all my points and gave them away to someone to i thought was a meaningful and loving person! He is no longer a god and i request my points back because you removed all !challenge points from !top which was the main goal of me giving my points away to show that retards can be rank 1 and that you'd fix it..!!!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!! and i have -400 points.
minigames suggestion
by beary- 5 replies
Anti slam plugin? Anti mic spam plug in?