125 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Do not know if the suggestion link thingy even works anymore so I'm just going to dump the suggestions here. Some maps suggested may already be in the map pool but probably not. Tier 2: surf_noble surf_sandtrap surf_sandtrap2 Tier 3: surf_dyhana surf_hob surf_jaqen2 surf_minimumwage surf_not_so_quick surf_orbion surf_palm surf_wizard Tier 4: surf_axiom2 surf_hero surf_highlands surf_junglespic_ksf surf_lt_unicorn_official surf_neoteric surf_rez2 surf_rst surf_sippysip surf_stonework surf_synada surf_whoknows …
Some skins
by nysm- 5 replies
hey!! KZG, today i was just going through some player, gun and knife skins and found a couple you may like it would be great to hear your opinion. :heart: Player skins Gun skins --- My fav one another thing i found was a knife menu, some of the knifes are already in the current one but the ones that aren't are pretty cool. Thanks :D
Soundcloud on signature?
by Sirtron- 3 replies
On other forums they are able to embed Soundcloud songs as there signature, I was very interested so I looked it up and came across these two things. Was wondering if we are able to embed now as I have tried and it doesn't work, or if you have to put the BB code in to allow us to do so.
by Dope- 2 replies
Should spammers get the chance to sign up at to apologise and try and become better among or community i say this because someone tried to sign up and was denied for being a known spammer. i usually just say thats your bad luck for not following server rules but he has asked me everyday since if i could put this forth i know not all people deserve a second chance but i believe those who intend on doing better should be reconsidered as he plays our server daily i have warned him if he were to be considered that any further behaviour will have harsher punishment. i believe people can change as i am living proof.. Dope.
Spectator Unable to Switch Player Glitch
by Acidic- 6 replies
I'm not sure if this issue is only on the minigame server, valve related, or what but since I've been playing on the minigame server, the spectator mode can sometimes glitch out and I am unable to switch between players. I know this has happened with someone else so it's not just me experiencing this issue. Just giving the heads up, maybe it's a sourcemod plugin causing it.
SPR spammers
by Brainn 5 replies
Can we add a feature to block SPR spammers?
by Sebastian_Vettel- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I cant complete the sign in with steam shit for my profile everytime i click it it just refreshes the page with nothing changing i got vip help i want to link it thank
Store Tag Ideas !
by Ec1ipse- 20 replies
So good guy @skyprah added Store Tags (Wooo Hooo) Let's give him some ideas of new ones! so comment below The tag and colour you think would be cool and people would like. Example = Purple[Ewclipse] [Ewclipse]
by CableTV- 3 replies
People keep asking for respawns in minigames and its getting very annoying. I reckon we need to make a new rule like 1. you get a warning if you keep going.. 2. you get a mute/gagged for a 10 minutes and if they keep going.. 3.they get a mute/gagged for 1 hour
by __ryan- 8 replies
Some things that should be changed about the forums: 1. Server hosting - legit costs like $3 a month to host a good server connection. Pages take way to long to load on the current hosting. 2. Down the bottom of the home page you have the order of power. EG. Owner, head admin etc. There is currently no global admin (not even sure what the hell that is) but you should add that in. (ALSO surely server moderator is above Trial admin....) 3. follow on from point 2 subsection a. You should make it so that if I hover over owner for example it shows Skyprah's name or senior admin it shows acid and whoever else is senior admin. 4. a) Your admin application requ…
Surf is bad time to fix!
by bumboy11- 5 replies
It's ya boi bumboy11. Your surf server needs fix so i here to suggest fix. Main issues: - Map timer is like 1 hour. Should be 20 minutes per map. Not an hour. - rtv system is broken. should only need to rtv once to change map instead of twice! - havent been able to check all maps cause map timer is an hour and most maps just repeat in a cycle but some bonuses are not zoned and some maps need to be rezoned. - implement !sm - remove extra warning for !r so you only have to do it once/or instead of !r r - in /ckadmin disable challenge mode. Your players are using it to easily get points and making them go higher on the leaderboard when they are trash …
Surfing has been violated and broken.
by bumboy11- 3 replies
it's ya boi bummboy11 here! I come on today to check if my boi Crowns is still rank #1 god tier surfer on KZG easy surf! AND hes not!!!!! I worked so hard 4 all my points and gave them away to someone to i thought was a meaningful and loving person! He is no longer a god and i request my points back because you removed all !challenge points from !top which was the main goal of me giving my points away to show that retards can be rank 1 and that you'd fix it..!!!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!! and i have -400 points.
Team Speak
by Squizzy- 3 replies
Hi How Do you connect to KZG's Team Speak. When I try the one that Johnny O's said about 'how to connect to KZG TS3' it doesnt work. HALP. Thanks Squizzy
TeamSpeak channels
by Sirtron- 6 replies
For the VIP channels can we have them alphabetise them, it's driving up the wall? Or my preference is to delete them as most of them are never used.
The Forum Avatar
by kidx- 1 reply
So the forum avatar is very small I think if we can do so, can we make it a bit bigger so we can see the pic like my you cant really see it ;(. Cheers, Pepsi
The issue with team stacking
by Taqo- 16 replies
Team stacking is one of the worst problems right now on the casual competitive server. I do like how they fixed the spawn team flashing issue but team stacking is still the worst. and Runners up would be Delaying and saving every single round, haha @Hunter @Lulu Now I've seen when a staff member is on they can do a command that evens the teams immediately. This command should happen every single game so pistol round and afterwards is even. 12v8's and 14v10's and so on. And even then afterwards mid game everyone joins the winning team over & over. Another issue is people join mid round and join a team, then they join the winning team straight away. Same thing when…
Throwing Knife in SK
by ♣♣♣Cookiemeister♣♣♣- 13 replies
I realise this is most likley been requested before. But anyways BRING throwing knives into SK
Tournament Page
by Sirtron- 2 replies
Create an Tournament page within CSGO section where people can suggest ideas to Tito or where Tito can post his events.
Update top 200 and expert skill surf server
by CraftyCritter- 1 reply
plz update they have been down for about a week
- 7 replies
Lets make it happen for retakes then maybe executes. happy to volunteer my time assisting with implementation.
VIP knives in Casual Competitive not working
by Centurion- 13 replies
VIP knife function as well as other VIP features and the !store command has been down for months now. When will these features be re-implemented?
by Acid- 13 replies
VOUCHING This is something that can be implemented and replaced with the current Vouching system. Keep in mind, this is a suggestion. First of all, I believe that you should only be able to list Admins to vouch for you. Reasons because, Admins are the ones that in the end will have a significant impact on whether you get the position you are applying for. Any casual player can vouch for you, but the impact is minimal. For example: Bob could get his best mate to vouch for him, but if we don't know bobs best mate, we can't really go off his vouch. We all know the Admins, so this is why I have made this point. Similarly, that Admin that vouches for you, can only be from…
Website addition
by jary- 9 replies
So I thought that to fill up some space on the right side of forums there should be something about teamspeak. Like with the ts ip and maybe a lil photo. It may bring more people to ts etc
Zombie escape
by LLama- 10 replies
Please add Zombie escape it will be super fun!!!
Zombies server?
by Noddy- 6 replies
Would be pretty cool too see KZG implement a Zombies server to the list!