189 topics in this forum
Body Collisions
by medzii- 3 replies
Hey, I know that there has previously been a rejected thread on the topic of body collisions but I've heard a lot of complaints about the fact that running into an enemy stops movement. I 100% understand the argument that knives will be more commonly used as a result of removing this but I don't think that is too much of a bad thing. This is especially considering that the majority use scouts anyway. I feel like it would be a good idea to host a public poll on whether it should be enabled or not. Another thing to note is that I've played on combat surf servers, for example, with no collision which work fine with an even contrast of weapons and knives. Anyway, just my opin…
by Ironstrike- 7 replies
I think the alerts should only be triggered if you have been referred to a thread, for example when you go @"skyPRAh" that should be the only thing that comes up in alerts. l get many emails from kzg anyone about people replying to my "Subscribed thread". We don't also need the alerts box being filled up with it as well. Cheers Ironstrike
Jailbreak Guard Queue
by Krizziii- 3 replies
I just wanted to make a quick post about the guard queue on jb. Firstly, The guard queue is working great, when needed it auto switches in order perfectly fine and theres no problem with that. Although Ive had many experiences where I'm first on the queue and then someone joins the game, joins the guard queue and ends up taking my place. I believe the guard queue should have a system, for example: 1:Owner 2:Head Admin 3:Admin 4:Trial Admin 5:VIP 6: Normal Players. What I mean is so owner and head admin can skip to the front of the queue no questions asked but then with the admin, trial admin so on, say if GimmeYoFries Joined the guard queue and he was first on the queu…
Pretty buttons on forum profile
by Sirtron- 6 replies
can we implement a system were all members get a fancy button like the current server admin, senior admin, head admin and owner, it will make the forum look nicer and pretty. also gives the potential for ranks to be displayed.
by Sirtron- 2 replies
Create another section in the general area of the forums that are purely for guides, I would be more than happy make them and i'm pretty sure @dopescope is currently making a guide
Combat surf Keeping weapons
by Dandy♔- 4 replies
I and many others from the combat surf community think after each round you should keep your weapons as it can get quite annoying trying to get them again. Also i find it helpful for people to just start the round off with their previous weapon as they don't have to waste time going for that weapon again. Not much to write about this topic as it is pretty straight forward (:
Shoutbox in Portal as well
by deSt- 2 replies
Basically would you be able to add the shout box to the portal section as well? I'm not sure how difficult it is. Just would be a lot more convenient :)
The ability to move around in LR
by deSt- 6 replies
Basically in my opinion once you reach lr you should have the ability to move around and not be told to button freeze lr. Seeing you have made it past the map games 'Last Request' is a reward and being able to move around freely should come with it.
KZG Server suggestion
by Forest- 1 reply
The KZG Community should bring out a BHOP server with just bhop maps. If you do think of it make it so that you can choose to have auto hop or not.
Collisions between players
by YouthCoon- 3 replies
collisions are on between teams are on, meaning that beautiful bhop that u had going was just ruined on some random kid that you wanted to knife, basically turning collisions off will make bhopping on the server so much more fluent etc, i used to play on other scoutzknifez servers and it was a m a z i n g, so fluent without a chance to be ruined by some kid flying in the sky opposite to you , :)
- 7 replies
I know a lot of people will not want this to happen but do have a read of my points and think about the future of the server and what it would bring! Auto-Bhop I think removing A-B would definitely be a big old + I 100% know that this would take an ample amount of time to get use to since it's been around for so long and pretty much every single player relies on it as a form of transport whether it be going to a beacon, rushing a guard, doing a map game and running away from guards. Negatives of auto-bhop: Extremely easy to rebel as a prisoner Hard for guards to shoot prisoners jumping from side to side Any map game with an area that can be bhopped will b…
Discord Channels
by niz3rofficial- 10 replies
Instead of teamspeaks, we should have discord servers for people to match up and play matchmaking, ESEA, face it or even other games. Let people from all different countries come on and talk to each other and have a good enjoyable time and since discord takes up less internet than Skype, teamspeak and other communication apps it would be a good choice for a communications server. Channels that would be there - Staff - AU - NA - EU - Everyone - CS:GO - Other games and just have channels for people to enjoy and if they want a channel they can either but one or request one to a Admin on the forums.
Jailbreak Special days
by Ay_Papi- 2 replies
I think for the special days we should be able to start them while everyone is still in cells and in gun-room but they work like say a war-day: You select war-day and where-ever you are on the map it teleport's Prisoners back to their cells and guards back to gun room, gives everyone lets say 60 seconds to run from where they are with no guns/knifes so no one can be killed unless they fall off a map or are killed by map games, once the timer reaches 5 there is countdown verbally to prepare people and once it hits 0 it then spawns set guns for everyone onto their character. This would be the same for each special day, this would help stop players ruin special days before t…
Warcraft type server
by Dope- 0 replies
after a long 9 year brake from cs i returned to see it was still dope and it was but as ive notice the amount of wacraft servers in au/nz is zero i think the leveling system and different races would create another wow factor to the KZG community and if we were to we could advertise on the forum just before it was going to come out so everybody had a fair chance on levels. im guessing there is a shit load more involved for that type of server but im fully keen o the idea
Combat Surf Tournaments SUGGESTION
by TheRealTeo- 4 replies
Hello all KZG members, I would just like to put an idea out there for skyprah and other admins... I think that combat surf tournaments is a good way to bring new players into the community and a chance to have some fun. This tournament will be like any other there will be two teams competing, those two teams will consist of 5 players on each team. The max amount of teams will most likely be decided my skyprah and thrasher you will have to register your team on a forum just like this one before game day. Prizes can be requested by you guys in the reply's bellow +1 this if you think this can work -1 this if you think this could not work
Crash bug :(
by Holo- 0 replies
Hey guys, I know I'm very new but I want to ask about this bug that frequently occurs when I try to connect to a KZG CSGO server. On a regular basis, when ever I try to join a KZG server it makes CSGO crash. it usually gets stuck on 98% when loading into the server. This can happen from zero attempts of connecting to several. This is really annoying for me so if anyone has a fix could they please let me know Thanks :)
Suggestion for scoutsknives
by owenadamant- 4 replies
Just curious if there is a way to fix a bug on scoutsknives. My guns seem to be randomly dissapearing and only showing a crosshair. I can still fire and scope normally but the weapon viewmodel isnt visible
Combat Surf
by Forest- 7 replies
The server needs more admins on the combat surf. I do understand that the server is new and people need 25 hour to be an admin but all these mic spammers are so annoying and need to be muted.
The !gift option
by kidx- 1 reply
So on many severs there is a thing called !gift when you do so you have to do !gift (name amount of credits) I think it would be great to add into the sever i don't know about the staff steam and they said on this but yeah?
Admin Applications
by Ironstrike- 6 replies
I have been wanting to say this for a while but i really thought someone else would pick up on this. Do Not apply for admin if the server has been up for only a few days or hours. in my opinion it doesn't matter if you are admin who wants another admin role on another server. You shouldn't be applying for admin unless you have a reasonable amount of hours. i see why for some new servers 25 might be a bit much but people cant be applying with small numbers like 2, 4 or 8. It is becoming almost a race now to whoever can get a number like 4 hours and then apply for admin because they know there is no competition for the role because it is so new. Im interested about oth…
by bumboy11- 2 replies
it'z ya boi bumboy11 Why challenge back on. Its retarded. Please turn it off. FFS. ALL U HAVE TO DO IS TYPE /ckadmin and turn it offffffff D:
Hunger Games Server
by Magic- 3 replies
Hunger Game servers are awfully popular and have great success but there are only 2 AUS/NZL servers so far and I think this would help Killzone gamings Community. Mag1c, (just a tip nothing to serious :) )
"Knifing is a button"
by SANDOS- 5 replies
In jailbreak, CT's can say that Knifing is a button. However, knifing is a very common thing for us to do as T's. What happens most of the time, is that the CT's are super nazi at the beginning, then slack of towards the middle and only kill few people actually knifing. It isn't fair for the T's who are dying throughout the round because a CT decides to actually kill someone for it when other T's are getting away Scott free. I and many other people think that this command should be banned and not allowed to be used except for maybe when T's take one step out of cells and button freeze when CT's can watch all of them at once. Thank you :)
by Panda- 1 reply
server ideas
by Toasted- 1 reply
what type of servers would you guys like to see KZG make? :shy: just you know... post an idea