189 topics in this forum
Bugs/Glitches Jailbreak
by okikp123- 2 replies
While I was on the map outdoorjail I was experimenting with a few glitches, I will list them below and hopefully skyPrah can fix them: The only spawn effects that work are the confetti and feather selections When you play as a movable ghost you can type !unghost as soon as the game states that a team has won, this respawns you from a dead player to an alive player. All the auras on the server do not work or are invisible. Unusual effects do not do anything. There is the list hopefully they can be fixed.
"Knifing is a button"
by SANDOS- 5 replies
In jailbreak, CT's can say that Knifing is a button. However, knifing is a very common thing for us to do as T's. What happens most of the time, is that the CT's are super nazi at the beginning, then slack of towards the middle and only kill few people actually knifing. It isn't fair for the T's who are dying throughout the round because a CT decides to actually kill someone for it when other T's are getting away Scott free. I and many other people think that this command should be banned and not allowed to be used except for maybe when T's take one step out of cells and button freeze when CT's can watch all of them at once. Thank you :)
server ideas
by Toasted- 1 reply
what type of servers would you guys like to see KZG make? :shy: just you know... post an idea
JailBreak LR Suggestion
by SANDOS- 0 replies
When I used to play Jailbreak on CS:S In LR's there was a backstab war option where a player could only die if stabbed in the back. I think this should be added to the LR list because for people that like to do Custom LR but the floor kills them. i.e. Race where the lava below kills you. The player will fall. but can't die, so they can retry. This isn't really important, but it would be cool if it could be added so we could create more custom LR's. :)
by Fybiz- 1 reply
Hi there everyone this is just me blabbering idea's ;;) JailBreak Idea's LootCrate's Info: Weekly Crates with awesome Prices for a chance to win 5,000 credits LayOut/Commands: !Crate: checks to see if you have a crate if you have a crate it will say 1 available or how many you have !crateopen: will open and spin a little thing in the middle of your screen and will land on a prize !crateclaim: will give you your prize Description: so you will get a crate everyweek and it will have any prize or what not inside and i think it would just be fun and will make people wanna play more! type what prizes you would like say Jail Prize then what you wan…
Noscope day music suggestion
by Krizziii- 0 replies
Music Suggestion for Noscope Day
by Guest Guest- 0 replies
I think for scout you should make it old school so like u bhop with no low-gravity i think it would be great and just have portals to get high up and no full damage :exclamation: :dodgy: :at: :P
by fresh start- 0 replies
Hey it would be awsome if some game modes were added to the scoutzknivez server ex: knife only round, 10hp and nades, the ground is lava where if u hit the groud you lose 20hp. Just something to freshen the server up.
by Fybiz- 2 replies
Surf: Hi there reader i was just wondering in my mind just thinking of idea's and i thought well its a surf server right then you should make like a player hat but it goes on your feat and it would be a surf board it just seems to be something that i think would make the server a lot better and maybe a skate board and related stuff to surfing. Admin's: So for the admins on the surf server i think you need more at the moment there is so many mic spammers and they are not stopping because they know there is no admins and i have to keep asking for admins from other servers to come on surf and maybe msg an owner to come mute them because a lot of them are just getting away …
More Admins On JailBreak Server
by teaR♡- 3 replies
On the server we have much fun and joy whilst the Admins are on but what happens when the Admins are off... *Answer* People disobey the rules and apply their own rules. For instance last night on the 3/6/2016 I've witnessed many people disobeying the rules and a lot of free killing was happening but there were no admins on that night. We need more admins on~! :blush:
Music Suggestions ~ ^___^ ~
by teaR♡- 1 reply
- 1.1k views More Music Suggestions :angel: :heart:
Music Suggestions
by teaR♡- 0 replies
- 777 views Thats all haha there is more to come soon depending on how i feel :angel:
Workshop Weapons?
by Ironstrike- 2 replies
Hi Guys, I was thinking is there a way to add workshop weapons to the game. it may be a cool feature to have CTS have guns like the mp5 or like snipers from the workshop. BTW i have no real opinion i just wanted to hear what you guys thought about it.
Helper/Trusted Staff?
by CELLA- 11 replies
As I see and most of other people do, there have been alot of a admin applications coming through. Of course KZG cant accept all admins and i would think it would be a great idea to have a "trusted" or "helper" rank within the staff rankings. My suggestion would be that "helpers" or "trusted" players would be able to slay, respawn and change other players teams. Hopefully KZG can put this into mind and I hope this goes though. Thanks -CELLA