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294 topics in this forum
Favorite alcohol 1 2
by Trash.- 26 replies
Yo so what are your guys favorite alcohol For me mine's probably Wild turkey American honey and favorite beer would be Coopers pale ale its some good shit yo
Story Time With Colby
by ColbyInTheHouse- 0 replies
So every now and then I read stories on KZG Easy Surf and it's usually quite a giggle. But no one has ever recorded them and posted them to youtube, and then there was a man named James came along. Thank you James for recording last night's storytime [video=youtube][/video]
can i get to 50 reputations ? ? ?
by Sammy- 0 replies
lets see if i can get to 50 reputations help me out guys
Which State Are You In?
by Eco- 14 replies
Hi all! So I wanted to know where we all are over Australia! Feel free (if you are comfortable) to share with us your state! I would love to know if I have any fellow Victorians around here :) If you live in another country or something like that, share that to :) Have a good day :D
Donating for VIP
by dgnG- 1 reply
When i go to buy it my only option is 1 month, Is there a way i can buy VIP forever?
by Strawbzz- 9 replies
Hi everyone, So im just writing this so that the people that think i have done anything wrong. If you are one of the people that i have hurt / mistreated in the past could you please come in teamspeak and just poke me so we can try and clear our past and look at the present thanks everyone
Message to all the scripters...
by Acid- 21 replies
This is just a little friendly message to all the people who finally got caught scripting. Honestly, I'm kind of glad you got unbanned. I guess everyone deserves a second chance. The majority of these people that got banned for scripting were casuals, people that played on our servers frequently, even an admin got banned. I hope the people that got banned come back embarrassed, but also will learn to bhop the way it should be done. It's not hard, just put a few hours into practice using scroll key. Hopefully more cheaters are exposed because from my point of view, it's funny as shit to see players that I see everyday thinking that what they're doing is legi…
Bhop scripts / my opinion
by SpaceJam2k- 0 replies
This might sound bias, But i think bhop scripters should be banned from Mini-games and Jailbreak but not AIM servers and both surf servers. My reason for this is that Ive had no issues with people bhopping on AIM servers and most of the time players cant even hit bhops + they do it for about 5 less seconds. (You can barely tell if they even do script or anything either) Surf servers shouldn't be worried about because using bhop scripts on the server actually decreases ur speed from my knowledge. All I'm saying is that if people don't get unbanned, the servers will eventually loose more and more players from how many people actually bhop script in csgo. - This …
by Strawbzz- 4 replies
Hi everyone, So since my application got denied i have been trying really hard to talk to the people that i miss treated to try and change there perspective on me but i feel as if they are not trying to even let me talk and explain i feel as they do not want me to be on the community anymore. All im asking is for a chance to prove myself i never wanted this i wish i could make people feel good and see a different perspective on me so if you are one of the people that do not like me please msg me on steam or please come in teamspeak im really trying guys!
Best Admin 2k16 KZG
by Sammy- 10 replies
Who do you think is the best admin out of these 10 people.
Trump new US president?
by deSt- 6 replies
Hey guys made this thread to see people's opinions on the candidates for president. What's your opinion on the whole poll currently, quite surprised seeing a lot of people on mini games actually are supporting trump. I personally don't like Trump or Clinton. This is the current poll.
Which sport is better?
by Ec1ipse- 22 replies
VOTE FOR WHICH SPORT IS BETTER ! Also comment below your favourite team !
by My Name is Tito- 7 replies
Hey guys was bored and though of doing something like this would be cool. its just a banner with a list of all the servers KZG has currently!
So we vsed Sh0wtek :)
by Ec1ipse- 9 replies
We played against Sh0wtek ! And this was our scores at the end !
Best Grill Gamers 1 2
by Sammy- 25 replies
Vote ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- 2 replies
He did it because he could, none them ever cared about what he did until he did it. after he did it they would say that he was stupid but they would never ask why. when they did ask he would say because he wanted to see what it was like. he was never going to say because he was fed up with everyone’s bullshit and he was hoping it would take his mind off what he knew was a not very bright future. he was fed up because when ever he was in a bad place they would just keep doing what they were doing, they all stood and watched when they called him fat and slow. they could have all done something but they didn’t. he regularly sit s alone at recess listening to music realising …
biggest trolls on minigames
by Sammy- 3 replies
who is more of a troll vote ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :tounge:
Cya KZG!
by Panda- 21 replies
Hey everyone I just want to say thanks for making me have a great time here on KZG, but I've decided to quit. Cya yall have a great future! Cha boy Panda!
what is your biggest fail ?
by Sammy- 7 replies
whats your biggest fail guys comment down below xD il start off When i was a little kid i was getting chased by my brother and my head went first into the edge of a kitchen table and my head legit cracked open.
gonna b inactive
by Kwala- 11 replies
sorry but im gonna be inactive as i need to study for some exams!!! i might popin every now and again but yeah atar > csgo :DD
Focusing more on school + having alittle break.
by SpaceJam2k- 13 replies
Hey guys, Its SpaceJam2k.. I just wanted to say that I'm going to have a break from KZG.. but ill pop in here and there on ts and the servers. But ill be mostly be inactive, as I'm focusing more on school then my games :p If i loose my job as a moderator ill still be playing on AIM servers. But that's all i have to say :) peace boys! This will be around a 2weeks or even when school finishes, ill come back:p so I'm definitely not quitting. If i do decide to come back early, I'll surely let you know.
by Strawbzz- 15 replies
Hey Folks, its strawbzz aka fybiz here and today i would like to address that i am not the one with the perms to ban conkley all i did was sent a video to an admin and asked can he get banned for this and next thing you know he is banned so everyone that is saying i was in the wrong to upload the video you are wrong he did wrong and was against the rules. All the community is hating on me for uploading a single video conkley for a start you should be happy it was only 3 days so be grateful secondly stop being a cunt ingame to me just because you know you did wrong and the mature thing would to be to say sorry atleast but i guess your going down the wrong road so everyone …
Back to school
by Strawbzz- 19 replies
Hello Folks, its me again your friendly neighbour fybiz aka strawbzz so im here today to ask for some advise about school i have recently been homeschooled for around 1 - 2 years now and i am going back to school grade 9 i just need some advice if any1 has been in my situational or anything like that would it just be like going to a new school or would it be different since i was homeschooled and is grade 9 hard ;p
Computer blue screened.
by AlexJones- 7 replies
My computer blue screened last night, was able to refresh the files but lost all the games, installed applications, and all that stuff. Computer then wouldn't let me have access to c drive which took me another few hours to fix. Wont be on csgo till tomorrow arvo or the next day, internet has been really shit, and will take forever to download. Rip, probs be on teamspeak soon.
by Strawbzz- 16 replies
Hey Folks, So are yeah its me fybiz aka strawbzz so there have been few complaints about me they staff wont tell me what i did wrong at this point i think people are just making up shit because they are un happy i am banned so im taking a break from talking ingame so if i dont respond to you that would be why so sorry i just dont like that im getting accused by people that go up to thrasher each day with no proof and it does not help when i ask them what i did so i can improve and they dont let me know so yeah ;p