832 topics in this forum
-A4's- App
by --A4--- 0 replies
What server are you applying for?: I would like to apply for Combat Surf and Fifa Do you have an in-game microphone?: Yes Have you ever donated to the server?: no but will Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Foxie,Teo,Serjent,J_vil,Pepsi, Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Liam (Serj), J_VilL, Foxie, -A4- And Zypher.e microphone?: Yes (Plantronics Gamecom 780/788) Have you ever donated to the server?: Not yet but planning to. Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Liam (Serj), J_VilL, Foxie, -A4- And Zypher.
(Minigames) Mod Application For Pust/Pusterino 1 2
by Konichiwa *OLD*- 25 replies
(TheOpenBook's) Admin Application For JB KZG
by TheOpenBook- 5 replies
Current ingame name : TheOpenBook What server are you applying for? : JailBreak Steam ID : dont know how to find it Age : 14 Where are you located? : NewZealand Have you read the server rules for the server you are applying for admin on? Yes Have you ever donated to the server? : Going To Soon Name atleast 2 people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Dont Know Why do you want to be an admin on Killzone Gaming? : Because I think I can bring alot to the server I am pritty good with coding and with designs im helpful. I'm always looking for ways to improve other peoples times and how they think about the server im willing to dedicate as many hours as needed to the…
[--select--] ✪ÆÚŁ§'s Moderator Application
by ✪Zenitsu chan- 4 replies
Steam Account Name: ✪ÆÚŁ§ Steam ID: 0956964331 / Discord Handle: ✪ace#9003 Age: 23 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: hello i started csgo in the late summer of 2019 then i notice kzg and i like playing it Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i really deserve to be an staff at kzg Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: so i can play and talk with the staff i really appreciate to be here Play-Time on Server Group: 1d 06:10h Times Usually Played on Server Group: 5 days 01:14:33 hours Vouching Staff on Server Group: jaz Vouching Players: dev1ce Have Read Server Group Rules…
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Steam Account Name: Elf Steam ID: Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: my name is max and i love playing cs surf Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i love interacting with the community and i spent an awful lot of time of your servers so i can talk to our community and make the best it can be to improve quality of our servers Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i think i deserve to be in killzones gaming's staff because i love interacting with ppl and bringing a good vibes Play-Time on Server Group: 4 days 06:11:33 hours Times Usually Played on Server Group: noob surf and n…
- 18 replies
Steam Account Name: risk_maticn Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:22308435 Age: 27 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I stated to play cs at 2006 till 2011, 1.6 version and i played in Europe. I have been admin on couple servers(1.6) cvar commands.. I didnt want to play cs go at the start, but i do when i moved to Australia 16 months ago. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I have enough experience to judge on cheats. Cuz i used to play cs 1.6 5 years. i have been on a lot Lan tournaments. And have a lot ideas how to enhance server. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I deserve cuz i have experience with i can contribute to server community. Pl…
[-SELECT-] Mamba Mentality Black Mamba #8's Moderator Application
by Mamba Mentality- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Current Steam Name: Mamba Mentality Black Mamba #8 Steam ID: STEAM_76561199093851516 Discord Handle: Longyboy345#2625 Age: 16 Gender: Male Description of myself: Just a casual csgo player who surfs a lot on the noob surf Qualities I can bring to Killzone Gaming: I help to overlook the server, and help other people learn how to surf as well as report toxic people. Contributions I have made towards Killzone Gaming: I help to overlook the server, and help other people learn how to surf as well as report toxic people. Play time on the server group I am applying for: 50 hours in the past 3 weeks Vouching staff member/s: Vouching player/s:…
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: ♕Hb0mber Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:164881480 Age: 15 Description of Yourself: Hi, my name is Harrison, I am a 15 year old male (nearly 16) attending High School part time, I am a caring and honest individual who is trusted and respected by many on the server and is fair and helping towards others (thought by myself and said by many others). I have supported the sport of football my whole life and support the team of Manchester City. I have been playing Counter-Strike (all games in general) for 3-4 years now. I have an Xbox ONE and PS4 but play on the computer in any free time I h…
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: ✪ jämës ツ Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:134457956 Age: 15 Description of Yourself: Hi, my name is James, i am 15 years of age and i love playing video games such as csgo, i dont only play video games i play sports such as cricket and soccer. I mainly play csgo kzg servers mainly when i am playing csgo. I am passionate about getting outside and socializing with others. I love making new friends as that makes me grow as a person! I am also hoping to get a spot in the KZG aim 1v1 server! Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 15:40:29 hours What time do you normally pl…
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: Blizz Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:32602451 Age: 16 Description of Yourself: Name is Matthew, I currently live in Sydney NSW and have been playing csgo for 4 years, 1 of which were competitively (CGO then CGA). Im not a salt driven person and often im mistaken for an admin which is weird but anyways I like to consider myself a responsible person although my opinion doesn't matter too much in the end. It's your opinion that makes the difference. Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 18.2 hours, 160 hours on Invex if that means anything What time do you normally p…
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: Blizz Your Steam ID: STEAM_STEAM_0:1:32602451 Age: 16 Description of Yourself: Name is Matthew, I currently live in Sydney NSW and have been playing csgo for 4 years, 1 of which were competitively (CGO then CGA). Im not a salt driven person and often im mistaken for an admin which is weird but anyways I like to consider myself a responsible person although my opinion doesn't matter too much in the end. It's your opinion that makes the difference. Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 58 hours What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?…
[Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp)] Damo313 's Moderator Application
by damo313| trading- 1 reply
Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: Damo313 Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:170856129 Age: 13 Description of Yourself: i am am a very respectful person who has had admin experience on my own sever and love to play csgo Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 5 days on casual What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: 4 to 9:30 Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: . Players vouching your application?: pablo esky brah Why do you think you deseve to be a part of the Killzone Gaming Staffing Team?: because i hardly see any admins on casual plus i …
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: FLATLiNE Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:15494595 Age: 22 Description of Yourself: I am Luke, 22 years of age from Melbourne, Australia. Former forum owner, multi-platform community founder and longtime CS:S administrator for the whole division of HeLLsGamers from 2011-2015 (300,000 members) Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 07:08:40 hours + What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: I play all throughout the day and night. WIll primarily be online from 12am-6pm Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: N/A …
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: KegMeister Your Steam ID: Age: 12 Description of Yourself: Hi Guys My Name is KegMeister or Keggie, Ive been playing CSGO for about 2 years now and im loving the game, i spend most of time on the KZG severs i mostly play minigames and casual comp, I love the community and getting to know some of the new guys. I would like to be a admin one day but for now i think moderator would be a good start as this is my first time do this stuff, Now for stuff about me if a CSGO gamer from New Zealand, i started off playing Jailbreak then i came on to …
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: nK1 Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:65663555 Age: 16 Description of Yourself: Persistent, mature, very social, understanding and i dont get annoyed easily. Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 1 day 21 hours What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: (WA TIME) 10am weekdays til about 12 but i play on it often. 3pm midweek. i play hourly sessions. Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: Blizz Roughly Players vouching your application?: Burnzz Swipe Why do you think you deseve to be a part of the Kil…
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: Toxicz Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:197277083 Age: 15 Description of Yourself: Im a Nice person the loves to help the community.I love play 1v1 and Minigames. I love playing csgo with my friends and have a good laugh. Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 7 Hours Over 2 accounts What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: I play everyday normally for a warm up then i just chill.I play 12pm-11pm normally does change when i have school Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: Av Gaming said to me once i should go becau…
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Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: Volken or Jester Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50405783 Age: 14 Description of Yourself: I describe myself as very friendly and calm but if things get very out of hand I can be a little aggressive, I can be shy at times but usually get over it pretty quick Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 3 days 01:46:05 hours (NOTE: I JOINED THE FORUMS ON THE 30TH OF JANUARY AND CURRENTLY IT IS 19TH OF FEB SO PLEASE DONT BE MAD THAT I APPLIED EARLY) What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: I usually play between 4PM - 11PM but sometimes have things t…
- 7 replies
Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: WD-40 Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128431286 Age: 17 Description of Yourself: Im a good friendly bloke but i must admit when i first started playing this server i was a little rat and broke rule but i have a 100% changed Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 16:51:32 hours What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: 12-3pm 5-12 pm Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: Naga Players vouching your application?: Naga Why do you think you deseve to be a part of the Killzone Gaming Staffing Team?: i think i d…
- 0 replies
Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: WD-40 Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128431286 Age: 17 Description of Yourself: Im a good friendly bloke but i must admit when i first started playing this server i was a little rat and broke rule but i have a 100% changed Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 16:51:32 hours What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: 12-3pm 5-12 pm Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: Naga Players vouching your application?: Naga Why do you think you deseve to be a part of the Killzone Gaming Staffing Team?: i think i des…
[Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp)] x-COM FRENZY-INWL-'s Admin Application
by x-COM FRENY!-INWL-- 5 replies
Server you're Applying for?: Aim (1v1 and Casual Comp) Steam Account Name: x-COM FRENZY-INWL- Your Steam ID: STEAM_ Age: 24 Description of Yourself: I LOVE THIS EVER SO I THOUGHT I COULD HELP MAKE THIS SEVER SAFE AND FREE OF HACKERS Play Time on the server you're applying for?: I HAVE 90 HOURS PLAY IN 2 WEEK MOST OF IT PLAY ON THE KILL ZONE SEVER What time do you normally play on the Server you're appplying for?: 1V1 ARENA Vouching Staff Members of the server you are applying for?: dont have any yet Players vouching your application?: dont have any yet Why do you think you deseve to be a part of the Killzone Gaming Staffing T…
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Steam Account Name: BigMan Steam ID: Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a passionate gamer that plays csgo and fortnite mainly csgo though. KZG servers are my favourite csgo server mainly casual competitive (favourite) Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I am respectful of anyone no matter what sex, race and religion and I will respect them as I would like to be respected Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I deserve to be part of Killzone Gamings Staff team because im a trustworthy person which does what i am told the first time. Play-Time on Server Group: Not…
- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: BigMan Steam ID: Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a passionate gamer which plays fortnite and csgo. I love all games and csgo is one of my favourite especially on KZG servers which are my FAVOURITE! Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I am a respectful person who is mature and is willing to help anyone. I don't care about race, sex or religion I will respect them no matter what, I will make everyone welcome on KZG servers. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I deserve to be apart of Killzone Gaming's staff team because I believe I am a tru…
[AIM (includes 1v1,Casual,FFA,Retakes,Executes)] Fizzifantaa's Administrator Application
by FizziFantaa- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: Fizzifantaa Steam ID: Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm Fun, friendly and super nice Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming What i'll be bringing to Killzone is a very person friendly server where no one will have a go at each other, I'll be making sure that no one is afk and a lot of times when im playing there isnt any admins on, and i mainly play this everyday when i get the chance. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: Well i think i should be apart of the team is because we need more admins on more often, and like i said i play this m…
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Steam Account Name: Green Steam ID: Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am from New Zealand and counter strike is one of my favourite games, along with rocket league. I play all sorts of sports and I am friendly. I usually come and play on KZG servers to warmup for competetive play. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I usually play on Retakes and I have noticed that there is almost never any admins on the servers, and it could change as people do troll and people do go AFK regularly. I could make a change on these servers by being active and making sure the server isn't full of trolls etc. …