832 topics in this forum
[MINIGAMES] CHOOMAH's Moderator Application
by Dicky Cramplebottom- 3 replies
Steam Account Name: CHOOMAH Steam ID: 76561198218984157 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: i like helping people and i do the right thing, if someone isnt then im not afraid to do something about it. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming i am on the server a lot and i dont like people who take advantage of a server by doing the wrong thing, i also have a good understanding of surfing and could easily help someone who is new to it. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: i have never been banned or muted, i have never said anything racist or harmful to anyone on the server, i have already helped a few people without being moderator or a…
[MINIGAMES] lighten's Moderator Application
by lighten- 18 replies
Steam Account Name: lighten Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:85087854 Age: 19 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: My Name is lighten. Use to go to uni for business management until something way better came up. Relaxed. Chilled, Laid Back. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I bring a great atmosphere, easy to talk to about anything, AMAZING SKILL (better then ninim) (atleast i reckon) Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzone Gaming: I was a Trusted member Ban-Hammer Jailbreak for around 7-8 months until we fare-welled the great community. I believe I have gone by the rules as much as i could. Having a joke here and there. I believe I deserve to be a part of the K…
- 10 replies
Steam Account Name: Weird Uncle's Macaroni Steam ID: Steam_1:0:58245257 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I have been an active member of the KZG community since late November of 2017 when I returned to playing CS:GO. I have since earned the ranks of Expert and Teacher and want to help the community filling the time gaps of when an admin isn't available or on the server. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I have over 1200 hours hours played on CS:GO so i have the ability to judge who is cheating and who isn't. I have an unbiased opinion on what someone's punishment. I will judge people and give them a fair punishment based on what offense …
- 18 replies
Steam Account Name: risk_maticn Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:22308435 Age: 27 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I stated to play cs at 2006 till 2011, 1.6 version and i played in Europe. I have been admin on couple servers(1.6) cvar commands.. I didnt want to play cs go at the start, but i do when i moved to Australia 16 months ago. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I have enough experience to judge on cheats. Cuz i used to play cs 1.6 5 years. i have been on a lot Lan tournaments. And have a lot ideas how to enhance server. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I deserve cuz i have experience with i can contribute to server community. Pl…
- 11 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: SKILL SURF Steam Account Name: draph Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:139098920 Age: 17 Description Of Yourself: Guy who plays games and streams surf occasionally Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 10d 06:12h What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: Usually in the afternoons around the hours 12-10 PM, sometimes in the morning depending on what I'm doing. Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: CJ, Raven, Sid Players Vouching Your Application?: A lot of players respect me, hard to ask everyone, they can post their +/- 1 here. Why Do You Deserve To Be A Pa…
[SKILL] SMALL CAT's Administrator Application
by small cat- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: SMALL CAT Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:193627480 Age: 23 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am a dynamic figure, often seen scaling walls and crushing ice. I have been known to remodel train stations on my lunch breaks, making them more efficient in the area of heat retention. I translate ethnic slurs for Cuban refugees, I write award-winning operas, I manage time efficiently. Occasionally, I tread water for three days in a row. I woo women with my sensuous and godlike trombone playing, I can pilot bicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed, and I cook Thirty-Minute Brownies in twenty minutes. I am an expert in stucco, a veteran in…
- 10 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: SKILL SURF Steam Account Name: FabØss Steam ID: STEAM_ Age: 19 Description Of Yourself: Hello I am Fabo, known as Faboos for all surfers from ZTS or Fabonus on KZG servers. I have a well-known reputation on the servers (don't know if it's entirely bad or good) for doing only bonus times to get a high rank as a joke. I am an average surfer that is on every day (if not every 2 days) just to beat any new bonuses and chat with the server. Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 1 days 10:14:46 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: during the days of Wednesday, Thursday, Sat…
- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: Jerry Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:182424315 Age: 15 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm Jerry a KZG player from New Zealand enjoy playing CSGO and am active nearly everyday I enjoy playing all sorts of gamemodes, killing people / warming up gamemodes are my favorite. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming A cool calm collected being that is active and has over 15 DAYS played over all KZG servers, and most of the community knows me from one server or another, I have matured immensely from when I first joined KZG. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I think I deserve to be apart of the KZG staff team because of the hours I am a…
[AIM] iver$ ツ's Administrator Application
by iver$ ツ- 4 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: AIM Steam Account Name: iver$ ツ Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:209083962 Age: 17 Description Of Yourself: Currently rank 14 on the server, SMFC matchmaking, hate cheaters, hate toxic people. I currently haven't had a forum account for a month Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 40 Hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: Usually I just get on when I first open cs for the day and then whenever I'm in ESEA queue I'll hop on Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: SpaceJam2k and Blizz, Players Vouching Your Application?: erkaSt, don't…
- 3 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: SKILL SURF Steam Account Name: Neds- Steam ID: STEAM_ Age: 18 Description Of Yourself: Hi, I am neds I am a pain in the ass, but actually have been apart of the surf community for a while so I shouldn't have to describe myself if you are an average player on the server Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 07:01:49 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: probly any time past 5 adelaide time Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: dex tittiboi (serenity) scarelt Players Vouching Your Application?: ha…
[MINIGAMES] dupreeh ^s 's Moderator Application
by .vert zaMpa- 16 replies
Server You're Applying For: MINIGAMES Steam Account Name: dupreeh ^s Your Steam ID: STEAM_76561198268108115 Age: 15 Description Of Yourself: My name is Yadon (yes it's foreign), but I am more commonly known as dupreeh. I have been a member of the Minigames community since round about 2014 / 2013. I started off during theFrequency and eventually moved to VeeGee Gaming where I flourished as a member and made some really good friends like @GimmeYoFries. I missed the BanHammer era as my brother moved out with his PC (I played on his). I have recently however, gotten my own PC and have joined the KZG community as a member. I am 15 years old and am still a s…
mod [JUMP] krewzy 's Moderator Application 1 2
by krewzy- 27 replies
Server You're Applying For: JUMP Steam Account Name: krewzy Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:158889794 Age: 15 Description Of Yourself: Hi, my name is Krewzy! i like playing basket-ball, and also like going on, and playing CSGO including KZG servers. I play KZ Climb a-lot and really enjoy it! Play-Time On The Server You're Applying For?: like around about 2 days... server !gameme / !statsme is down on the server im applying for What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For: Monday 4:30 PM to 9:30 PM Tuesday 4:30 PM to 9:30 PM Wednesday 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM Thursday 4:30 PM to 9:30 PM Friday 4:00 PM to 1:00…
- 10 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: MINIGAMES Steam Account Name: Prodigy Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44508066 Age: 17 Description Of Yourself: apparently liked by people, no real exciting attributes. Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 3 days 01:04:05 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: 7:30am - 2pm , 9pm - 2am Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: Wisey, spodey, Zing maybe? (if hes a good lad) Players Vouching Your Application?: Im a bag, Bork, Hentai babe, (maybe some others) Why Do You Deserve To Be A Part Of The Killzone Gaming Staff Team?: i dont really, im a piec…
sirjanus [SCOUTZ 'N' KNIVEZ] Sir Janus 's Moderator Application 1 2
by Sir Janus- 25 replies
Server You're Applying For: SCOUTZ 'N' KNIVEZ Steam Account Name: Sir Janus Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:178935465 Age: 13 Description Of Yourself: Im a 13year old boy going into year 8 i like to play CS:GO i love playing on the KZG servers i play on many Including Scoutz, Jailbreak, Bhop and sometimes Combat Surf my favourite server is of course Scoutz Play-Time On The Server You're Applying For?: around 9days What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For: around 2 hours a day Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For: Lemons, Fam and JET (retired staff) Players Vouching Your Application: suprememes,B…
- 11 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: SCOUTZKNIVEZ Steam Account Name: Lil Mas Steam ID: Age: 19 Description Of Yourself: Just your average chill gamer, not toxic love playing custom games such as scoutsnknives aha, looking to be more then the average player who just plays Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 1d 04:09h What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: depends when i work but its normally during the day or late at night, but at least once a day normally Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: Simba The Riddler Players Vouching Your Ap…
[COMBAT SURF] Thierry Ninjago 's Moderator Application
by Thierry Ninjago- 7 replies
Server You're Applying For: COMBAT SURF Steam Account Name: Thierry Ninjago Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126952339 Age: 14 Description Of Yourself: I am well known over the combat surf community and admins, i believe KZG needs fair admins and that's what I am aiming for. I own Bird Nation, a clan that has many combat surf players joined. Play-Time On The Server You're Applying For?: 3 days 11:15:28 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For: In the morning and after 1 Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For: Bubble ExoticRage Lim. Players Vouching Your Application: Cr0w$ Noah RustyCo…
[AIM] Ethreal 's Moderator Application
by Ethreal- 11 replies
Server You're Applying For: AIM Steam Account Name: Ethreal Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:121688057 Age: 12 Description Of Yourself: I am a boy going into highschool this year, I would like to start doing YouTube this year, Play-Time On The Server You're Applying For?: 06:33:07 hours (And going up btw) What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For: Anytime really Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For: None Players Vouching Your Application: Rock3y, Khael, Ben23e, Why Do You Think You Deserve to Be A Part Of The Killzone Gaming Staff Team?: I think i deserve to be apart of the KZG staff team is…
[Combat Surf] tommo. 's Moderator Application 1 2
by tommo.- 25 replies
Server you're Applying for?: Combat Surf Steam Account Name: tommo. Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79300050 Age: 15 Description of Yourself: My name is Anthony and I live in Sydney, Australia. I am currently studying in High School, and I play games on the side. I enjoy making people laugh and meeting new people. I love playing sports such as AFL and Cricket, but I also enjoy playing video games with my mates. Playing Combat Surf helps my mates and I get closer and just have an all round good time. Getting the moderator role can hopefully enhance that experience. In the future I plan on being an Electrical Engineer in the Army and study at ADFA in Canberr…
[JUMP] Jeremyiah's Administrator Application
by Jeremyiah- 19 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: JUMP Steam Account Name: Jeremyiah Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:115804973 Age: 17 Description Of Yourself: I play kz 24 hours a day. Im friendly if people dont rtv my maps :P. My lj pb is like 285.5 so yeah thats pretty cool Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: Probably like 2 hours on server but actual KZ i have around 800-1000 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: Probably evenings now that im working so liek 6-11 or 12 Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: I have talked to the community directors and they have said I do not need to include two staf…
[JAILBREAK] Facon's Application
by Facon- 13 replies
Server You're Applying For: JailBreak Steam Account Name: Facon Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91825632 Age: 15 Description Of Yourself: My name is Paul I am 15 and I love to go camping, bush walking, hiking, canyoning. I also love to do hockey and Rugby League. I am generally quite calm and never really get mad. I have a bright personality and love making new friends. I live in rural NSW and I am currently in year 10 heading into year 11 in 2018. I love gaming it is probably my biggest hobby. I am a pretty genuine person and I have a positive attitude towards most things. Play-Time On The Server You're Applying For?: 11 days 21:18:46 hours Wha…
- 17 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: JAILBREAK Steam Account Name: BismuthCrystals Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102717375 Age: 15 Description Of Yourself: I Am 15 I Like Playing Soccer, FootBall, Hockey In My Spare Time My Favourite Thing Is Playing Kzg I Play All Around Kzg Servers My Main Server I Play On Is Jailbreak. Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 4days 20:04:57 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: I can play daily like 1-4hours a day Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: - Justin - Goose Players Vouching Your Application?: - Stormy - Super-Soc - Lethiem …
- 7 replies
Server You're Applying For: COMBAT SURF Steam Account Name: ♡D3adPool♡ Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85573605 Age: 13 Description Of Yourself: I have played kzg for 1 and a half years and i wanna be a staff member to help peopl out Play-Time On The Server You're Applying For?: 30 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For: in the weekend i start playing at about 7:00 AM till 5:00 Pm or later Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For: None Players Vouching Your Application: Stormy,Chewbacca,Spinna,Conkley. Why Do You Think You Deserve to Be A Part Of The Killzone Gaming Staff Team?: im a g…
[SKILL SURF] Primobolan's Administrator Application
by Primobolan- 3 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: SKILL SURF Steam Account Name: Primobolan Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:83489212 Age: 20 Description Of Yourself: I'm probably the biggest guy you'll meet. Bench is 400kg, deadlift is 130kg and squat is 120kg. I'm a strength coach from bankstown, get you the cleanest gear and offer the best nutritional advice and cycle advice ever. Can control a server with one word. Onions are my favourite pre-workout. Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 2 days, 48 hours. What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: Everyday, 7pm till i'm done dealing with people. Vouching Staff Me…
[SKILL SURF] AlphaEvol's Administrator Application 1 2
by AlphaEvol- 31 replies
Server Group You're Applying For?: SKILL SURF Steam Account Name: AlphaEvol Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:180564195 Age: 24 Description Of Yourself: Hi its alpha i feel like im pretty well known, i enjoy surf have been around kzg almost a year and just made top 100 Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 1 days 13:10:44 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: most often night time between 8pm and 2am and all weekends but if i was admin i would be on a lot more Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: Sid, Raven, Dex Players Vouching Your Application?: ill just say a lot but we'll see …
[SKILL SURF] Sculpted By The Gods's Administrator Application 1 2
by Sculpted By The Gods- 29 replies
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:151102002 Age: 21 Description Of Yourself: CS:GO Surfer from Australia, I like to surf 16 hours a day, that's my life. I have around 2k hours on CS:GO and 1k of them are on surf (currently rank 37 on KZG Surf), i'm also on the server every day I can get on. Play-Time On Server You're Applying For?: 4 days 10:22:48 hours What Time Do You Normally Play On The Server You're Applying For?: 4:00 PM till 1AM weekdays, 16 hours a day Saturday/Sunday Vouching Staff Members Of The Server You Are Applying For?: I don't know if anyone will vouch for me, because no staff likes me Players Vouching Your Application?: Everyone + Shane …