174 topics in this forum
Ryan Exploiting Minigame Map
by Acidic- 1 reply
I only managed to record the last two rounds of this, but ryan ( exploited this map nearly every round during the minigame session. Every round he would rush infront of every other player, stop the block so it is out of reach and kill himself. He even in chat a few times says things such as "Someone trolled it again". It caused people to have to kill themselves when they got to this part of the course and of course this created huge delay every round. I have recorded some footage, hopefully it is enough. Thank you for taking the time to review this. [video=youtube][/video…
Ban avoiding
by Sir Blazemore- 2 replies
Hey team wassup So regarding ban avoiding on another account, whats the procedure? Theres this guy on sk by the name qq (he changed it to that) his old account is also qq but he was perm banned by Bullee, technically hes ban avoiding right? some details old steam profile: id for this profile: steam id: STEAM_0:0:47477868 current steam profile with access to server: and its steam id: STEAM_0:0:172388010 A chat he had with Destiny: ❅ DESTINY: qq.: y add me qq.: ? ❅ DESTINY: is your main perm banned? qq.: yea ❅ DESTINY: ok ❅ DESTIN…
- 1 reply
Your ingame name: Ec1ipse Their ingame name: Ainsley The Nazi/Doctor Dankingson Their STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:42554431 Which server?: Jailbreak Reason for why they should be banned: He threatened to DDOS another player. Proof/Evidence: (Him threatening to DDOS another player) Extra: Ainsley The Nazi/Doctor Dankingson has 9 days played, he knows the rules and he knows he shouldn't be threatening to DDOS players.
Archers Abusive Comments
by Sammy- 1 reply
|========================================================================================| I hoped Mini games to have some fun and while i am playing someone decides to be a idiot and start to trash talk me for no reason at all and for someone who was going for mod should not be doing Hes name is Archer and for no reason what so ever had to do what he did if a Admin can have a chat with him that would be appreciated. |=========================================================================================|…
Abuse report
by Clifford- 2 replies
On combat surf there again, was someone impersonating me. Jango Fetty Wap was again impersonating me, he went to my profile and made his name in game, my name in real life. he then changed the first 2 letters back to front. Witnesses are: B1n, Dandy and Nosey. @Thrasher Links to profile: Jango - Screenshots:
Perm Mute on Squirtle/Pyke 1 2
by (UCU) MadeInChina- 27 replies
Your ingame name: MadeInChina Their ingame name: Squirtle/Pyke Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_0:1:37903346 Which server?: Team Speak/ jailbreak Reason for why they should be banned: Ok Over the pass couple day's Pyke/Squirtle as been coming into my channel (on Teamspeak) And abusing me and others, being an overall dick. Nobody that is in the channal with me Doesn't Want him there, Constantly asking me to kick him. After i proceed to kick him he will join back as fast as he can and Shout Why so *Salty* Then i would kick him lock the channel. Then he would constantly Poke me (On Teamspeak) Why So salty?. It isn't Just over team speak In game he would be a "Twat"…
Abusive Clan
by Clifford- 1 reply
Some people on combat surf decided it would be fun to mock my clan, //CominBarn and also my steam name, Clifford The Big Red Communist. they even went to the lengths of making a group called /CominBarn. The Group link and player links: My steam screen shots Link here: Offenders: Pincho- ItsTig3r - Jango Fetty Wap - Crash Bandikook - http://steamcommunity.c…
Ban request for Aim/spinbotter
by potato- 2 replies
Your ingame name: Potato Their ingame name: multiple names, has a name changer but currently; .exe Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_1:0:59628935 Which server?: minigames Reason for why they should be banned: has a full client, name changer, walls, spinbot, aim hacks Proof/Evidence: I have a demo recorded and uploaded to dropbox Extra(If any): mic spams cancerous earrape quick edit : skip to tick 3000 for hacking
Ban Request for Matty
by Squirtle- 9 replies
Your ingame name: Squirtle Their ingame name: Mr. Matty Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_0:0:145985938 Which server?: Jail Break Reason for why they should be banned: Mr. Matty is an abusive member of the community and I believe he should be removed because of his abusive behavior. Matty was warned my Sirtron to and I quote "Stop abusing! Last Warning". So while he was muted in-game for the abuse he then decided to target me through Steam messenger. I have many screenshots of the abuse. the reason why he decided to abuse me was this, A new player joined and was attempting to Warden so Matty being Matty decided to take this as an advantage to be a smart ass and just…
Perm Mute on gummys
by Dope- 9 replies
while i was on server i run a music vote to see if people wanted the music as when i joined the music was already playing once the music vote failed i asked him nicely to stop playing it he did not listen so i muted for 5min and when his mute was finished he continued the convo by say he wants to be the 1st on scouts to have 50 mutes as if he thinks its an accomplishment i told him ill have him perm muted before this happen. Comms: Steamid: STEAM_1:0:120616043 i believe he has had more than enough punishment due to spam in game i do not want 100 msgs a day of one o…
SpicyGloobs perm ban request
by SpicyGloobs- 14 replies
Your ingame name: SpicyGloobs Their ingame name: SpicyGloobs Their STEAMID ( ):STEAM_0:0:88365978 Which server?: Jailbreak Reason for why they should be banned: Because I am a Nazi cunt. Proof/Evidence: lmfao I'm typing this??? Extra(If any):Perm ban me pls
hacker on casual comp
by lockhaRt- 1 reply
Your ingame name: g1zm0 Their ingame name: EAT SHIT NOOBS Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_0:1:113539396 Which server?: casual comp 1 Reason for why they should be banned: Hacking/walling/aim Proof/Evidence: Extra(If any): there is ay more evidence but i wanted to post this quickly so he can be banned.
Abusive Players
by CableTV- 4 replies
Hello I have someone bullying SpangeBoogle can we please get a admin om minigames things are getting out of hand.
ban request on >:"P
by SEEKER- 4 replies
Your ingame name: SEEKER[TRADING] Their ingame name:>:>:'P Their STEAMID ( ):Http:// Which server?: scouts knives Reason for why they should be banned: extreme mic spamming and abusive screams, Proof/Evidence: i am not sugesting a perma ban just a one week ban, video evidence is at: Extra(If any): i had repeatidly warned him that he was breaking the rules and he just said that he didnt care, i deliberatly didnt warn him during the recording because i wanted to get evidense of the rule breaking. i am requesting this as an example to the people who think that they can break th…
Mic spamming on Mini games
by Cheese- 9 replies
I was playing this morning around 8 am and after a while these people were mic spamming delaying and we told them to stop but since there was no admins on they wouldn't listen i have some clips of people mic spamming i was trying to contact Skyprah but he wasnt on. i have a witness aswell which is Rezan that saw this aswell. im not sure if u can do anything about it but it was really anoying and was quite loud as i had to turn my volume down a bit. It wont let me upload 2 clips of them mic spamming but if any senior admins or skyprah have skype that i can show proof that will be great. Thanks People mic spamming: Gummpys Dimitri Sidious says no were …
Worst player Abuse
by Nosey- 2 replies
I am posting this on behalf of Hardj in game name: hardj their in game name: worst player steam id: STEAM_0:1:64394606 reason: he has been abusing hardj and been calling him a rapist on sever occasions even after myself and sever other people asked him to stop. after calling him names game he went and started to comment on his steam profile that he was a rapist. evidence: extra: i told him the the punishment for bullying is a ban and he said that he would make a new account and come back and do the same thing.
Ban Request for Nike
by Archer.- 3 replies
This child on minigames trolled CT swapping many many times so I would like to request a ban. Evidence:
Kiwi Ban Request
by kidx- 6 replies
So A guy called Kiwi join t to restart A round and this guy knows rules because he has been on the sever for a while and I said bro I have screenshots and replied with aww kys. here is the screenshot [hr]
by fresh start- 7 replies
This is a very big problem with the scoutzknivez server, i have been watching kyZ a player of that server and he has been abusing and scamming other players including me. He has been calling me and other people "shit cunts that should go kill them selves" everybody was fine with it at the start but he hasnt stoped and will not stop unless something is done, admins havnt banned him and havnt given him any warnings either, thats why im posting this. ive seen to many people leave the server because of him and hes gone to far... muliple people have told him this and he dosent listen. He is also telling "noobs' to bet all of there credits on a team/jackpot to make them lose. i…
- 12 replies
2 guys who took advantage of the fact there were no admins on and them when we said this is why we more admins/moderators he then started to say that admins were bad. Also repeat offender as I heard him getting muted like 50 times by merk as he was yelling in the mic "im bot johns dad". [video=youtube]KZG Scoutz MIC SPAM REPORT [/video] BOT Jons Dad BOT Niks Dad 1:14 - 1:22 disses admins 1:34 - end plays in game sounds a second later on his mic
Ban Request for It's not ray
by Squirtle- 10 replies
Your ingame name: Squirtle with Dwon Syndrome Their ingame name: dw, it's not ray Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_0:0:79603981 Which server?: Jail Break Reason for why they should be banned: This user was warned by admins muted many times for abusing me and other members. He continued to abuse me ingame which was witnessed by Squizzy. I then added the user to ask what I may have done to upset him in any way. He replied with a stream of abuse in game and through steam messages. I have screen shots of the steam message abuse but not the in game. Proof/Evidence:
Challenge Point Abuse
by Harry- 1 reply
Hello, So someone on the surf server recently has been abusing the challenge option, he invites people to accept his challenge request then loses on purpose to boost others rank. Someone by the name of Bumboy11 has gained over 10k points (estimated) from another person named Bunny Rabbit ( He has been giving out points frequently in the last couple days and I believe it needs to stop. Kind Regards, Harry
Z9 Leader ABUSE
by Mel0h7- 13 replies
Hi there so i just got muted on the server around 7 times because the server vote or something and he was muting me for 30 mins and reason was like yes or no like come on man this is dumb i was not mic spamming at all all the people in the lobby just wanted me muted for being a squeaker.. i have a screenshot but would not let me post if you would like to contact me just add me on steam same name as this thx
by JohnnyO's- 7 replies
hey guys so lately i have been getting freekilled by Yolo OG and other have also been getting freekilled by Yolo OG, on free days he does not actively find Rebelers instead he camps a zones or he hides in secrets, he has recieves tons of warnings / slays from most of the admins/staff, he never stops talking either CT or T when asked to stop talking so the warden can give orders, he becomes a smart ass when getting told something by a admin /or staff members, he is an all round tosser, and he is a all around Minger , when he is CT and is not warden he just goes around and does whatever he wants to do. sadly i don't have video proof because every time i seem to record t…