1v1 Arena
1v1 Arena
68 topics in this forum
Courtyard and Lodge - Map submission
by panthA- 8 replies
Thought I would finally get around to putting my maps up for submission to our current servers. 2/3 are currently complete and have been tested with multi-1v1. I have added workshop links so I can keep them up to date with any errors or updates/changes made instead of submitting several iterations of the same map as well as direct links to the BSPs. Lodge - am_pow_multi - Workshop Lodge - am_pow_multi - Dropbox A Map set in the forest's, originally to be a POW camp turned into a relaxing retreat for Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists a-like. Made to be similar to aim_map1v1 with a box like cover. Has been tested with Multi-1v1. …
Crackdown on Major issues
by Blizz- 3 replies
This is actually becoming a joke. * Half the maps in the current pool are actually terrible. They have shit, misleading names that attract people to vote for them and then everyone complains about it but they aren't rtv'd. Map submissions seriously need to be looked over properly. * The amount of hackers daily is starting to increase and it's just drives players away. On a side note how many active 1v1 admins are there within the last 3-4 days?. Only seen 1 in the last 3 weeks and im a faily regular player. This issue needs to be addressed ASAP. Getting sick and tired of being spammed by other players that there is a hacker and then contacting Skyprah over it (P…
[Question] Credit Gifting
by Blizz- 8 replies
Why was it removed exactly, no need to be too specific.
mirage mid bright af
by Sirtron- 2 replies
So the map am_mirage_mid_v0 is bright as fuck and very hard for the cts in the snipers nest to see the T's running across the back wall, the whole server seemed to have the same problem. Is there a quick fix where the map brightness can be turned down to make it closer to the actual mirage map brightness level.
by Kronic- 1 reply
-http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198333800101 -http://steamcommunity.com/id/tristanwhite1234 I Have 2 Little Clips, 1 Of Each Player! #1- L!nkz [video=youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyC7178X_F0[/video] #2- Phoon [video=youtube]https://youtu.be/0jHZv3XpZ2A[/video] Sorry If The Quality Is Bad! -Kronic
Pistols on awp rounds
by Sensei 66- 1 reply
sometimes I play Awp rounds and there are people who doesn't even use the Awp just the Pistol it is really pissing me of, It would really be awesome if you could remove pistol from AWP rounds :smiling:
Credits for 1v1
by lockhaRt- 8 replies
It would be nice if we could have credits and tracers and custom knives on 1v1 as it will make the server more unique. Plus 1 if you agree.
rawr is coming for Mod / Admin
by rawr- 1 reply
Anyways have fun will be running for class moderator or if there is anything of server mascot will be greatly appreciated so thank you <3
new map?
by 「Koi」- 5 replies
would you mind adding this map i think it is great but it may be 2 big https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=149093917 it is a recreation of rust on mw2 if this cant be added i will try and find a smaller map
1v1 Arena Server Rules
by skyprah- 0 replies
General Rules Hackers/Cheaters will be permanently banned without warning, period. No exceptions. Continuously abusing players while on the server will be punished harshly. We understand that players on the 1v1 server tends to get competitive in order to make it to Arena 1 but try keep a positive environment on the server. Hating on a relatively low ranked player is not tolerable. (Racism, discrimination, and harassment based on gender, age, sex, religion, and any other aspect is prohibited.) No racial or religious slurs. No advertising servers or websites. English ONLY on mic. No spamming (VOICE AND CHAT). No playing music over …
by B0nes- 1 reply
Hello! I have been playing on various KZG Gaming servers for ages now, and it just occurred to me that I could become a mod? I was just wondering how I would do that. I have a great mic. I can play on surf and 1v1 servers every weekend and I am quite well known throughout the 1v1 servers! Cheers, B0nes http://steamcommunity.com/id/b0neswithazero
Map Submission - am_stone_v1
by Evan- 3 replies
This is a 1v1 map I've been working on and off the past couple of weeks. Feel free to add it to the server, if there's anything that needs fixing, I can also do so. If anyone wants the map with just 1 arena to vs their friends just flick me a message. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835831620
Another new 1v1 Map
by KeZzY- 2 replies
am_sewer Map Link Leave feedback guys :)
Map Suggestions
by Evan- 1 reply
Hi guys, I've started making a 1v1 map and would appreciate some feedback on the product so far. If you have any suggestions on placing of models, new models to add, or ways to make it look better in general, feel free to suggest them. I realise it's bare at the moment, that's why I came for suggestions, because I don't know what else to add. Images [spoiler] [/spoiler] And if you want to test it out, the workshop map: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835831620
New 1v1 Map
by KeZzY- 8 replies
Map I made in a few hours for KZG, its simple and basic yet clean and has good angles. Map Link Give some feedback :) Making a new 1v1 map at the moment, this one I will be putting alot of detail into it.
Problemos With 1v1
by FlipFlopper *OLD*- 20 replies
Hello, There are several problems with the KZG 1v1 server which i will be listing below. 1) People that are afk, people can type in console +left or +right which rotates them automatically without actually having to do anything themselves, People can get play time for this and it also takes up a player slot meaning other people cannot join if they are in (If the servers full). 2) Spawn campers, people hate them and i personally do too. People that spawn camp just sit where they spawned and make the other person rush them, usually giving them the advantage and costing them a round, ( annoying ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) 3) Inactive staff, while there is still some staff there is no…
People afk a lot
by Sensei 66- 5 replies
I have been noticing more people are AFK on the server. it is not fair because the server is always 24/24 players and sometimes u find 3 people AFK, the admins are kicking them but it takes too long for them to notice. would be awesome if the admins did it faster, Thanks.
Can we add !vote_kick (name)?
by Kronic- 19 replies
Is i just me or is there a lot of people getting angry at the people coming on the 1v1 server from overseas just joining because of the !ws !knife? I was just wondering if there is a way to do something like this, and make it so its up to the people on the server to kick or not? If this isn't allowed here I can delete the post. - Kronic
add a vote for maps
by lockhaRt- 4 replies
Hello, I and many others would like it if you could add a voting poll on 1v1 so we can vote for the map because like stated in other post some maps just get rtv'ed stright away. I think it would be a good idea to let the players choose the map thank you.
knife rounds
by Sensei 66- 0 replies
:wink: it will be really awesome if you could ad Knife rounds to the server would be more fun
getting rid of useless maps
by BuLLee- 4 replies
@dopescope I will need your help on this one @SKyprah there are so many hated maps in the server that every time I am on, players complain about specific maps, rtv right away or ask me to change it. we really need to get rid of some of the maps that rotate and most hate to play.
Broken Map
by Sirtron- 2 replies
am_notnuke_v3 spawns are broken so most of the time you never play anyone as they spawned in a different arena.
Something about 1v1 server
by Flame_E_H- 5 replies
There are some broken maps on the server 1. am_notnuke_v3(you can't see opponent sometimes) 2. am_training and am_orange_gg these 2 maps make the server crashed every time, server will refreshed to am_aztec. 3.somemaps are really unplayable, there are 2 similar maps which is am_river_gg and am_river1_gg. There is no difference between the two except the background, am_river_gg this one have a really dark background that u even can't see the player model. and there is a pretty obvious cheater called Phoon http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198333800101/ who played on this server for a long time. He keep wallbanging everyone through the box. PLS FIX! Thx to ad…
Knife fight
by Dope- 4 replies
i see theres AWP and pistol rounds could a few others be implemented eg Knife fight, scout rounds, headshots only just to name a few
Server Getting More Toxic
by flow- 13 replies
Hey Everyone! Recently I have noticed that the 1v1 server has been getting more new players (Which is a good thing!) into the server, but also with new players the just join and ruin the experience for everyone else, they mic spam, talk trash to everyone and overall are just toxic. I think there should be a new system or something to stop toxic people from ruining the experience for everyone else. Also older people just want to talk crap to younger people like me (around the ages of 12 to 15 they trash talk and in some cases take it to bullying) I'm 13 atm and I am getting sick of everyone trash talking. Just a small little rant I had to get off my chest. Flow …