1,239 topics in this forum
Stacy's Mom's Unban Appeal 1 2
by Stacy's Mom- 49 replies
Your ingame Name: Stacy's Mom Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:196680583 Date / Time of Ban: 04/02/2017 8pm Admin that banned or muted (if known): Harik Reason for ban (if known): "wall hacking" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Well first of all i dont wall hack. Secondly why the fuck would i hack in Jailbreak. Thirdly if it even looked remotly close to wall hacks it was a lucky shot, i know for a fact that if i was walling there would be more than 1 piece of evidence so until you can provide me with more than 1 shot how about u stop abusing your power based on 1 source and 1 piece of "solid evidence…
Name: quint3n Server Banned On: Jailbreak Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum):STEAM_0:0:144494684 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum) Date/Time of Ban: 7/10/16 (Around 11pm NZ time) Banning Admin (if known):Delacey Reason for Ban (if known):Freekill Why I should be unbanned:I think i should be unbanned as although the freekill was stupid to do, and it was not an accidental freekill, I was being encouraged by many people to freekill (Including a few staff from KZG) and was also offered 30k credits. I was being told to mass freekill a group but as Delacey knew it was going to happen, had a bind set …
plam1's Unban Appeal 1 2
by plam1- 33 replies
Steam Account Name: plam1 Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:88322197 Server: AIM Date / Time of Ban: 20/02/2018 Admin that Punished You: 2D Reason for Ban: "Abusive behaviour and Cheating" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: The reason i should be un-banned is there is no valid evidence that i am a cheater, the cheating accusation was not specified either as i was just banned for "Cheating" with no clarification as to what cheat i was believed to be using. I've played CGi / Division 2 in Australia 3x, Division 1 (in my country of birth) for most of my time in the game. I see no valid reason as to why i was banned, there is also no reason that i would have t…
beary's Unban Appeal 1 2
by beary- 32 replies
Your ingame Name: beary Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:135006054 Date / Time of Ban: 01-04-18 16:55 Admin that banned or muted (if known): colsole Reason for ban (if known): doesn't really say why i was banned, just says console .3. Says duplicate account but i wasn't even playing on the day i got banned .-. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Uh, so clealry it says its a duped account but i don't think thats correct, ive been a vip on KZG for what 1/2 years now? ive been active every month so im not too sure why i was banned from console. I think i should be unbanned as it was a …
50's --select-- Appeal 1 2
by 50.- 32 replies
Steam Account Name: 50 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179182092 Server Group: COMBAT Server: Date / Time of Ban: 7/10/2017 Admin that Punished You: TheRiddler Reason for Ban: command spamming + ban evading Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Been nearly a year since my initial ban, haven't ban evaded since January except for when I joined 10 days ago on the normal account i play on (smurf:, forgot i was banned and got auto banned. Was told by Tito that I would have a chance at being unbanned if i reappealed in a few months from my last appeal (May). Not going to be an idiot and spam the server or be toxic, just want to play surf occasio…
Nintendope's Unban Appeal 1 2
by Nintendope- 31 replies
Steam Account Name: Nintendope Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:44212781 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_0:1:8735405 Server Group: SKILL Server: Beginner Date / Time of Ban: 10:30PM 06/05/2019 AEST Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Duplicate Account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Unable to find any bans related to both my accounts - Seeking further information on the 'Duplicate Account' as this may be a false flag.
Making this on behalf of Dank. 1 2
by quint3n- 28 replies
--PLEASE DON'T DELETE INSTANTLY-- Name: Dank/The wage gap doesn't exist Server Banned On:All. Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum):STEAM_0:0:85946762 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 08-08-16 19:56 Banning Admin (if known):Thrasher Reason for Ban (if known):the wage gap doesn't exist: I repeatedly disconnected to avoid mutes and gags, and abused multiple staff members after being demoted from admin on Minigames. I then also got banned on my other account (Name was Jacob, I always whistled). This was because I applied for admin even though you all knew …
shane's Unban Appeal 1 2
by shanehehexd- 28 replies
Your ingame Name: shane Server you were banned / muted on?: Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:80083792 Date / Time of Ban: 11-04-17 13:40 Admin that banned or muted (if known): console but i think it was rensta no clue tho Reason for ban (if known): Toxicity/Abuse/Advertising ALOT Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: tbh i didnt realise advertising and so on was taken so seriously on here. id like to say i was just joking around and if i really felt that way about the server/servers i wouldnt be appealing this. this doesnt excuse my actions and i am sorry for what i said. secondly onto the advertising, once again no excuse for it but from what i re…
Cookiemeister's Unban Appeal 1 2
by ♣♣♣Cookiemeister♣♣♣- 25 replies
Your ingame Name: Cookiemeister Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102587373 Date / Time of Ban: 2015 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Skyprah Reason for ban (if known): I attempted to scam you. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I have been banned for 2 years and miss the KZG community and am willing to do anything to be acceptted back. I also have learnt my lesson
DuffMan's Unmute Appeal 1 2
by Duffman- 25 replies
Steam Account Name: DuffMan Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92137741 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: SKILL Server: Easy Date / Time of Ban: 04/05/2019 around 8:20 Admin that Punished You: Stratex Reason for Ban: Spam in voice/chat Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I was on the server for a little, just doing the usual chat with people with some little jokes are thrown back and fourth between people and I randomly get muted along with another person he says in chat duffman your so annoying.. for literally just talking. We both complain in chat as it was a false mute since we literally did nothing... I then say after he unmutes us that im …
Got banned
by Doop- 20 replies
LOL, i got banned from kzg without even doing anything. When i checked why, it said duplicated accounts. I don't know what to,any help?
Unban Appeal
by oliver *OLD*- 19 replies
Im not exactly sure where to post this but a staff member should be able to move this either way. Okay, so I am here to appeal for an unban. I got banned for a fake dox threat on another player and suspected cheating reported from the same player who does not need to be named or blamed. Here's what happened. I was casually playing on the scouts server when "John" (idk if the player wants to be stated so it will be known as John) joined the game and started to say I was cheating in somewhat of a sarcastic tone so, I did what I would do, and that is progress what I thought at the time was a meme or just a bit of banter. I then added John and he wanted to voice call …
Louis's Unban Appeal
by spartancolpe- 19 replies
Steam Account Name: Louis Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:60158972 Server: SKILL Date / Time of Ban: 02-11-18 17:23 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Im not sure why I have been banned, I dont cheat and never have. I have a smurf account called "big boi", which I dont think ive ever even connected to a KZG server on. If the ban is valid thats fine but I dont have a duplicate account, and would appreciate if someone could look into this? Thanks
24/7 scouts knives HELP!
by K.I.N.G *OLD*- 18 replies
hey recently lizard wizard crashed the server and when i tried reconnecting the console says i was banned by server, i didnt help lizard in any way.. i looked at the bans list of kzg and im not on there and when i tried for an appeal it says my ip or steam id is not banned but when i try connect to it says i have been banned by server can someone help
KIWI DJ's Unmute Appeal
by KIWI- 18 replies
Your ingame Name: KIWI DJ Server you were banned / muted on?: Easy Surf Your Steam ID: Date / Time of Ban: 13/6/2002 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Delroy Reason for ban (if known): falsely muted for no fucking reason Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: because all i said was ive heard shit about him i was never talking shit to him i said ive heard shit. and he said he has video proof he can show u it. when i was talking to him i was telling him ive heard shit and that he falsely muted gagged and BANNED my friend just for saying the word nigga. and if u watch the video i clearly …
Deadly's Unban Appeal
by ♕deadly-iwnl- 18 replies
Your ingame Name: Deadly Server you were banned / muted on?: Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120009871 Date / Time of Ban: 01-05-18 16:28 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Skyprah Reason for ban (if known): Being in a cheating group Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I did not know that i was in a group full of cheaters, i wasn't, never have and never will cheat. I play this server a lot and enjoy my time on it and would like to be unbanned as i believe my ban is unreasonable. d:
[AWP] jamal's Unban Appeal
by mrjamal101- 18 replies
Your in-game name: jamal Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:225275902 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_0:0:1211001851 STEAM_0:0:548730670STEAM_0:0:1211001851 STEAM_0:0:548730670 Discord Handle: Habeeb#6963 Server Group: AWP What server were you banned on? AWP - AWP AU Staff Member that Punished You: CONSOLE BAN Reason for Ban: KILLZONE GAMING ANTI CHEAT Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I was recently banned for "Cheating infraction" despite using no third party software or no such thing as hacks. During the time period, there were many witnesses that can provide evidence that I was not cheating. (edit) sniff bum was pla…
Axil's Unban Appeal
by Axil [No Sound]- 17 replies
Steam Account Name: Axil Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:54631798 Server Group: JUMP Server: BHop Date / Time of Ban: 11-25-17 22:41 Admin that Punished You: Skyprah Reason for Ban: Inappropriate Language (Trash talking, being rude and just all round an unpleasant toxic person) Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: A few months ago there was an incident on the bhop server during a tournament, where I got overly upset at a friend of mine being banned, and reacted very poorly. I got caught up in silly drama and decided to trash talk the server. I deeply regret doing so, and have greatly missed playing on the server. I was going to apply again f…
fucknut (durch technik)'s Unban Appeal
by fucknut- 17 replies
Steam Account Name: fucknut (durch technik) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:53836700 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_0:1:19084073 Server Group: AIM Server: Retake Date / Time of Ban: 05-07-19 12:34 Admin that Punished You: unknown Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Played a fair bit of the retake servers. All of a sudden I'm banned, as of last night (on both steam accounts; i'm not sure if i've even played the kzg retakes recently on the alternate one). Not sure what else to say here .. No other retake server hosters have execute modes for retake so I'd like to be unbanned. Maybe ask anyone who plays them…
[AWP SG] m4xx's Unban Appeal
by in_jail_out_soon- 17 replies
Your in-game name: m4xx Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:3758263 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_0:1:16607681STEAM_0:1:16607681 Discord Handle: m4xx#8714 Server Group: AWP SG What server were you banned on? AWP - AWP SG Staff Member that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I don't understand why I am banned. I have an alternate account only which I haven't used in ages. It keeps banning me every time I join the server. I guess it would be my username? I don't really know what this means. Hopefully, you understand and can unban me fro…
- 17 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: are koreans really people Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:157336695 Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:1:548993498 Discord Handle: hail#4503 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AWP What server did you receive the punishment on? AWP AU What staff member issued the punishment: console Ban Reason: [KillZone-AntiCheat]: Cheating Infraction Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I think I should be unbanned because I joined the AU AWP server and as soon as I start playing I am not able to double jump and I get disconnect…
apply moderate pressure evenly's Unmute Appeal
by dubble yew- 16 replies
Steam Account Name: apply moderate pressure evenly Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:96162333 Server Group: SKILL Server: Easy Date / Time of Ban: 09-09-18 23:54 Admin that Punished You: S1 Reason for Ban: "say what?" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I don't believe this is a fair ban. The admin who permanently muted me was actively trying to provoke me for just under an hour by exposing information about me on the server while it was heavily populated, along with doxxing me shortly after. I believe this mute was put into place as more of a personal victory as opposed to it actually being necessary. This isn't the first time th…
[SKILL] LVL100Trap's Unban Appeal
by lvl100Trap- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Your in-game name: LVL100Trap Your Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:199870406 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: LVL100Trap#1755 Server Group: OTHER What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Noob #1 Staff Member that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: my account was banned due to someone else using my username i dont know why someone would use my name and cheat or whatever they did on the surf sever but i feel it to be unfair that i have been banned
`Juddy.'s Unban Appeal
by Juddy *OLD*- 15 replies
Your ingame Name: `Juddy. Server you were banned / muted on?: Casual Comp Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:7043094 Date / Time of Ban: 29/1/2017 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Thrasher Reason for ban (if known): This is why I am here. I play alot, and I'm not sure why i am actually permabanned. I know only one reason that doesn't deserve getting permabanned was that i was using a soundboard on Teamspeak. I only played a couple of normal sound effects, no earrape around any admins, and I was permabanned in Teamspeak. It led onto all the KZG Servers. Now I cannot play on my favourite community that I have been on for a while now, and I don't even …
Krewzy's CT Unban Appeal
by krewzy- 15 replies
Your ingame Name: kewzy Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:158889794 Date / Time of Ban: 08-16-16 19:04 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Skyprah Reason for ban (if known): Skyprah Banned My Account For My Little Brother Doing A Mass Free Kill. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I Have Been Banned For Over A Year Now. And I Have Learnt My Lesson And What Not Only Your Acton's Can Do But Others And Not Everything Is Fair, But All Im Asking For Is Just A 2nd Chance... Thank You For Your Time.