125 topics in this forum
New maps
by MaticN- 1 reply
Hi guy, i would like to suggest new maps, e.g Train, Aztec? Is that possible?
Awp Server?
by Bekky- 4 replies
I believe an AWP Team Deathmatch server is needed.
by shanehehexd- 13 replies
add !showtriggers to bhop to help with routes that require you to avoid annoying triggers like bhop_forest
bhop spectating
by waffu- 4 replies
hi there ,, just a quick suggestion ,, or "bug" in the bhop servers is to fix / implement the spectating server records. i have a selected amount of server records for legit bhop and would love to rewatch them to record or see where i could improve. bhop currently has a spectating option (!replay) but when using it the bots seem to stand there and not show the replay. would really love this to be fixed or properly implemented in bhop and im sure others can agree (unless this issue is only not working for me :/)
Showing spectators
by Will- 2 replies
Another little suggestion for bhop is when someone is spectating you a HUD will tell you who it is
emojis on the forums
by quint3n- 0 replies
on some forums we have emoticons as well like kzg and we use phone emojis as well such as :rage: and :happy: but on we only have limited emotes and we still have Halloween emotes and Halloween was nearly a month ago now, i think we should get the phone emotes on the forums to :D
Credits / Store Ideas
by Jaggo- 1 reply
Whattup nerds, i've thought of some sik new ideas for the server. My first suggestion is being able to buy credits, e.g $5 for 5k. Gambling seems to be a pretty big thing so why not add this in. My other suggestion is a way of getting vip with credits, this is a suggestion and feedback is appreciated, but being able to buy vip for lets say only 1 or 2 months max for like 250k credits or smth. Just some ideas I had kek. thanks sk badmin jaggo
Low grav surf?
by Eatthedead7- 2 replies
IDK of this is already a thing but I remember how fun it was when I'd download a surf map and do sv_cheats 1, sv_gravity 400 (Again IDK if this is a thing already xd)
Better Zombie Escape Csgo
by eaze- 2 replies
Zombie escape is one of the most popular servers on Csgo, 6/15 of the top community servers are Zombie escape servers according to game tracker. In Australia connecting to servers in America and Europe heavily effects the gameplay as you have 200+ ping and therfore could be fixed if KZG's zombie server if they were more populated.
SPR spammers
by Brainn 5 replies
Can we add a feature to block SPR spammers?
NEW Dust 2 on Retakes
by tommo.- 3 replies
Adding the new Dust 2 on retakes would be a great way to train on the new map.
Minigames Suggestion + TS3
by Spodeyy- 3 replies
Suggestions Add Timers to minigame courses, a leaderboard can show the top players and add a competitive aspect to the community Teamspeak - The ip shown in chat to join the KZG teamspeak is wrong. It doesn't work, not sure if this is across all your servers but it is on minigames Thanks
Dust_2_overcore barrels.
by Dandy- 5 replies
Can we remove them? Combat surf - They were once removed, idk why they are back , makes it annoying for jail-boost and just hitting them.
Ayo wtf is this trickery???
by Chibiz- 3 replies
So I was jus' surfin on the new 100% server and I had no problems. Then I notice a nigga places 100 tick on the server title.... But the server aint 100 TICK!!!!! I fuckin h8 liars
Throwing Knife in SK
by ♣♣♣Cookiemeister♣♣♣- 13 replies
I realise this is most likley been requested before. But anyways BRING throwing knives into SK
Offline Reporting System
by Black Chef- 22 replies
Players are more likely to break the rules when admins are offline, this is just common sense but currently the only ways to report issues during this time period are incredibly slow and time consuming. My suggestion for fixing this is /report "name" "reason" this command could be used by any admins/moderators from any server instantly expanding the number of patrolling staff on a server. Admins for the server can then type /reportlist to see who has been reported, for what reason, who by and what time it was reported. Admins for the server can then type /reportremove "name" to remove this report from /reportlist.
by Chewbacca- 9 replies
Heylo guys, Im Chewbacca and im the 6 year old that everywon complains about im not actorly my age i am the age i say i am im 6 yo boy, Ive been playing KZG for about 1 year or more with months and i have notased great things like amazing admins on all servers we all have our ups and downs we can be grumpy but you still do your jobs, @skyprah has done amazing work for our comminity and so has @ Thrasher and we pay them with respect which is good becos they have done very nice things for us. but i have 1 complainment MG knife gliching in multigames maps adm ins and mods have constantly asked you guys to spasificly not do !knife during the round when the event hasnt ended e…
B-hop Server
by Ka-chow!- 16 replies
I'm from easy surf and on some maps there is B-hop bonuses or maybe even in the actual map. i am enjoying the opportunities i get to B-hop and i think it would be really cool if KZG got its own B-hop server. i can find B-hop servers elsewhere but i really like the KZG servers and i would like to stick to them.
retake server
by knxwledge- 6 replies
@skyprah why u slackin fo retake server pls thanks
KZG Bhop server!
by $crim- 14 replies
I think there should be a KZG bhop server. It would attract new players and I would play it almost every day. I think we should have two servers. Easy and hard bhop. Please take to recommendation, we would love this!
mini games Server
by ✪ Wolvez- 12 replies
I think for the mini games, it should have auto bhop
new kitsune
by Lachlan- 0 replies
add surf_kitsune_nb not the normal one, because this one has a bonus, no boost and fixed telehops
Retake server?
by Uncle Fusion- 17 replies
It would be cool if you guys had a retake server, they can be pretty popular, also its good to practise on! :)
!knife Glitch (MG)
by Hawaii- 3 replies
In minigames, in certain maps you do not spawn with a knife for certain reasons (killing, when you are not allowed). If we could remove this bug that would be great. I already know that if you do the knife glitch you will be slayed/banned, but you could maybe remove it on certain maps or make a warning of some sorts to people.
Rust Server
by MyCookedNugget- 19 replies
I was wondering if Killzone Gaming Can Bring Back A "RUST" server as it will be beneficial for the Community, and i dont recon it will take you guys that long to figure our the finanaces and what kind of a server you want. Let me know in the comment section if this is a Great Or Bad Idea