189 topics in this forum
Dust 2 Beta Casual Comp Server
by Duck..- 2 replies
Hey, I play Aim mostly around these parts but I'm here suggesting a new server, one that doesn't exist or isn't active. As I'm sure a lot of you know, Dust 2 was released on the Beta Build of CS:GO for testing. I've been wanting to test it with others but conflicting times make me not able to. So, why don't we get a beta server up dedicated to Dust 2 Beta Casual Comp? It's fun and also is good for testing. Thoughts?
New server idea :D
by Eatthedead7- 8 replies
Trust me guys this time my idea isn't terrible hehe. A zombie survival server with 20 bot zombies versus 2-5 players trying to survive the knifing zombies and having to rebuy when you die (I think the bot limit it 64 or 128) increasing difficulty eg. Heavy armour zombies with 300 units speed bosses and stuff what do you think?
Roleplay Suggestions
by Σxoticrage- 7 replies
Roleplay: @skyprah Should Add Bulk Buy / Crush All Bulk Buy - You Buy the item in groups Morphine = $400 Each Morphine x10 = $4000 And So On Crush All - When you are crushing Papver one by one it will take time and sometimes you REMOVE the Papaver on accident Papaver = 2.00 Seconds = Crushed Papaver Papaver x10 = 20 Seconds = Crushed Papaver x10 And So On Comment What You Think About This. -ExoticRage
by ♣♣♣Cookiemeister♣♣♣- 0 replies
So i been recently looking at a couple addons and i noticed one that is to do with Birthdays. So i figured that if we keep looking into it you could some how configure the addon so that when someone decides to join the server that exact time next year will be there birthday and they get some sort of perks for the day. Just a little suggestion. If any developers or skyprah want me to keep looking into it i can if you dont think it will work out thats all g.
roleplay Ideas for RP
by TRADING | Bing Bong Boing- 1 reply
1. Buyable papaver plants. I have a whole forum post on this idea right here 2. More things to do when you die. A few people have already made posts about this, my thought is that they extend the parkour length and add a red button to teleport you to spawn. i cant imagine it being that hard since i have messed around with SDK. heres a post on this topic. 3. So this one would only relate to cops and it isnt that big, it just bugs me everytime i buy something from the PD. When you buy something, say a XM for example it says Bough from police officer not Bought and it just peevs me 4. I think the killing someone when a gang member is tased …
by Damon- 2 replies
Hey there! I've released a new map for TTT in CSGO. I previously made ttt_closequarters. This one is located in a city themed environment around a disco. Take a look:
Deagle Only Server?? 1 2
by sm!- 27 replies
kinda like scoutzknives, but with a deagle.. whattayareckon
[RP] Gang Related Suggestions
by KZRRR- 10 replies
As Gangs are becoming a popular concept on the RP server, I've thought of some ideas that would be sick to have implemented into the server. - Having a 'Gang Safe deposit box' at the big bank which has a x amount of capacity which allows Admins of a gang to access the groups contents at any time. - Needs to purchased - Having a 'Gang Bank Account' which allows Admins of a gang to deposit/withdraw money within this account. - Needs to purchased - Allowing players of a gang to speak privately within a 'Gang Chat' by typing .g or switching from /global to /gang chat. Let me know your opinions!
KZG Discord
by ✪ Wolvez- 1 reply
Even though there's a discord for Scout Knivez I reckon we should have a KZG Discord
[RP] Smoking Weed
by Ec1ipse- 16 replies
Smoking weed feature, !weed to smoke it. How this would work people that plant and grow weed would sell that off to people on the streets, you would then save it for later or smoke it. You could be any job to smoke it apart from a cop. This weed plugin is already on Jailbreak, how it works is you do !weed and then big green cloud goes around you and screen goes green for short time. I personally think if it was to be added it should be like, the screen tilts from side to side not to fast and also green screen. (No green cloud)
[RP] Ziptie
by Ec1ipse- 13 replies
To be honest, zip tieing people at the moment is useless... Mugging is hard, I think a good idea would to make it so once you have zip tied someone you are able to see their inventory and also the money they have on them but you wouldn't be able to take it or maybe you could. It would make zip ties more useful and worth buying, make mugging easier and may even lower the death count. If this were to be fixed up and added, the prices for zip ties would need to go up since it would be a good and useful item.
I don't know if it's possible, but a command for a user to use the /map command when he's the only player online would be useful for grinders. Making it usable after 5 minutes of a map being on to avoid force-changing from other's chosen maps.
(RP) Gambling House
by KennySpag- 9 replies
Hey guys, first time back on the forums for a while. I was watching some darkrp videos today and I thought, “what if we could gamble coins on role play?” This gambling could be anything from just adding a movable ball for things like Skeeball. Or roulette where you shoot the ball and people bet on a colour it would stop on, (red, black or green) and could win either 2x what they won (red/black) or 14x what they won (green). Or a full casino building added to the map. These are just some ideas. I hope you consider this as a exiting new feature for Role Play. Ps. With the ball idea, this would be run in a illegal casino in an apartment. So if you had a betting se…
[RP] medic salary
by Meech- 3 replies
I really feel the medics need a boost for earnings, Can they not get a salary similar to police? Also maybe get the pay ticket/ hospital bill similar to the police mechanic. Unpaid bill means crime goes up?
[RP] Mugging mechanics
by Meech- 1 reply
If a player is ziptied, we should be able to check inventory. This would stop people being killed "because they are lying - i saw them with a gun - so i killed them" Currently police can search through inventory when a player is tasered. I'm sure the mechanic could be added to ziptied players. I feel like there will be less killings of players if we could introduce this in and actually get players to follow RP. A mugging then could go the following way; Point gun get a player to stop. Zip tie. (they cant pull out gun to shoot back - fail RP) Get items Walk away. If we put a cooldown on the zipties of 10 minutes , players …
[RP] Garbage Collector
by Jaggo- 8 replies
Hey there, I reckon there should be an addition towards the 'Garbage Collector' role. I think there should be dumpsters behind all houses / buildings and in the ghetto area. (maybe some near the mines) Anyways, I think garbage collectors should be able to interact with these so they tap E on them and it will Collect or Sort through the rubbish and get some extra money. Upgrades; "Lucky Charm" - Increases chance of finding a rare item ( can be sold for extra money ) "Fast Fingers" - Sorts / Collects garbage faster. Anyways this is just a small tweak that will add more options towards the Garbage Collector job, shout your opinions below
by sm!- 2 replies
PLEASE LEAVE RULE SUGGESTIONS/FEEDBACK BELOW Server Rules 1. We require you to play Roleplay with the understanding of being a human being. Every player is expected to have a healthy understanding at all times. Whoever is deliberately stupid or not does not have the correct understanding will be punished 1.2. GOLDEN RULE: USE COMMON SENSE! 2. The trolling of players is prohibited in any way! 3. Ignorance does not protect one from punishment! The admins and police on this server assume that every person who plays on the server knows the rules. 4. The exploitation of gaps in the rules is punished. Report these instead of using them. 5. Bug abusing of an…
More VE's
by draph- 1 reply
Can the VIP Vote-Extend limit be raised to 2 or 3 for hard surf for us hardcore grinders.
RP advertisements
by Dongle- 7 replies
Yo, I've noticed lately a lot of spam from medics trying to sell their services and other people trying to sell material goods etc. I reckon it'd be pretty cool to have like an advertising agency placed in one of the vacant buildings which I assume are for future NPC's. It would cost money per advertisement and perhaps that advertisement gets displayed somewhere that isn't the chat box in a different coloured text for an extended amount of time to ensure everyone on the server has seen it. This would both reduce spam and add another feature to the server. Leave feedback! Cheers.
TTT Zeus
by jiggzy.- 2 replies
As you know, you can purchase a zeus for 6,000 coins that is able to declare if a player is innocent or a traitor. I feel that the price needs to be changed to 8,000 because this is far too overpowered as you can simply run up to a player and test them and instantly kill them if they're a traitor.
RP job suggestion
by Dongle- 4 replies
As a new server KZG roleplay is bound to grow with new content. One of those being the assortment of jobs you can choose. What I propose; Arms dealer A method to get 'materials' in order to craft weapons (perhaps picking them up from somewhere and delivering them somewhere else to give police a chance to catch them) Ability to craft weapons Higher tier weapons as you level up the job (levels up by crafting weapons) A safe place to store materials as it would be unfair for a cop to confiscate your life work Sell guns to other players rather than a vendor, you get to decide how much you charge them! A setback of this job could includ…
Roleplay fall damage....
by sm!- 3 replies
Would be cool to have fall damage more realistic mainly to stop people jumping off buildings to get away from police or if they are being mugged... You take about half health as it is now....
instant mute
by Lazer- 15 replies
Recently on jb there was alot of mic spamming and anti slam hasnt been added to new server yet so there was shit playing and spam every second which ill make a mute request on one of the couple players soon so if we could add i loud mic detecter sortathing so if peoples mics areloud as shit it can detect it
Store Cosmetics/Skins
by the wage gap doesn't- 7 replies
MG has countless skins/wings/hats/other shit that cover up the hitboxes of the actual player making it a pain in the ass and stressful on poorfags with bad computers like me. An option to disable this so everyone looks normal would be top notch so I don't get -30 fps on nuketown with a full server smh
Market Place Section on the forums?
by SpaceJam2k- 6 replies
Ok, so i thought of a really good idea. Why don't we make a "Market Place" section on the forums and only for e.g VIP's and possible kzg members that have a 5mnth+ old account on the forums can make a post with what they are selling (csgo accounts, games, etc) Possibly, some higher up staff & owner can be middlemen. I seriously think this would be great for the forums as its another + to getting VIP. So what do u guys think? atleast a try to see how it goes??