189 topics in this forum
New member rank?
by deSt- 7 replies
Hello KZG Comminity. IMO there should be an additional of a new rank on the forums. 'Member Rank', This would be for the trusted and loyal players of the servers. To obtain this rank you will need to apply. What should come with this rank? The ability to +rep and -rep admin applications. IMO none Admins or non Members should not be allowed +rep or -rep admin apps mainly because of the fact that anyone random can make a forum account and say whatever he wants on the app. When you first make a account on the forums you have a grey name and are classified as a 'Guest' This is really bland and looks like you arn't even apart of the community. I think adding this rank will cre…
- 6 replies
You guys should make VIPs be allowed to join full games.
Minecraft Staff App
by Macgregor- 7 replies
Hello, This is just a suggestion, I know Minecraft is a bit of a dead game but just playing multiplayer Minecraft isn't so bad if your playing with friends. So if this server gets a following and more members on the server there might need Staff. This is all in the hands of higher staff on the server. Coolio, Geladak
by lockhaRt- 7 replies
Hello kzg my suggestion is to reset everyones potion/points on the servers every season. At the end of the season who ever has the most points/in number 1 place gets free vip for a mount ect. Thanks for reading.
Surf Leaderboard
by PoosKi- 7 replies
Can we get a leaderboard for the easy surf server for every map? E.g: 1- KinG 0.001 2- @skyprah 10.23 3- @destiny 32.23 Top 50? This would be cool as. Cheers, @king
Autokick a player that has over 100-120-150 ping.
by SpaceJam2k- 7 replies
Iv realized that the lag is most likely coming from players from different countries. So i think we should set an Autokick to players that have over 100-120-150 ping. This would reduce players that are coming to the server from different countries. and will reduce other players ping from Aus/Nz So maybe if their was a bot that could do this or something. i would be more then happy.
2v2 wingman style server?
by Gypsy- 2 replies
WINGMAN STYLE 2V2 ARENA This is just an idea so please don't roast me too hard Server consisting of 2v2 duels (Wingman style) ➤ Small maps ➤ Party up system (if possible) but if not all players get randomly selected for teams ➤ If uneven numbers, e.g. 2v1, 2 players are auto picked to play a 1v1 match while the odd player sits out for the round or all 3 players sit out for a round ➤ Bombsites for potential bomb plants for situational practice. ➤ Bomb plants give extra points ➤ Defuse give extra points Obviously it can be tweaked/improved. -Gypsy
Staff/Vip join messages
by Flexicute- 6 replies
Hey flexicute =3 Here guys hope everybody has been doing well. I wanted to make this post because I've seen it on another server I used to play before coming here It was a really cool idea. So my suggestion is (Staff) and (VIP) Join chat messages on any server It's a way that when a (Staff member) or (VIP) Joins the server it will come up in the chat so say like - thanks @Sorrow (Senior Admin) Sorrow has joined the server *His message that he wants when he joins* In any colour he has selected (Or Rainbow) I though this would be awesome ~Best regards Flexicute :)
Course Server idea
by Strawbzz- 5 replies
Hi there folks, So i have heard that there is going to be a course server and i have a really good idea in my opinion so with surf you have ranks and you achieve them ranks by completing maps so if so could you implement that into the course map server my second idea is to have a 1v1/duel thing so you can duel people to race in the course so you get unlimited re spawns when in this until someone finishes the map and i was thinking you could duel credits with this as well i really think this would be cool to have
by Ironstrike- 7 replies
I think the alerts should only be triggered if you have been referred to a thread, for example when you go @"skyPRAh" that should be the only thing that comes up in alerts. l get many emails from kzg anyone about people replying to my "Subscribed thread". We don't also need the alerts box being filled up with it as well. Cheers Ironstrike
- 5 replies
im on Forums majority of my time while editing music and i notice we have an extremely large amount of guest users viewing things such as Admin or Mod apps. i think guest should be restricted to the sign up page and info on KZG until they are member of the forums anyone disagree or agree
by maxitaxicab- 6 replies
Hello, sorry if this was mentioned alot before or it's a different command but id like to suggest !redie on the Combat Surf server! :)
Player Model and Accessory Preview
by medzii- 2 replies
Another suggestion for you; player model and accessory preview feature. I understand it would probably be difficult to do on the server but as an alternative, there could be images on the forums that are advertised in the shop menu on the server. I know this would be beneficial from personal experience and others'. -mEdZ
Combat Surf
by Forest- 7 replies
The server needs more admins on the combat surf. I do understand that the server is new and people need 25 hour to be an admin but all these mic spammers are so annoying and need to be muted.
Roleplay Suggestions
by Σxoticrage- 7 replies
Roleplay: @skyprah Should Add Bulk Buy / Crush All Bulk Buy - You Buy the item in groups Morphine = $400 Each Morphine x10 = $4000 And So On Crush All - When you are crushing Papver one by one it will take time and sometimes you REMOVE the Papaver on accident Papaver = 2.00 Seconds = Crushed Papaver Papaver x10 = 20 Seconds = Crushed Papaver x10 And So On Comment What You Think About This. -ExoticRage
Jailbreak warden suggestion.
by shumagram- 10 replies
Can we make it so the cunt's have to SPEAK slower than 5 words a second?
- 7 replies
I think that there should be more staff on at late hours because from 9PM the servers can be loud and just be a put of to playing on the server of your choice.
by Ka-chow!- 5 replies
I think it would be cool if there was a KZG app to check the forums or rules and stuff like that.
Combat Surf Needs Admins.
by Dandy♔- 7 replies
Recently the combat surf server has many active players whom are quite deserving of the admin role. Seeing as there are 0 active combat surf admins at the moment I believe people should definitely apply and more admins should vouch those deserving of the role. Also server has been pretty cancer recently active admins would be great. Thank you.
More Admins On JailBreak Server
by teaR♡- 3 replies
On the server we have much fun and joy whilst the Admins are on but what happens when the Admins are off... *Answer* People disobey the rules and apply their own rules. For instance last night on the 3/6/2016 I've witnessed many people disobeying the rules and a lot of free killing was happening but there were no admins on that night. We need more admins on~! :blush:
Shows how many points you got from killing someone.
by SpaceJam2k- 5 replies
Suggest when you kill someone on any of the servers, it will pop up with how many points you got from that kill. Or at the end of the round you can see how many points you earned.
Duals in scoutz and knifes?
by Soul- 6 replies
Hey just suggesting a dualing match in the scouts and knifes server say like 1 map would be deags only with low gravity? and the rest would be scoutz? just for a bit of a change some people might get a little bored of the scouts and wanna use the deags? Just wondering ::) thanks have a good gay!
Combat Surf Tournaments SUGGESTION
by TheRealTeo- 4 replies
Hello all KZG members, I would just like to put an idea out there for skyprah and other admins... I think that combat surf tournaments is a good way to bring new players into the community and a chance to have some fun. This tournament will be like any other there will be two teams competing, those two teams will consist of 5 players on each team. The max amount of teams will most likely be decided my skyprah and thrasher you will have to register your team on a forum just like this one before game day. Prizes can be requested by you guys in the reply's bellow +1 this if you think this can work -1 this if you think this could not work
Guns for Surf Easy
by ValveBoi- 4 replies
Could we have the option to have !guns so we could choose an AWP or M4A4 or any gun to put skins on, like the Dragon Lore and other cool skins. It would be cool to have this and it would not interfere with killing people because you can't kill anyone anyway. :)
StatTrak on skins for VIP
by Sirtron- 6 replies
Ok so currently we have skins inbuilt into all of the servers, my suggestion is that once you purchase VIP you automatically get a StatTrack counter on all you plugin skins. The reason for this is that it'll add an intensive for players to purchase VIP and then if they run out of time on there VIP then they lose there StatTrack counter. By removing the StatTrack at the end of VIP it will restart there process which creates an incentive to not let the players VIP time run out. What are your thoughts??