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294 topics in this forum
Suspected cheater "Ja[Z]RRR"
by Sky- 12 replies
SteamID details: Steam2 IDSTEAM_0:0:39328085 Steam3 ID (32bit)[U:1:78656170] Steam3 ID (64bit)76561198038921898 (Dec) 110000104b032aa (Hex) StatusNOT BANNED CountryAustralia First seen as banned (CET)Never Last time checked (CET)2016-09-29 13:28:05 Times checked2 View Steam Community profile Some Footage of him playing with suspected Soft aim and Wallhacks will be hopefully up tomorrow arvo, cheers
Favourite Music Thread
by sm!- 14 replies
Post your favourite music/artists below! I wanna see what KZG is into
Tinychat Shennanigans
by Acid- 13 replies
So, last night was probably one of the best nights ever on KZG. If you have any photos from last night, put them down in the comments. Also, if you missed out, here's some highlights: P.S Thank You to Jewels for some mad banter last night
PAX Australia 1 2
by Bubble- 25 replies
So who's coming? Will give out free hugs and s1ck KZG merch that @skyprah will be providing... *cough* i mean selling for free
Favourite Songs?
by skyprah- 9 replies
Post any of your favourite songs :heart:
Meme Train
by skyprah- 10 replies
Post your memes for our entertainment.
Message to all the scripters...
by Acid- 21 replies
This is just a little friendly message to all the people who finally got caught scripting. Honestly, I'm kind of glad you got unbanned. I guess everyone deserves a second chance. The majority of these people that got banned for scripting were casuals, people that played on our servers frequently, even an admin got banned. I hope the people that got banned come back embarrassed, but also will learn to bhop the way it should be done. It's not hard, just put a few hours into practice using scroll key. Hopefully more cheaters are exposed because from my point of view, it's funny as shit to see players that I see everyday thinking that what they're doing is legi…
Favourite Movie/TV show
by Flexicute- 19 replies
This is just to let me know and give me suggestions for a movie or TV show I can watch I recommend people watch: Stranger things ;)
by Sandy- 9 replies
This is my dot-to-dot progress #1
Back to school
by Strawbzz- 19 replies
Hello Folks, its me again your friendly neighbour fybiz aka strawbzz so im here today to ask for some advise about school i have recently been homeschooled for around 1 - 2 years now and i am going back to school grade 9 i just need some advice if any1 has been in my situational or anything like that would it just be like going to a new school or would it be different since i was homeschooled and is grade 9 hard ;p
- 13 replies
As we all know, One of our most toxic members of the Fun community is your boy suitable. Between racial slurs, Constant attacks on random players, Threats IRL (Death threats), Mic spam and more! Who would have possibly guessed he would scam... right? Well unfortunately I gave him the benefit of the doubt to attempt to buy his CS Skins, However he openly admitted he'd scammed me right after.. even though I paid without using friends and family. (idiot) ANYWAY, Here are the screenshots, Love you suitable Lots of love, Kaotic Heres the link to the photos: *edit* Heres his steam too…
The N Word.
by Acid- 17 replies
Discuss... Watch: My take: Thought long and hard about this. Unless we are going to ban the words: Towelhead, Gook, Faggot. Then Nigger shouldn't be banned. Either none of them are okay, or all of them are okay
- 14 replies
I thought it'd be cool to see some of the oldest admin applications. Senior Managment @GimmeYoFries July 21st, 2016 JAILBREAK ADMIN APPLICATION Current in game name:GimmeYoFries What server are you applying for:[KZG] Jailbreak Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45553178 Age:17 Where are you located?:Auckland, New Zealand Do you have an in-game microphone?:Yes, I use it when I'm on CT or whenever I need to. How many hours on CS:GO?:3100 How many hours do you have on the server? Rounded down to 80 hours and currently rank #2 on the server. Have you read the server rules for the server that you applying for admin on?:I …
Which sport is better?
by Ec1ipse- 22 replies
VOTE FOR WHICH SPORT IS BETTER ! Also comment below your favourite team !
Your favourite movies
by Blackeren- 23 replies
Cya Friends
by Daniel- 11 replies
Yeah basically I'm going to be leaving KZG, might come on every once in a while to say Hi and maybe have a bit of fun but that's about it. Wanted to say a few things firstly: 1. I'm a fuckhead. Last night I was just pretty mad and a massive smart ass for no reason, which is the exact thing I hated on jailbreak, but none the less, I was one. 2. Sorry. Probably to Sorrow mostly but also to the rest of the community, honestly think some of you are fuckheads too but still, if I offended you or what ever I am sorry for that 3. Thank you. Thanks for all the good times I had, mainly on TeamSpeak but there were pretty good times on jailbreak as well 4. Cya around! I p…
Are these perm bans really worth it?
by SpaceJam2k- 21 replies
This is one of the more serious topics, and this is all legit. I cannot believe the amounts of perm bans that have been thrown out to people for the most silliest and ridiculous reasons. I have seen extreme mutes for the silliest reasons, and it doesn't stop there. It keeps happening. Staff are becoming to nazi with there mutes/silences/gags/bans and i want this to stop. I'm not name dropping but i want these perm bans to stop. Perm bans should ONLY be givin out to hackers. Perm bans are givin out to people for "inappropriate language" and fucking "ignoring admins" are u serious? fucking mute them for a period of time. Don't perm ban. This cont…
Phone games?
by Flexicute- 13 replies
Hello again... Flexicute here I just want to know If anybody plays phone games here! If so can you please give me some suggestions in the comment section below thanks :)
Highlights of 2016 on KZG
by Macgregor- 18 replies
Please put down below your highlights or funny moments on KZG in 2016!
by Strawbzz- 15 replies
Hey Folks, its strawbzz aka fybiz here and today i would like to address that i am not the one with the perms to ban conkley all i did was sent a video to an admin and asked can he get banned for this and next thing you know he is banned so everyone that is saying i was in the wrong to upload the video you are wrong he did wrong and was against the rules. All the community is hating on me for uploading a single video conkley for a start you should be happy it was only 3 days so be grateful secondly stop being a cunt ingame to me just because you know you did wrong and the mature thing would to be to say sorry atleast but i guess your going down the wrong road so everyone …
Appreciation Post
by B1N- 15 replies
This thread is to show your appreciation towards others, and towards people that have helped you or for the fact that you can join a KZG server feeling happy and free of toxicity and feel safe. KZG is a big part of most of everyone lives when they join the forums and play with the people on the servers. Thank you players, Members, VIP for playing and growing the community Thank you to all the admins that keep the servers clean and fresh to play on, Donator's Thank you for keeping everything running and building the forums and the servers to be even greater, thank you Global; Head and senior admins for choosing the ripe fruit from the trees as moderators and…
Kerser v 360
by Krizziii- 11 replies
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ DO THE POLE Lets see @Thrasher
"Banter" on the servers
by sm!- 13 replies
Hello I see it ingame and i see it on the forums. I have gotten many messages about players abusing eachother throughout all KZG servers, and as any admin would do i would then question the players that were abusing eachother. One of the most common replies i get is "Oh its just banter" "Nah we are just joking around". Now, im not saying banter is prohibited BUT there is a very simple line that you do not cross. I have seen players using racial slurs, disgusting comments and over the top remarks.... You and your friends might think nothing of it as it just just banter, right?? There are a lot of other players on the servers that could take offence to these racist…
Which State Are You In?
by Eco- 14 replies
Hi all! So I wanted to know where we all are over Australia! Feel free (if you are comfortable) to share with us your state! I would love to know if I have any fellow Victorians around here :) If you live in another country or something like that, share that to :) Have a good day :D
Storytime: Vac = God
by Wolfleader- 16 replies
On the weekend i was extremely bored. Me and my friend decided to deduct and expirment. Who could get banned first. So we set out our adventures. First thing we had to do was to make fake accounts thus being: I would advise you not to look at the accounts if you are interested in reading the story. I went around asking various people if creating a second account and cheating would get my mained banned. If i asked you about smurfs getting banned this is why Once we decided it was safe i went on a pasting website…