505 topics in this forum
by SpaceJam2k- 23 replies
Current in game name: SpaceJam2k What server are you applying for: Casual Competitve Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:126126251 Age: 13 Where are you located?: Melbourne, Australia Do you have an in-game microphone?: Yes How many hours on CS:GO?: around 3000 hours including my second account. How many hours do you have on the server? two days :0 Have you read the server rules for the server that you applying for moderator on?: Yes How often do you play CS:GO? Everyday from 3:30pm till about 10:30pm. And Weekends from the morning till night unless I'm doing something which i don't really.. Have you ever donated to the …
by SEEKER- 20 replies
APPLICATION FOR MODERATOR ON SCOUTSKNIVES24/7 Steam Name: S€€K€R Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:62206336 Who will vouch? Mr. Merkhem, Dope scope Age: 15 Hours on CSGO: 440 Hours on Scout’s knives: 32 Rank on server: I was ranked 86th before stats reset(currently I am rank 338) In game mic: I have one and regularly use it Description of yourself: I am a new gamer who started participating in games at the start of this year, this includes CSGO, H1Z1 and Guns of Icarus. Without getting ahead of myself I am also funny, I am respectable, I enjoy a bit of creative banter, I am good at creating enthusiasm and I am good at addressing new situations without fear. Reasons for moderator a…
My Admin Application
by TinkyWinky♥- 14 replies
sorry there isn't a lot of writing as i am a very simple person and everyone that knows me will know im an open book so if you have any questions just ask me and i will tell you what you need to know as im not good at projecting myself in words on a piece of paper. All Yours. TinkyWinky :heart:
Dandy's Combat Surf App
by Dandy♔- 12 replies
SteamID: Linked to Profile (If needed just tell me) Steam Name: Dandy♔ What Server: Combat Surf Who will vouch?: @Kwala (My Valentine) @"erica." Age: 17 Description of yourself: @Skyprah Enjoys my pole dancing Why you deserve this rank over the other applicants: Let me get things straight first, no i am not a 9 year old kid who sounds like he has a breathing disorder it is an act i do to create a bit of humour within the server, i'm never immature even while putting the voice on, like i said its only to create some laughs etc. If the voice needs to be stopped it will. Anyways I personally believe that i deserve admin over other applicants as i have been…
Harry Admin Application
by Harry- 15 replies
What server are you applying for?: Combat Surf Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes Have you ever donated to the server?: No Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Nosey, Erica and Knight Why I should be an admin on Killzone Gaming: Why I should be admin on Killzone gaming is because it's a server I play on almost everyday, I'm always happy joining a server to see some mates on there and start to roast me. I also definitely have the admin experience as I am currently Trial Admin on the Easy Surf server and I've also been a Senior Admin on a well known surf server named ZTS. Although i'm only Trial Admin on Easy Surf, I believe I am able t…
Moderator application 1 V 1 (Flexicute)
by Flexicute- 9 replies
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52418732 Steam name: Flexicute What Server: 1 V 1 server ;) Who will vouch?: GimmeYoFries, Apocalypse, RaPiD :heart: Age: 13 (14 in a few months) Description of yourself: I'm a lovely person once you get to know me a bit better I'm like a cuddly fluffy bear I love to meet new people from all places Games, my hometown etc. I'm not a shy person I'm currently in Year Seven I'm not immature some of the time If I raise my voice its like a friendly way of speaking but when I'm quiet well I'm either tired or not In a good mood. Why you deserve this rank over the other applicants: The 1 V 1 Server has been going through a lot of bullyi…
niz3rofficial's Admin Application Form
by niz3rofficial- 16 replies
SteamID: My steam ID is STEAM_0:0:40464584 or if you need the link Steam Name: My steam name is niz3r Who will vouch?: SANDOS will vouch for me :P Server: The server I would want to be a Admin on is the Casual Competitive. Age: My current age is 16 and if you needed to know my birthday is 19th July 2001 Description of yourself: I'm a really down to earth guy I can talk to anyone that is there and just become friends and have a long conversation with them about the most random things in the world. I guess i'm a really friendly person i've been told in-game eg. Matchmaking, ESEA and Faceit. I've always been a very self-controlled a…
Gimme's Admin Application
by GimmeYoFries- 14 replies
Minigames Admin Application SteamID: STEAM_0:0:45553178 Steam Name: GimmeYoFries Age: 17 What Server: [KZG] Minigames Who will vouch? : @"ThrasheR" @"Sorrow" @"Acid" @"Knight" @"Tito" @Ay_Papi @"Nosey" @"CELLA" @"erica." @"Serjent" @"SANDOS" @"Not A Cop" @"DopeScope" @"TearDrop" @"sirtron" Description of yourself: If I had to describe myself in terms of personality traits, I would say I am: Helpful, kind, smart, friendly, mature and competitive to name a few. I am also part of the current Jailbreak team with around 180 hours on the server. I would also like to say I'm relatively above average of my abilit…
Papa mullet's admin app 1 2
byDeadlyMullet- 35 replies
Current ingame name : DeadlyMullet. What server are you applying for? : Jailbreak. Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:49485865. Age : 20. Where are you located?: The mean streets of Ethiopia. Also known as Sydney Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes. How many hours on CS:GO?: 3201. How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt in server): 14 hours 32 minutes. Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: I am the server rules. And yeah Have you ever donated to the server?: Nah. Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Daniel, ThrasheR, Acid, Tito, Sorrow, Night, teaR, my mum and …
Mag1c's | Moderator Application
by Magic- 12 replies
What server are you applying for? : Killzone Gaming JailBreak Moderator Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:126949216 Age : 14, 15 next year Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes, Indeed I have a microphone love talking on TS for a bit of banter and to warden, also used to explain various situations How many hours on CS:GO?: 811 hours How often do you play CS:GO?: I play CSGO from 1-2 hours on a weekday (maybe a bit more) on weekend's I usually get 2-4 hours on CSGO (per day) Where are you located?: Sydney, NSW, Australia Have you read the server rules for the server you are applying for moderator on? Yes, If needed will read again and again because of update's I can make s…
Admin Application 1 2
by Sir Blazemore- 29 replies
What server are you applying for?: Scouts And Knives Do you have an in-game microphone?: Yes (cheers kmart) Have you ever donated to the server?: Not yet Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Nosey, Mr_Merkhem99, Thrasher What do you think of Killzone Gaming?: The servers are great though i predominantly play on ScoutnKnives. The KZG Community is quite active, full of wonderful people (cough Nosey :D ). I've met so many new people and made just as many friends. Its great fun really. Thanks for considering my application. BlazeMore.. :heart:
Sirtron Admin application
by Sirtron- 23 replies
Current in-game name: ✪ Sirtron What server are you applying for? [KZG] Jailbreak Age: 20 Where are you located? Perth, Western Australia Do you have an in-game microphone? Indeed, Hyper X Cloud II. How many hours on CS:GO? 2900 Hours on CS:GO across three accounts starting in 2013, and 500 hours on CS:S which i played in 2010. I also have 100 hours on [KZG] Jailbreak, 64 hours as Terrorist, 38 hours on Counter terrorist and 2 hours in spectator mode. How often do you play CS:GO? Usually during the weekdays midday to late, not usually on the weekend. Have you read the server rules? Yes, I have been apart of the creation of the new rules and the debates over…
Nosey's Combat Surf App
by Nosey- 16 replies
What server are you applying for?: Combat Surf Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes Have you ever donated to the server?: No Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: sorrow thrasher teardrop johnnyo's TITO Kwala What do you think of Killzone Gaming?: I personally love the Killzone Gaming servers I spend a large portion of my free time on the server and I love the people that I have encountered and become friends with on Killzone Gaming. I would like to see the community grow and become one of the biggest in the world and I would like to be able to contribute further to making this happen. Extra (If any):I can only be on when I am at…
- 13 replies
application disappeared but ya'll read it before the update lol..
Sever Moderator Application
by Dope- 15 replies
DopeScope for moderator
Not A Cop's Admin Application
by Not A Cop- 21 replies
Current in-game name: Not A Cop What server are you applying for? [KZG] Jailbreak Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41882466 Age: 18 Where are you located? Melbourne, Australia Do you have an in-game microphone? Yeah buddy. loud and clear and used when necessary. How many hours on CS:GO? 2580 hours, over 800 hours in total throughout all jailbreak servers I’ve been apart of - spanning over 4 years. How often do you play CS:GO? Usually from Thursday night to Sunday night depending on my uni workload and timetable. Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on? Yes, I’ve even helped correct errors and provide suggestions towar…
- 5 replies
I WAS INACTIVE THIS WEEK BECAUSE I HAD WORK AND SHIT, MOSTLY BECAUSE I HAD LEGIT 0 SPACE ON MY HARDRIVE SO I COULD ONLY PLAY CERTAIN MAPS I HAVE PREVIOUSLY DOWNLOADED. How many hours on CS:GO?: 1,457 What I think of KZG. I think that it is a massively growing community that is happy to help Administrate. this community will continue to grow and we may just need to find some more games to expand KZG into. well over 200-hour playing minigames I have experience with being an admin. And I know it's the first few weeks of the server but it's good to have active admins so we can sort out them little buggers that always like to break rules., sidenote: Minigames…
KnightRaid's Admin/Mod application
by Knight- 17 replies
Current ingame name : KnightRaid What server are you applying for? : I am Applying for Minigames server Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:98145829 Age : 15 Where are you located?: Australia, QLD (Queensland), Gold Coast Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes I do have very loud and clear ingame microphone How many hours on CS:GO?: 1200+ hours on CS:GO How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt in server): /pt currently does not work atm, but I have played alot since the server has been opened Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: Yes i have read the server rules Have you ever donated to the server?: no but in…
Admin Application For ScoutKnivez
by Guest- 14 replies
What server are you applying for?: Scouts And Knives Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes (SENTEY GS-4531) Have you ever donated to the server?: No. Not at the moment Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: BuLLee and Nosey What do you think of Killzone Gaming?: Love the servers, the KZG Community. Always good to get on to Scouts or JailBreak and see everyone having a good time. Nice admins. Great place to meet new people. Just endless amounts of fun :D Extra (If any): (Apologies for not adding this to my application earlier) Thank you for your time. I hope to here from you again. Mr_Merkhem99 :D
Harry Surf Admin App
by Harry- 15 replies
Current ingame name : Harry What server are you applying for? : Surf Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:140896721 Age : 15 Where are you located?: Perth, WA Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes How many hours on CS:GO?: 1.3k How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt in server): 25 hours on surf server and 18 hours on JB :/ Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: No rules for surf, but I know the general concept and wouldn't mind even making some for the server Have you ever donated to the server?: No Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Daniel, Gimme Why do you want to be an admin on …
bySquidWard- 4 replies
Current ingame name : SquidWard What server are you applying for? : Easy surf Steam ID : Age : 16 Where are you located?: Australia NSW Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes How many hours on CS:GO?: 520 How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt in server): doesnt work? Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: yes. i know i have not got 25 fourms posts/ been on fourms for 2 weeks. Have you ever donated to the server?: No Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Trash/Scream/…
Sorrow's Admin App
by Sorrow- 7 replies
Current ingame name : {The Sorrownator} What server are you applying for?: Combat Surf Steam ID ( STEAM_0:0:168574211 Age: 19 Where are you located?: New Zealand Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes How many hours on CS:GO?: 154(532 on CSS) How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt or /playtime or gameme in server): Command does not work but I have a fair bit. Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: Yes Have you ever donated to the server?: Yes Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Thrasher, Liam Why do you want to be an admin on Killzone Gamin…
by JohnnyO's- 6 replies
Current ingame name : JohnnyO's What server are you applying for?: Combat Surf Steam ID ( -On my profile Age: 16 Where are you located?: Canberra ACT Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes How many hours on CS:GO?: 396 How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt or /playtime or gameme in server): Currently unavailable Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: Yes Have you ever donated to the server?: Yes Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Sorrow, Foxie, Thrasher Why do you want to be an admin on Killzone Gaming?: I would like to be a admin on [KZG] Combat …
by JET- 11 replies
Current in-game name : JET What server are you applying for?: Scoutzknivez Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:137041314 Age: 20 Where are you located?: New Zealand, Canterbury. Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes. How many hours on CS:GO?: 343h How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt or /playtime or gameme in server): 26h atm, i had double that before the reset. Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: Yes. Have you ever donated to the server?: No. Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: BuLLee, Nosey. Why do you want to be an admin on Killzone Gaming?: To help the Scoutz Community and just m…
シ Panda™ scouts & knives app
by owenadamant- 2 replies
Current ingame name: Panda What server am I applying for? : scouts & knives Steam ID : Age: 16 Where am I located?: Mount gambier, SA Do I have an Ingame microphone: Yes C: How many hours on CSGO?: 1355 hours currently How many hours do I have on this server?: 27 hours 20 minutes Have I ever read the server rules that you are applying for admin on: yes Have you ever donated to the server?: No, But have intentions on doing so C: Name at least two people that will voutch for you to be admin: BuLLee + Ricochet Why do I want to be an admin on killzone gaming?: I have always loved to be an admin on …