1,538 topics in this forum
Unfair Ban?
by PL4sMa- 6 replies
Name: ZAK PLEWRIGHT Server Banned On: Scoutzknivez 24/7 Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:184783997 Steam Profile Link : Date/Time of Ban: About a week ago (Can't remember exactly) Banning Admin (if known): DopeScope Reason for Ban (if known): Other account was rightfully banned Why I should be unbanned: I did have a completely justified ban on my other account where I raged and turned on wallhacks. With my new account I have NO intention of ruining the game for others and I just wanted to play some scoutzknivez when I suddenly got banned by the admin known as DopeScope. I am informed by my friends that some other admins think I sho…
[AWP] gun's Unban Appeal
by wetwork o- 16 replies
Steam Account Name: gun Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:444767963 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AWP Server: Other Reason for Ban: Hacking Admin that Punished You: Retroviper Reason for Ban: Hacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because i'm legit like idk what i've been banned for (if aim- i have nothing to say bcz my aim isn't great) (if walls- then, some people say i play like i have walls because i jiggle a lot of shit weirdly also i use look where cunts are at the start of the map and see where they are) (if bhop- well i'm ok at it i go kinda fast but other cunts -Nico, water, Hennessy are way way way better …
Uban appeal
by mint- 9 replies
Server Banned On: All Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_1:0:145985938 or 145985938 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 09-18-16 Banning Admin (if known): Skyprah Reason for Ban (if known): Ignoring Admins,Abusing Players and being an overall disrespectful toxic player. Why I should be unbanned: I would really love to be unbanned from this KZG jailbreak server because when i used to play on it a little while ago i really enjoyed playing on it and the people were really nice and caring to me and were always willing to help me ou…
[OTHER] FrankTon's Unban Appeal
by FrankTon- 21 replies
Steam Account Name: FrankTon Steam ID: STEAM_Fetus69420 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: OTHER Server: Reason for Ban: Toxicty Admin that Punished You: TastyWhizz Reason for Ban: Toxicty Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I't would mean a lot of you could reconsider my perm ban, I've been reformed for a while now and at the least could I maybe get unbanned on a certain date. This would help me relax and encourage me to reform even more than I already have. Thanks for your time
:( I Followed the crowd ):
by Holo- 12 replies
Name: Holo Server Banned On: Mini-Games Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:84138631 Steam Profile Link: Date/Time of Ban: 8/12/2016 Banning Admin (if known): Unknown Reason for Ban (if known): Bunny Hop Scripting Why I should be unbanned: I scripted and I got caught. I only just got the scripts today because I saw many others that were completing maps because of them. I kept getting even more pissed off when I couldn't finish maps or even get close like everyone else. I just kinda felt left out i guess. I just want to say sorry for scripting but again I know of many others who have gotten off with it and I was just unlucky and stupid. I hop…
Freekills R Gay's Unban Appeal
by lil pumpernickle- 11 replies
Steam Account Name: Freekills R Gay Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:461859832 Server Group: JAILBREAK Server: Jailbreak Date / Time of Ban: 5th of Janurary around 1am.. Admin that Punished You: Im not sure, could have been snapz possibly Reason for Ban: I used the N-Word Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I saw other people doing it so I did it, excessively, I got kicked from the server but i still rejoined, at the time i was in a discord with someone else on the server, they said i got muted, so I spammed it in chat to see if they could see it, they said yes, I was really confused at this moment because i thought i was muted, then i got banned, but by…
air's Unban Appeal
by waifu- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: air Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:244570514 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_1:1:214949025 Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: 04-11-18 04:58 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: SMAC Aimbot Detected Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i was retarded to cheat, getting back into cs and would love another chance to play on your servers again! will pay if needed
[MORDHAU] MDOG's Unban Appeal
by MDOG- 7 replies
Steam Account Name: MDOG Steam ID: STEAM_76561197960287930 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_NONE Server Group: MORDHAU Server: 1v1 Duels Reason for Ban: FFA (i think i cant search up my name on the website) Admin that Punished You: BrutalSkillz Reason for Ban: FFA (i think i cant search up my name on the website) Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i have been banned for me and my friend FFAING two new players, which was observed by brutalskillz. The part he did not see was where they kept coming to me and my friend and attacking us. We tried teaching them the rules by continually parrying, but they would not stop. we actually came up to them …
star's Unban Appeal
by qd.- 4 replies
Steam Account Name: star Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:61195111 Alternate Accounts: Server Group: COMBAT Server: Combat Surf Date / Time of Ban: 04-11-19 12:21 Admin that Punished You: vip cliffordz (what the heck vip ban?) Reason for Ban: dox Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: It all started when i joined, and said the N WORD ! (no way) and then was silenced for 5 minutes (kinda funky as i only used voice chat) Might i also add that when i was staff mr "vip cliffordz" would say the N word and when i mute him, he would get very angry and threaten to report me to skyprah for doing my job! - funny how someone like this could become adm…
[AWP] dad's Unban Appeal
by :(- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: dad Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:70703369 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_NONE Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 08-23-19 12:27 Admin that Punished You: Spinner Reason for Ban: multi-hack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Very confused as to why i am suspected of being a cheater, have played on kzg SK for years and was in top 10 but never had a problem. Recently changed my name and made my account private before i found the awp server, this may not have helped my case. My kzg forum account was made 2 years ago even though i was never active on forums. Any requests that you have i am happy to accommodate.
boP's Unban Appeal
by boPP- 12 replies
Your ingame Name: boP Server you were banned / muted on?: 1v1, but i cannot join any of the KZG servers Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:229297029 Date / Time of Ban: 5/12/17 around 8:30 PM Admin that banned or muted (if known): I was banned by the Console Reason for ban (if known): I just logged into the 1v1 server and as soon as i spawned it said You have been banned? Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because i have know idea why i was banned in the first place? might of been a glitch
rohja.'s Unban Appeal
by rohja.- 16 replies
Steam Account Name: rohja. Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:75141721 Server Group: JAILBREAK Server: Jailbreak Date / Time of Ban: 9:06pm 8/01 Admin that Punished You: blobby Reason for Ban: i think cos i was yelling? Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i deserve to be unbanned as i really am dedicated to the server and want to be able to play 24/7 without being unbanned what would i do without KZG :(
fluffys's Unban Appeal
by fluffyst- 6 replies
Your ingame Name: fluffys Server you were banned / muted on?: Easy Surf Your Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:20019070 Date / Time of Ban: 12-16-16 05:35 Admin that banned or muted (if known): skyprah Reason for ban (if known): Impersonation, advertising Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Hi Killzone Gaming community, fluffys here, forgot my login details for my other account so now I'm.. fluffyst lol ! On a serious note, just making yet another unban appeal, I would love to just be able to play KZG skill surf again, I understand my mistakes, I understand what happened was unacceptable, I sincerely apologize to Delroy, skyprah and the KZG community. I …
Unban Appeal
by billlll- 6 replies
Name: DJ HITLER Server Banned On: Surfing server?? KZG? Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:149994297 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: Today Banning Admin (if known): I don't know Reason for Ban (if known): Ddosing? Why I should be unbanned: Z9 Leader was trying to get me to ddos Fybiz and i said no so he threanted to ban me on the server and i said no so he ddosed me until i gave him fybiz's ip adress and then i ddosed him so i didnt get ddosed and nor did fybiz, i made a report on him, try and join the server and im banned ::( lease if it was for ddosing ill never do it again, i…
✪ 5mile!'s Unban Appeal
by 5mile!- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: ✪ 5mile! Steam ID: jungle_jim12 Server Group: Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 06-30-18 15:32 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: wallhack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i have made other appeals, upon i admit, to ban evading, which was wrong. i will admit to using a wallhack in a kzg match, and beg forgivness because i love this server and cheating on it was a really stupid thing to do. i have two accounts on csgo. the one that was banned for wallhacking, (my alt/ my friend who never plays cs and hacks on it anyway's account) [idfk anymore] and this account [5mile!] thinking i wouldv…
sorry panda
by techno- 7 replies
Name: technosnow Server Banned On:KZG combat surf Steam ID (STEAM_0:1:107899633) Steam Profile Link ( Date/Time of Ban:idk Banning Admin (skyphar) Reason for Ban (making a clan called banpanda and being toxic to staff/panda) Why I should be unbanned (because i left the clan and i love the sever,sorry panda for making a clan) :)
Dex is a great admin
by (∨LONE) ❀ ducati ❦ flower- 12 replies
Got Banned by the new trigger happy admin Dex he has wanted to stick me for something for a while. always negative whenever i join because of who im friends with. used to be cool. turned sour for some reason. i said Zucc's first name ( Which he has publicly pasted his whole facebook in chat before.) not his last name not any private data. just his first name. and dex threatened to ban me for it so i called him a fucking looser and only then did i get banned for doxxing. doxxing btw = search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent
The Suspect's Unban Appeal
by Pyrokinesis- 12 replies
Your ingame Name: The Suspect Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:222224484 Date / Time of Ban: 12-25-17 01:32 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Cant remember Reason for ban (if known): Abusing Admins/Toxicity Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: tbh i didnt realise asking somone what happens if u ddos the server gets you banned but me abusing admins wasnt the right actions. Id like to say i was just joking around im really sorry about my actions and if i really felt that way about the mg server iwouldnt be appealing this. this doesnt excuse my actions and i am sorry for what i said. secondly once agai…
[AIM] vro's Unban Appeal
by idk- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: vro Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:0 Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: AIM Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: Dont remember Admin that Punished You: It was a long time ago don't remember Reason for Ban: Hacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I know what i did was stupid but now i won't cheat ever again as it is only temporary , i swear i will never cheat again and im sorry.
leke* ʙʀᴀᴢɪʟ's Unmute Appeal
by ? ????- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: leke* ʙʀᴀᴢɪʟ Steam ID: Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: Permanent mute, i got muted on 16/01/2019 at 8:48 PM/ Admin that Punished You: panthA Reason for Ban: "After going through the logs from poison and yourself, I personally haven't seen any wrongdoings on Poison's end apart from a mistype that muted you for 30 minutes instead of 10. With that being said, going through your chat history of toxicity and consistent abuse against our players is unacceptable. Added in the fact that you have now threatened an a…
Fukn stupid
by Horton- 5 replies
I join the server that I play on every now and again, and I decide to post my youtube channel link, I then got banned permanently for doing that? WTF!! I spoke to BuLLEE or whatever the fuck his name is and he says that I was perm banned for posting that one link of my youtube channels? Where waere the rules? Oh on the website, wheres the website link? I don't see it anywhere dude? I just wanna gt unbanned for this shit and I also wanna recommend you change the punishment depending on what link is being posted, if it's a porn site then yes ban that person perm, but if it's a yt channel link DONT MAKE A PERM BAN U ID…
[AIM] ellerie marie's Unban Appeal
by koorak- 1 follower
- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: ellerie marie Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:572708281 Smurfs/ accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: STEAM_0:0:571315726 (Banned Acc) Discord Handle: racc banned#4957 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AIM What server did you receive the punishment on? retake What staff member issued the punishment: CONSOLE Ban Reason: [KillZone-AntiCheat]: Cheating Infraction - Aim bot Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: because i was dumb and i thought i could get away with cheating on a auto ban server. Do you have an evidence that may pro…
[SKILL SURF] Nigerose's Unban Appeal
by ???????- 1 follower
- 5 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Nigerose Steam ID: STEAM_STEAM_0:0:493074003 Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: None Discord Handle: West#3324 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? SKILL SURF What server did you receive the punishment on? Easy What staff member issued the punishment: Clifford Ban Reason: Ignoring admins Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: I got warned by Randy about yesterday arvo, he told me I needed to change my name and all so I did, it was Nigersaurus and I changed it to Nigerose (which is an unfermentable sugar), Randy j…
Sloth's Unban Appeal
by EXOTICAU- 8 replies
Steam Account Name: Sloth Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93194193 Alternate Accounts: Server Group: JAILBREAK Server: Jailbreak Date / Time of Ban: 03-26-17 16:58 Admin that Punished You: Skyprah Reason for Ban: Multi-Hack Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i have been banned for almost 2 years, and i have never cheated since it was a one time thing and i genuinely want to play the game and KZG is the biggest server in australia and i really want to play on it but i can't because i'm banned of something i did years ago, i actually care about the game nowadays and have items i care about in my inventory that i wouldn't dare to chea…
Stormy's CT Ban Appeal
by Goose- 16 replies
Even though this is written by me, Stormy asked me to help him with the appeal and to post it because he cannot reach the forums Your ingame Name: Stormy Server you were banned / muted on?: Jailbreak Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:124695984 Date / Time of Ban: 24/12/17 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Goose Reason for ban (if known): i was banned for clicking a button as a ct Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I would never do it again and i am very respectful since my ctban