189 topics in this forum
instant mute
by Lazer- 15 replies
Recently on jb there was alot of mic spamming and anti slam hasnt been added to new server yet so there was shit playing and spam every second which ill make a mute request on one of the couple players soon so if we could add i loud mic detecter sortathing so if peoples mics areloud as shit it can detect it
Competitive Combat Surf?
by krue.- 3 replies
Competitive Combat Surf Hello all, I've had this idea in mind for quiet some time. And i would like to see the communities thoughts, or suggestions. Now the idea, is to bring a few or so combat surf communities together in order to have a competitive match off between each community. I was thinking, each community (example. KZG, saltvex, Reflex) is to bring together a team of 10. There will be scheduled events in which teams are to vs each other. With my background knowledge in website development and server management. I would be more then happy to supply a leader/ladder board website in which people can go to see the scores/wins/loses …
Jail Break Suggetion
by perma- 3 replies
I think V.I.P shouldn't get in front of line though people shouldn't have to pay to go ct u get all these vip wardens/ct's on ct all the time let others have a go and have some fun. How would u fell not being able to go ct if u wanted to without buying vip. Because the gaurd queue all ways as vips in it unless it a shit map and the non vips dont want the shit maps. Please give these other fellow members a chance at ct without paying for vip to get in guard. Thank You. Mr. Sky / SkyJR -ps im vip so im not just making this for me.
JC3MP Server
by Wolfleader- 2 replies
we should create a jsut cause 3 mp sever as it would be a great way to expand the communtiy.
JB Beam Suggestion
by MillionsOfPeaches- 2 replies
My idea was that whenever a beam was placed, T's had 20 seconds to rush into the beam else they would turn red and be considered rebelling. This means that all T's that run off will immediately be identified as a rebel and make it easier for CT's to actively hunt them. This means a CT would place a beam then all the T's would be forced to go into the beam else risk getting killed from rebelling. This would certainly stop all T's running around and delaying whenever beams are placed. Let me know what you guys think
Easy Surf Rules Display
by First Class- 0 replies
Currently the easy surf server rule command (!rules) isn't working, and the only other way to find the rules is on the forum. My suggestion is to put the rules (in a summarised version) on the "Server's Message of the day" screen (the screen before you choose a team), which is currently wasted space as it is either blank or says "wow, what is this". The only negative i can see to this is if they want to re-read the rules they have to re-connect as I don't know of another way to get back there. Anyway, let me know what you think
Community Alliance
by Ulreth*- 1 reply
Hello! A few years ago appeared the idea of creating a community dedicated to SoccerMod in CS:GO, and from that idea we could organize interesting matches in some of our servers around the world, here is some material: Official steam group (server IPs inside): International 11vs11 Match: Brazil vs Switzerland: And here is the important part, we would be very grateful if we can make an alliance between our communities and help each other, this can be done by opening a server in Australia with your name (therefore is yours) and our SoccerMod, we can keep expanding our reach so more peopl…
Killzone Overwatch Server
by Magic- 4 replies
As some may know the new update (which is still in beta) includes dedicated servers, here is the updates info. soon every player can create their own, unique Overwatch experience and share it with their friends, their teammates, or the entire world. Introducing the Server Browser. An extension of Overwatch's Custom Game mode, the Server Browser allows you to adjust the settings on various maps, modes, and heroes, creating your own tailor-made server. If, for example, you want to increase Pharah’s missile speed or remove the cooldown from McCree's Combat Roll, the power is yours. Once you're happy with your settings and you're ready to launch your game, you'll n…
On the topic of Stacy's Unban Appeal
As most of us know, Stacy's Mom was recently banned for supposedly wall-hacking. The ban is hotly debated and we can't seem to come to a conclusion. I think that before any permanent ban is issued, there needs to be infallible and completely conclusive evidence. This isn't a 24 hour ban we're talking about, this is permanently removing someone from the community. I believe Stacy's Mom should be unbanned solely because we can't seem to come to a conclusion. All we're doing is arguing with no real effect. If Stacy's Mom is unbanned, I think that he will either be scared out of hacking again (if he really was hacking), or he will do it again, and this time, we will have…
by jary- 4 replies
So on MG there is auto respawn and when it goes to a multi-game map it's still on and I find it annoying to have this on those maps. Would like it to be somehow removed on multi-game maps only. Thanks
- 13 replies
Skate and Strike© Hi guys! Chibi here! I would like to bring something to the table that could potentially revolutionize KZG and blow our name up on the global scale. I bring to you: Skate and Strike©. In this Skate & Strike© game you will fight with and race against your opponents on your skateboard and with your guns and skills. Outstrip your opponents by racing faster or stop them by destroying them. With your points, you can buy new skateboards to surf faster, or you can buy new weapons to destroy your opponents. You can also customize your skateboard with…
MG Revamp?
by Nutella- 13 replies
So let's get started I would like to reform the way MG is. So first I will explain it so you would start of in an arena FFA knife battle there will be one winner and one only the finally player that is standing will be teleported to an arena where he/she can pick a map now the way i would like this to be laid out is there would be 4 - 5 walls and on these walls there will be pictures of maps but all the maps will have titles on saying what they are and the map name so there will be a wall with surf - surf combat another wall with climb - course map ect. Now with the missing spots at this point in time i could not think of something that would be fun to fill them in but it…
Scout&Knife Idea....
by J_VilL- 10 replies
Hello my fellow KZG Member i have been thinking about this one thing while i have been playing Scout&Knife. As we all know Scout&knife was the first server to ever come to the KZG and started from there. I came up with this idea and it was something that scout&knife had. It was called Throwing knife i'm pretty sure we all know that was pretty fun and unique to the scout community this is just an idea and i think it would be amazing to add back to the scout community. Would be amazing thanks for reading Guys.
[AIM] Stickers - HotdoG
by panthA- 3 replies
Posting this on behalf of HotdoG. 'HotdoG' wrote: Hi, Im HotdoG and I had an idea of what could be added into the aim KZG servers. People could be able to customize their guns/skins with stickers which will enable players to have a to more fun with customization and creativity with their weapons. EDIT: Doesn't have to be just aim, any !ws enabled servers could benefit.
Custom tags
by 「Koi」- 2 replies
it would be a cool idea if vip's could have custom tags. the plain vip is still great but..... maybe custom tags made by the community would work out 2. Im not saying that you can just type in a name and it will become a tag. but just a vote in the community. please give me some feedback if you like my idea or not
5v5 Combat Surf Tournament?
by Buzz- 10 replies
Hello, recently there has been a tournament for scouts & knives which I think is a great idea, however a large portion of the kzg community are surfers. I suggest that there should be a combat surf 5v5 tournament for the other half of the community who surf/don't enjoy scouts and knives. Since there are a large range of maps, maybe a should be in place? Of the most popular maps.
Server Competitions
by medzii- 3 replies
With @dest's recent idea of bringing back the previously suggested scoutz tournament, I thought it could be a good idea to create a tournament for other servers like 1v1, Combat Surf and Casual Comp aswell (if u can think of a way to do this for Jailbreak, Minigames and Easy Surf let me know!). I'd be more than happy to contribute to a prize pool or this could be done simply for the fun of it. The idea was suggested to create staff teams and regular player teams which I've created a poll for above. Also please feel free to post suggestions here and whether you'd be interested. I'd like to get this organised for the 12th or 13th as I'll be home for those two days and anyti…
by Ka-chow!- 5 replies
I think it would be cool if there was a KZG app to check the forums or rules and stuff like that.
(!) Gift
by Flexicute- 6 replies
What happened to !Gift (User) I would like to know what happened to it I'm not to sure if it's on any other server. But It would be nice if It could be tranferred to MiniGames. +1 to get it back -1 if not *Unless it's glitched* EDIT (VIP) ONLY! EDIT (VIP) ONLY! EDIT (VIP) ONLY!
by lockhaRt- 7 replies
Hello kzg my suggestion is to reset everyones potion/points on the servers every season. At the end of the season who ever has the most points/in number 1 place gets free vip for a mount ect. Thanks for reading.
Minecraft Staff App
by Macgregor- 7 replies
Hello, This is just a suggestion, I know Minecraft is a bit of a dead game but just playing multiplayer Minecraft isn't so bad if your playing with friends. So if this server gets a following and more members on the server there might need Staff. This is all in the hands of higher staff on the server. Coolio, Geladak
Minigames map rankings
by Haz- 5 replies
Minigames map rankings Just like easy surf, minigames should have server records to encourage players to break the server record, speed up rounds and to brag to everyone that they've completed the map and/or the server record!
!gloves and custom glove skins.
by KennySpag- 13 replies
Hey Everyone, Kenny Spaghetti here. So I have a suggestion for the KZG server. If you haven't read the thread title, I will be discussing the introduction of the glove skins in !ws and the introduction of a command similar to !knife but maybe !gloves. This thread was posted after the Glove Update so the compatibility for this may be easier. (I'm no CSGO genius so I don't know if you can actually make this work. I know that it may now work on servers such as JB and Combat Surf as they have custom player models but in servers such as 1v1, Casual Competitive and other servers that don't support custom player models. I'm not sure if this can be done but I believe that it …
Deagle Only Server?? 1 2
by sm!- 27 replies
kinda like scoutzknives, but with a deagle.. whattayareckon
t overwatch skins
by sgt ion- 2 replies
with the new addition of tracer and d va to jailbreak i think that the t's should be able to be one of the overwatch characters such as widowmaker, junkrat, m cree and reaper. Roadhog would be amazing but his player modle is way to big. It would be cool if we got a mercy ct skin as well. i hope you take this into consideration. i know all the admins are working hard on new skins and i would hate to make your list longer but i think a lot of jb members would love these skins.