174 topics in this forum
Perm Mute on Squirtle/Pyke 1 2
by (UCU) MadeInChina- 27 replies
Your ingame name: MadeInChina Their ingame name: Squirtle/Pyke Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_0:1:37903346 Which server?: Team Speak/ jailbreak Reason for why they should be banned: Ok Over the pass couple day's Pyke/Squirtle as been coming into my channel (on Teamspeak) And abusing me and others, being an overall dick. Nobody that is in the channal with me Doesn't Want him there, Constantly asking me to kick him. After i proceed to kick him he will join back as fast as he can and Shout Why so *Salty* Then i would kick him lock the channel. Then he would constantly Poke me (On Teamspeak) Why So salty?. It isn't Just over team speak In game he would be a "Twat"…
Sky's Abuse Report 1 2
by Dandy- 26 replies
Their Ingame Name: Sky Thier Steam ID / Steam Page Link: Reason why you think they abused?: Multiple unnecessary mutes/gags. Many people were muted for saying racial slurs which i completely understand. However someone used the word (and i quote) "nigga" which is the incorrect spelling in the first place... and he got a 20 minute gag. Now YES he did imply it and once again i understand that gag, HOWEVER, i quote "he spelt it wrong why would he get muted, he spelt "nigga" ". to which i was gagged for 20-30mins for quoting someone on what they said, which was incorrect in the first place…
Admin Abuse
by Giggles the Unicorn- 24 replies
Hi KZG admins, Generally speaking, I have been a huge fan of your servers over the past few weeks. Have been surfing most days on the easy server meeting people that are great fun to hang out with in a great atmosphere. While this is the case, recently an admin by the name of "struggler" ( ) had made it his aim to flame me with a full server listening in. Personally, I did not display very polite behaviour. But I am not the admin. He and one of his friend spent about 10 minutes verbally abusing me and ended up muting me after a server vote. I have no issue with the mute and I'm not looking to lift it. I just th…
[COMBAT SURF] Killua's Ban Report
by Lelouch- 24 replies
Your In-Game Name: 「 Lelouch 」 Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:446458390 Their In-Game: Killua Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:192010394 Reason(s): Using aimbot and other hacks to get kills in combat surf Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Short Version: Long Version: Witness:
Sky's Ban Request
by Wolfleader- 22 replies
Your Ingame Name: Wolfleader Thier Ingame Name: Sky Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80601925 Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: I think he should be banned because he rdm me after i defended my gang member who was getting robbed. he didnt have a gun nor did noice pussy so i had to step in and help. Proof / Evidence: Sorry it didnt pick up my mic but i was saying i was defending my gang member as he was asking for help.
Foxie's Ban Request
by Bubble- 22 replies
Your Ingame Name: Bubble Thier Ingame Name: Foxie Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59116519 Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: Fail RP/RDM Proof / Evidence: Skip to 3:55 where i go into game menu to try find a way to stop the radio spam, Foxie then walks up, asks if i'm there, then shoots me. Complete fail RP and just a RDM kill L2RP
Ban Request or Punishment Request | Fybiz
by My Name is Tito- 19 replies
Your ingame name: Tito Their ingame name: Fybiz Their STEAMID ( ): unknown currently (will update if found) Which server?: Jailbreak Reason for why they should be banned: So my reasons for Fybiz receiving a punishment is consist of the following; Free killing Multiple Times. Fybiz has done stuff like "If roulette lands on a color (for example sake it landed on Red) the other color will die, then he kills the T's who selected Red. Fybiz has blamed a friend of mine that he killed him in ghost (like how do you do that) and pretty much raged at him. Fybiz CT skills aren't the greatest when it comes to knowing the rules, or even the co…
ChickenDestroyer21's Ban Request
by kidx- 16 replies
Your Ingame Name: Pabz Pep Thier Ingame Name: ChickenDestroyer21 Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:101213703 Which Server: Roleplay Reason why they should be banned / muted: So today (27/7/17) a player by he name of ChickenDestroyer21 actively rdming & walking around with a weapon in hand . He was taking advantage that there was no cops on. He was warned by a number of players, asking him to stop and he is breaking the rules. He was aware of this but still wouldn't stop. obviously was trying to take the fun out of roleplay by breaking a number of rules. Who I witnessed was him pulling a Glock out on a player called Breezy in front a CPU in bank & …
SpicyGloobs perm ban request
by SpicyGloobs- 14 replies
Your ingame name: SpicyGloobs Their ingame name: SpicyGloobs Their STEAMID ( ):STEAM_0:0:88365978 Which server?: Jailbreak Reason for why they should be banned: Because I am a Nazi cunt. Proof/Evidence: lmfao I'm typing this??? Extra(If any):Perm ban me pls
Basically RDM
by ESKETIT- 14 replies
I was 'mugged' and first of all just to clarify i have been mugged in this area and i always put my gun on my back when i go into dodgy areas(if this is a crime then im sorry and i wont do it again), I was mugged near the drug dealer by some stupid kid who thinks 2 milliseconds is adequate for a response. Now in his defence he said that i pulled out my shotgun, which i clearly didnt. All i want is some clarification as i lost over 20 grand and a shotty. All i want is some justice. Thx
Mtbcsgo's Abuse Report
by Super_Soc- 14 replies
Their Ingame Name: Mtbcsgo Thier Steam ID / Steam Page Link: Reason why you think they abused?: It all started from a 1v1 on csgo. I simply asked if Mtb wanted to 1v1 me and he accepted. I simply played to the best of his ability and I manged to beat Mtb in a 1v1. He assumes because he is a "top tier awper" that I must be hacking and that a terrible player as myself could not beat him. I didn't care for his opinion until he started spreading rumours behind my back, telling players that I was cheating. His arrogance blinds his perception and makes him ignorant to the evidence provided. I have never ever ever…
[AIM] {MRPANSEXUAL}'s Ban Report
by sown- 14 replies
Your In-Game Name: ayble Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:135835832 Their In-Game: {MRPANSEXUAL} Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:92759092 Reason(s): Wall Hacking/Aim Botting Fun mod is not server selectable so i chose aim. (reminder to update it) Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: PS: @skyprah remove your signature from his profile:
- 14 replies
Your In-Game Name: Legacy Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:214564613 Their In-Game: Percy (Needs Cases) Their Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:165498131 Reason(s): Recently I vouched for a player that is clearly incapable of keeping his duties, I have provided commands and examples of situations that would allow for him to handle situations accordingly, But yet he somehow manages to aggrivate the server by giving extended mutes and without warning, He is clearly not suited for the role of Administrator (He has also announced the PRIVATE anti cheat messages to the whole server saying that someone was cheating) Proof / Evidence / Witnesses: Witnesses: Anyone on at the same ti…
Z9 Leader ABUSE
by Mel0h7- 13 replies
Hi there so i just got muted on the server around 7 times because the server vote or something and he was muting me for 30 mins and reason was like yes or no like come on man this is dumb i was not mic spamming at all all the people in the lobby just wanted me muted for being a squeaker.. i have a screenshot but would not let me post if you would like to contact me just add me on steam same name as this thx
glockd Ban Request
by Harik- 13 replies
Your ingame name: Harik Their ingame name: glockd Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_0:1:119990119 Which server?: Jailbreak Reason for why they should be banned: Constant abuse and mic/chat spam. This user has received 5 mutes and 12 gags (all for abuse & mic/chat spam) as seen here: I gagged glockd for 30 minutes because he was abusing another player whilst chat spamming, he then messaged me this: (Him arguing with the gag) he has been warned multiple times by myself, Alex Jones, @Sirtron, @Ec1ipse and @TH3B3ATS. He constantly spams admin chat when he believes …
FullGamer1809's Ban Request
by Dert- 13 replies
Your Ingame Name: Dert Thier Ingame Name: FullGamer1809 Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147790364 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: For Roleplay. I robbed this person past truck. Very abusive in chat with him and his friend Teemo. Please sort this situation out and come to a suitable decision. Proof / Evidence:
- 12 replies
2 guys who took advantage of the fact there were no admins on and them when we said this is why we more admins/moderators he then started to say that admins were bad. Also repeat offender as I heard him getting muted like 50 times by merk as he was yelling in the mic "im bot johns dad". [video=youtube]KZG Scoutz MIC SPAM REPORT [/video] BOT Jons Dad BOT Niks Dad 1:14 - 1:22 disses admins 1:34 - end plays in game sounds a second later on his mic
Naga's Mute Request
by Seezer- 12 replies
Your Ingame Name: Swerl Thier Ingame Name: Naga Their Steam ID: STEAM_ Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: RDM Proof / Evidence:
Sloths Mute
by ForceX- 11 replies
I don't care if he gets banned muted or ct banned just make sure something happens :). Thank You.
FOX's Ban Request
by Dert- 11 replies
Your Ingame Name: Dert Thier Ingame Name: FOX Their Steam ID: STEAM_FOX Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: This is for roleplay. Video kinda explains the situation by itself. RDMed me after I told him to 'Piss off Kiddo'. I would like my items back too, maybe some conpensation. Proof / Evidence:
Squid prodigy's Abuse Report
by FabØss- 11 replies
Their Ingame Name: Squid prodigy Thier Steam ID / Steam Page Link: Reason why you think they abused?: There was no significant reason other than a server vote to mute me. The topic was whether I had friends or no friends and then an admin (don't know who) started a vote on muting me. I simply didn't annoy the server in any way there was just one guy that disliked me asking if I had any friends then a few admins turned against me. The vote was successful with 56% and then I was muted for 120 minutes. I believe it was 'squid prodigy' that excecuted the vote and mute. Witnesses's (if any): Tay, Hai…
- 11 replies
Your In-Game Name: kudose Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:61929094 Their In-Game: smexy/sexy smexy Their Steam_ID: STEAM_1:1:27574550 Reason(s): Doxed people Proof / Evidence - doxed people by changing name on dust 2
Ban Request for It's not ray
by Squirtle- 10 replies
Your ingame name: Squirtle with Dwon Syndrome Their ingame name: dw, it's not ray Their STEAMID ( ): STEAM_0:0:79603981 Which server?: Jail Break Reason for why they should be banned: This user was warned by admins muted many times for abusing me and other members. He continued to abuse me ingame which was witnessed by Squizzy. I then added the user to ask what I may have done to upset him in any way. He replied with a stream of abuse in game and through steam messages. I have screen shots of the steam message abuse but not the in game. Proof/Evidence:
Tyson doc
by Nutella- 10 replies
Hey guys so last night on ts tyson sent me this link he said its me nude and i sent it to a 20 year old or something idk so i clicked on it and it said thank you good bye! idk my internet just went out and came back on but idk proof:
by OVARYYYY- 10 replies