189 topics in this forum
Aim Death match server
by lockhaRt- 9 replies
Title says it all really. It would be really cool KZG had a death match server with !ws and !knife ect, it could be 24/7 dust and so on.
by FragS- 5 replies
:) Please add the Vote kick feature for regular players. It is very annoying and difficult when there is a griefer on your team and you can't kick them. Thanks :)
Combat Surf
by CableTV- 4 replies
Hello have you ever consided having 100% accuracy on the combat surf?
Looking at your own stats
by CableTV- 0 replies
If you type "!statsme" on a KZG server it will come up with your own stats if you want to check you activity, or pt etc.
Supreme Logo Trail
by Dandy♔- 12 replies
For the combat surf server was wondering if the「Supreme」Group could get their own Trail of the supreme logo
FFA death match server
by Rev- 7 replies
I think my friend mag1c might have told skyprah about my idea already but here it is. There is a lack of free for all rifle only, pistol only and awp only Oceania death match servers. Having any of the these servers would be awesome and would be very useful for the community
Minigames suggestion
by Gromp- 2 replies
I would love mg_kirby's to be added to the server, it was the best map on source and i miss it : (Only posting cause atleast 21 admins told me to go on the forums) Link to the map:
- 2 replies
I think that having a 5v5 scrim server could be quite fun, but only open to VIP's to stop the server being flooded by people. The games could only be like ten rounds long and at the end of each game players are moved to spectate, allowing a new ten people to play. Another idea that could be useful is an executes server, kind of like retake but 5v5 with the ct side spawned in positions on both bomb sites and the t side spawned in a position to take a bomb site, the chat will say what type of execute you are to do. Such as a spawn drop to a on Dust 2. This will give players much more practice in defending the site from terrorists as well as allowing players to practice thei…
Just A Suggestion
by AddicT- 3 replies
I do have a few suggestions... Combat Surf • More maps! :D • More active admins/moderators (staff in general) so mic spammers can be muted, same with griefers/abusers etc. I know that this is probably already being figured out, but I thought I would put it out there again just to make sure :D
Another Suggestion.. :3
by AddicT- 2 replies
Just another quick suggestion, there are normally no staff members online on servers such as Combat Surf. I reckon there should be a command like ' !votekick ' in order to kick the mic spammers and people being abusive/toxic - people who are rule breaking, or teleport camping. This is just so when staff members are not there to help, the regular members of the KZG servers have an opportunity to fix it themselves. BUT if people abuse this command to kick people for no valid reason, there should also be a punishment involved.
Just an idea
by Doobzy^- 2 replies
it would be great if we had a Bhop server i'm sick of playing on DTK [mainly cos the admins are cunts] but i'd like a bhop server for our community :D
StatTrak on skins for VIP
by Sirtron- 6 replies
Ok so currently we have skins inbuilt into all of the servers, my suggestion is that once you purchase VIP you automatically get a StatTrack counter on all you plugin skins. The reason for this is that it'll add an intensive for players to purchase VIP and then if they run out of time on there VIP then they lose there StatTrack counter. By removing the StatTrack at the end of VIP it will restart there process which creates an incentive to not let the players VIP time run out. What are your thoughts??
Staff/Vip join messages
by Flexicute- 6 replies
Hey flexicute =3 Here guys hope everybody has been doing well. I wanted to make this post because I've seen it on another server I used to play before coming here It was a really cool idea. So my suggestion is (Staff) and (VIP) Join chat messages on any server It's a way that when a (Staff member) or (VIP) Joins the server it will come up in the chat so say like - thanks @Sorrow (Senior Admin) Sorrow has joined the server *His message that he wants when he joins* In any colour he has selected (Or Rainbow) I though this would be awesome ~Best regards Flexicute :)
This suggestion area
by Sirtron- 0 replies
Can we make this suggestion area of the forum just for suggestions for the forum so how to improve the forum itself. all other server based suggestions could be placed in the area that is associated with that server i.e jailbreak suggestions should be posted in It will place all suggestions all in one place for a server in one place and stop double ups. What are your thoughts
Duals in scoutz and knifes?
by Soul- 6 replies
Hey just suggesting a dualing match in the scouts and knifes server say like 1 map would be deags only with low gravity? and the rest would be scoutz? just for a bit of a change some people might get a little bored of the scouts and wanna use the deags? Just wondering ::) thanks have a good gay!
Check other players stats
by SpaceJam2k- 8 replies
I think every player should be able to check other players stats by typing in chat !stats. it will come up with a list of all the players online on the server. By choosing the player it would come up with hours on server, place and rank. Maybe for admins, moderators and the owners when they check a players stats you can see their latest kicks, bans etc and when the ban/kick was set, how long the ban went for and why they got the ban/kick.
- 5 replies
im on Forums majority of my time while editing music and i notice we have an extremely large amount of guest users viewing things such as Admin or Mod apps. i think guest should be restricted to the sign up page and info on KZG until they are member of the forums anyone disagree or agree
Casual Competitive Nametag.
by SpaceJam2k- 0 replies
So idk if its just me or if this is a glitch. But when im ingame on casual comp, when i aim at a teamate i cant see their name tag or who they are. I suggest that u guys should make it so we can see their nametag. If not possible allgood.
by HardJ- 1 reply
For VIPS, MODS and ADMINS. Should get stat trak on weapons ??
by HardJ- 1 reply
When in 1v1 you should add a sound effect and show much much damage you did like in scout and knives
Shows how many points you got from killing someone.
by SpaceJam2k- 5 replies
Suggest when you kill someone on any of the servers, it will pop up with how many points you got from that kill. Or at the end of the round you can see how many points you earned.
Serious Pole
by Dandy♔- 2 replies
There has been huge controversy between whether the combat surf server should get 100% awp accuracy on all shots instead of just having the 100% accuracy on the drop shooting (when pressing s). I personally believe the server could be much more enjoyable with 100% awp accuracy as it provides an easier fire while surfing therefore new players don't need to always camp and can hit shots while surfing. Many people believe 100% awp accuracy to be like an "aim lock" it really isn't anywhere close to an aimlock its an assist for your shot and doesn't really make a shot defiantly hit 100% of the time, it is just an assistance to helping you surf and shoot. Many people have …
Autokick a player that has over 100-120-150 ping.
by SpaceJam2k- 7 replies
Iv realized that the lag is most likely coming from players from different countries. So i think we should set an Autokick to players that have over 100-120-150 ping. This would reduce players that are coming to the server from different countries. and will reduce other players ping from Aus/Nz So maybe if their was a bot that could do this or something. i would be more then happy.
Server ideas!
by medzii- 4 replies
Just a few ideas for servers, some I've heard from others and I'm sure others have been requested but here's what I've got: -Hide and Seek -Gun Game -Zombies/Survival -King of the Hill Will update with any other ideas or suggestions if people want to reply with their thoughts ;)
Please make a mobile app
by Porky47- 5 replies
So I was sitting in the car and I was really bored and I am like what a better way to pass the time by posting on KZG forums and I go on to the website and it's laggy and crap on my phone and I could not do anything not even prank skyprah so I needs some people to back me up and make a mobile app :D