174 topics in this forum
Issa Bumcrack Ban Request
by TheRiddler- 3 replies
Your Ingame Name: TheRiddler Thier Ingame Name: Issa Bumcrack Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147141040 Which Server: RolePlay Reason why they should be banned / muted: RDM in CF no reason behind it hadnt seen him at all on the server, lost 4k cash but about 30k in weapons not too fussed just needs to know he cant do that stuff on the server Proof / Evidence:
Issa Bumcrack and EnVyUs LitVy's Ban Request
by Alexander Hamilton- 5 replies
Your Ingame Name: Alexander Hamilton Thier Ingame Name: Issa Bumcrack and EnVyUs LitVy Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147141040 and STEAM_1:0:26578895 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: RDM on Roleplay. Proof / Evidence: The original and rendered/edited version was slightly clearer but youtube made it worse ;-;
Big Ol Papa Smurf's Ban Request
by SpinnA- 6 replies
Your Ingame Name: SpinnA Thier Ingame Name: Big Ol Papa Smurf Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113030913 Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: Well... Before I started recording, Lethiem and I had just bought the farm house like 30 seconds before he was going to buy it.. He then got really salty and said something like "watch out" and when I respawned from when he killed me he proceeded to follow Lethiem and I as you can see in the footage. We walked around and he still followed us, then Letheim kinda annoyed Big Ol Smurf by saying like "Too bad" since we got the house and then he straight up just killed us both in public for no RP reason…
^_^ Nulzz, rm0's Ban Request
by Cody2G- 2 replies
Your Ingame Name: Cody Thier Ingame Name: Nulzz, rm0 Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:218645438, STEAM_0:0:216484267 -, Which Server: 1v1 Reason why they should be banned / muted: Two spin-botters both using the same cheats. Proof / Evidence: Uploading video as we speak, but anyone on the server at this point in time can vouch for this request.
Foxie's Ban Request
by Bubble- 22 replies
Your Ingame Name: Bubble Thier Ingame Name: Foxie Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59116519 Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: Fail RP/RDM Proof / Evidence: Skip to 3:55 where i go into game menu to try find a way to stop the radio spam, Foxie then walks up, asks if i'm there, then shoots me. Complete fail RP and just a RDM kill L2RP
- 7 replies
Your Ingame Name: Codex Thier Ingame Name: ChickenDestroyer21 Their Steam ID: STEAM_ Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: 2 things= Killed me in public and and wasn't in Sky's gang as I was tazing him so making it a Rdm. Proof / Evidence: Proving he wasn't in Sky's gang. Proving chicken killed me. Sky Jr is a key witness in this rdm. Also as it was outisde small bank, the bank npc and the mining npc would have saw. As well as a camera near the alley way to the papaver fields.
Broseph's Ban Request
by KZRRR- 6 replies
Your Ingame Name: KZRRR Thier Ingame Name: Broseph Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49460040 Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: Straight up RDM within a public area with no hesitation whatsoever. My gang member breezy died within the papaver fields by Jordan which I had witnessed and has been auto reported. I immediately reacted and grabbed my awp and killed Jordan first chance I saw him without witnesses. However shortly after that, I'm spotted by his mate 'Broseph' running through a public area and he comes up behind me and takes several shots until I die for revenge. I then contacted Broseph in order for compensation for the awp I l…
FOX's Ban Request
by Dert- 11 replies
Your Ingame Name: Dert Thier Ingame Name: FOX Their Steam ID: STEAM_FOX Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: This is for roleplay. Video kinda explains the situation by itself. RDMed me after I told him to 'Piss off Kiddo'. I would like my items back too, maybe some conpensation. Proof / Evidence:
Bp^'s Ban Request
by Undead- 2 replies
Your Ingame Name: Undead10122 Thier Ingame Name: Bp^ Their Steam ID: STEAM_76561198071037199 Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: He Randomly Death Matched BlameObama and myself in and out the front of gun store Proof / Evidence:
ZAGZON's Ban Request
by Dert- 9 replies
Your Ingame Name: Dert Thier Ingame Name: ZAGZON Their Steam ID: Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: This is for the Roleplay server but the server type would not let me change it. Me and my friend Dusty were running around on the roleplay server with our guns casually stashed and in our sites of robbing people. This person had logged out earlier and is why we had him in our sights at all times. He logged out mid way through the second robbery as i was asking this bystander to leave the area (mic not recorded) ZAGZON logs out. I would like to have his deagle which he had on his pe…
Sweet as Pumpkin Pie's Ban Request
by hashira- 3 replies
Your Ingame Name: i7K Thier Ingame Name: Sweet as Pumpkin Pie Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:221425623 Which Server: Casual Comp Reason why they should be banned / muted: Walling Proof / Evidence: Profile - Private - Recruit Rank 60 - 9 K/D Map: Dust 2 So blatant with his cheats, for example hes on short, his team clears t-spawn and he wide peeks onto the right cubby of top mid. Doesn't get the frag but 100% has walls. Second he pushes bedroom without checking any angles and swings out around bedroom to mid, because he knows no one is holding long. Another example is the beginning of round, one terrorist catches him blind long, and he sw…
CloveR And Ruslan Fail RP Robbery
by krewzy- 3 replies
Your In-Game Name: krewzy Their In-Game Name/s: Clover & Ruslan Their Steam ID: Ruslan: CloveR: Wich Server?: Roleplay Reason They Should Be Banned: They Ziptied Me Insight Of A NPC And It Was A Public Walkway. And He Door Spammed During The End. And Blocked Me At The Start. Proof/Evidence:
And0's Ban Request
by Lethiem- 4 replies
Your Ingame Name: Lethiem Thier Ingame Name: And0 Their Steam ID: 76561198173336298 / STEAM_0:0:106535285 Which Server: Roleplay Reason why they should be banned / muted: Hello, So i was recording some game play and I mugged And0 he seemed to be salty and thought it was unfair then i meet up with him at Pap fields. And he thought the smartest move was to RDM while NLRing. The events leading to this was only me mugging him and him pulling out a gun and trying to kill me while i killed him If you require anymore evidence from the previous ill be move than happy to help. His statement was, "He pulled a AK-47 On me"…
ex's Ban Request
by Dert- 6 replies
Your Ingame Name: BigOlPapaSmurf Thier Ingame Name: ex Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:220080748 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: For Roleplay, This guy comes up and shoots me randomly after saying 'Money Money', I think he should be more direct if he is robbing someone by saying phrases such as 'Don't move I will shoot' or 'This is a robbery don't move'. I would like my Mag-7 with ammo back please once this person is banned. Ty, -Papa Smurf Proof / Evidence:
JC's Ban Request
by krewzy- 7 replies
Your In-Game Name: krewzy Their In-Game Name: JC Their Steam ID: Don't Know Yet. Wich Server?: Roleplay Reason They Should Be Banned: He Rdm'ed Me In Small Bank Infront Of A NPC And Infront Of Many Other Player's, Also Lost Alot Of Money Then... Proof/Evidence:
- 9 replies
Your Ingame Name: jay.ex.twenty Thier Ingame Name: bake a cake Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139098920 Which Server: Easy Surf Reason why they should be banned / muted: Spamming "rtv" for more than 20 minutes by using binds. (i only got to record 10 minutes of it) Took advantage of the easy surf server having no active staff, wouldn't stop spamming until I got an admin online. As you can see in the bottom left corner, he repeatedly presses his chat bind. After the map is on surf_kitsune_nb for around 1 hour, he changes his name to "kzg more like zts in disguise" Proof / Evidence:
Naga's Mute Request
by Seezer- 12 replies
Your Ingame Name: Swerl Thier Ingame Name: Naga Their Steam ID: STEAM_ Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: RDM Proof / Evidence:
ChickenDestroyer21's Ban Request
by kidx- 16 replies
Your Ingame Name: Pabz Pep Thier Ingame Name: ChickenDestroyer21 Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:101213703 Which Server: Roleplay Reason why they should be banned / muted: So today (27/7/17) a player by he name of ChickenDestroyer21 actively rdming & walking around with a weapon in hand . He was taking advantage that there was no cops on. He was warned by a number of players, asking him to stop and he is breaking the rules. He was aware of this but still wouldn't stop. obviously was trying to take the fun out of roleplay by breaking a number of rules. Who I witnessed was him pulling a Glock out on a player called Breezy in front a CPU in bank & …
FullGamer1809's Ban Request
by Dert- 13 replies
Your Ingame Name: Dert Thier Ingame Name: FullGamer1809 Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147790364 Which Server: Minigames Reason why they should be banned / muted: For Roleplay. I robbed this person past truck. Very abusive in chat with him and his friend Teemo. Please sort this situation out and come to a suitable decision. Proof / Evidence:
krewzy's Ban Request
by Yrrah- 3 replies
Your Ingame Name: Yrrah Thier Ingame Name: krewzy Their Steam ID: STEAM_ Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: RDM/attempted RDM multiple times/setting up RDM attempts Proof / Evidence: From what I understand Krewzy has donated to the server, so I'm not sure how far this will get - I think he's also friendly with a couple of the cops. And I get that some people aren't huge fans of me (next person who screams 'British twat' to me on their mic is getting their toes licked, not even kidding any more). Krewzy has always come across as a bit 'off' in the way he acts, but that's fine. We'r…
Basically RDM
by ESKETIT- 14 replies
I was 'mugged' and first of all just to clarify i have been mugged in this area and i always put my gun on my back when i go into dodgy areas(if this is a crime then im sorry and i wont do it again), I was mugged near the drug dealer by some stupid kid who thinks 2 milliseconds is adequate for a response. Now in his defence he said that i pulled out my shotgun, which i clearly didnt. All i want is some clarification as i lost over 20 grand and a shotty. All i want is some justice. Thx
Tamus' Ban Appeal
by ChickenDestroyer21- 1 reply
Tamus has been a bully and a dox eg: fat shaming and snapchat leaks. Name: Tamus Steam Link: Evidence: Reason: dox and Bullying Screenshots (in chat): Dox evidence: sorry cannot find because i do not recal the name he was using when he got banned Thanks for taking ur time to read this. Thrasher was involved with this to and he was there through the whole thing and didnt do jack shit but told him to shut up and he gagged me for 20mins for going off at him.
Sky's Ban Request
by Wolfleader- 22 replies
Your Ingame Name: Wolfleader Thier Ingame Name: Sky Their Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80601925 Which Server: Reason why they should be banned / muted: I think he should be banned because he rdm me after i defended my gang member who was getting robbed. he didnt have a gun nor did noice pussy so i had to step in and help. Proof / Evidence: Sorry it didnt pick up my mic but i was saying i was defending my gang member as he was asking for help.
capsicum xd's Ban Request
by $crim- 10 replies
Your Ingame Name: Codex Thier Ingame Name: capsicum Their Steam ID: STEAM_ Which Server: Jailbreak Reason why they should be banned / muted: So I was having a good time gambling when my friend Sky (A cop) got killed. As I had witnessed it I put the witness log in chat around 3-4 minutes later I got killed by capsicum for being a witness. I'm not sure if I didn't see it but i don't think you are aloud to kill someone if they were a witness. He constantly abuses everyone and I find he's not a good player of our community. Proof / Evidence: Bing Bong Boing Mcgee- A Witness who saw everything. (A member of the police) [-T-] You have witnessed cap…
Attemp RDM
by krewzy- 8 replies
I Want To Ban Autismo The Magician For A Attemp'ed RDM. I Have 2 Videos And Prior To This Event Nothing Has Happend. I Was Getting Knifed Alot And Door Spammed My Apartment. I Would Like A Ban On Him. Thanks For Your Time - krewzy: 1st Video Angle (Me): 2nd Angle (Jordan): Thank's For Watching. And I Hope He Get's A Ban To Help The Kill-Zone Gaming Community