1,538 topics in this forum
gEFF's Unban Appeal
by gEFF- 13 replies
Steam Account Name: gEFF Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119269889 Server Group: AWP Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 12-21-18 23:08 Admin that Punished You: Skyprah Reason for Ban: I dont know. I was told that I was trash talking on AWP but I didnt, also I'm assume part of the ban was because I own another combat surf server. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I honestly don't know why I was banned in the first place. AWP is a really fun server and I enjoyed my time playing on that server, only to have it taken away for 'shit talking' which I never really did in the first place. I dont even care if you keep me banned on combat su…
кєямιт's Unban Appeal
by кєямιт- 8 replies
Your ingame Name: кєямιт Server you were banned / muted on?: Scouts and Knivez Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105966293 Date / Time of Ban: 09-07-17 20:57 Admin that banned or muted (if known): Larko Reason for ban (if known): Assumed for hacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: My little brother was playing when admins suspected that he was hacking ( he wasnt ) and i am not able to play on any KZG servers being that the ban was a community ban and a Ip ban
[AIM] Grandpa's Unban Appeal
by Grandpa- 11 replies
Steam Account Name: Grandpa Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:459124365 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AIM Server: 1v1 Arenas Date / Time of Ban: 21/12/2019 Admin that Punished You: Dobbo Reason for Ban: Wallhacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Obviously I'm appealing because I wasn't cheating. I'm in the top 150 out of 180k and I've versed people that are between the 30-50 rank and the kills are equal. They know and I'm known for being one of those good players that earned being placed so high. But then also losing to high rated players then me. If I had walls I'd go balls to wall and get to rank 1 in 2…
Pebis/Yen/Smexy the mute's Unmute Appeal
by Sexy Smexy- 23 replies
Your ingame Name: Pebis/Yen/Smexy the mute Server you were banned / muted on?: Combat Surf Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27574550 STEAM_0:1:61929094 STEAM_0:0:55652218 Date / Time of Ban: Unknown Admin that banned or muted (if known): Riddler silenced me, Riddler silenced Yen, Pebis, console Reason for ban (if known): Mine was racism, Yens was racism, Kudoses was racism. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because we all made a fire song, made a very nice collab If this dosen't get accepted we will all kill ourselves
[AWP SG] Yusin's Unban Appeal
by Yusin- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: Yusin Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:101912071 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AWP SG Server: Other Date / Time of Ban: 08-31-19 08:15 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: Aimbot Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I dont use cheat anything
IGXE 丨Heav3n's Unmute Appeal
by IGXE丨Heav3n- 5 replies
Your ingame Name: IGXE 丨Heav3n Server you were banned / muted on?: Casual Comp Your Steam ID: STEAM_heavenchan Date / Time of Ban: 17 oct 2017 Admin that banned or muted (if known): paaantha Reason for ban (if known): multi hacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I've never hacked and i play friendly and nicely in every games. I really enjoy gaming in this server.
SLEEPY's Unban Appeal
by Chill- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: SLEEPY Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:0 Alternate Accounts: Server Group: MINIGAMES Server: Minigames Date / Time of Ban: 4/05 3:00 pm Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: [SourceSleuth] Duplicate account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: this is the only account i have with this email address
[SKILL] billsmacker's Unmute Appeal
by BillSmacker- 16 replies
Your in-game name: billsmacker Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:146912127 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: billsmacker#5379 Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Noob #1 Staff Member that Punished You: Fedora Reason for Ban: "mic spam" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: there is no evidence of mic spam at all, i was not provided with a recording of my mic spam. Nor was I mic spamming in the first place, (for context) the server where doing impressions of "crack heads" i provided my impression which I admit may have been "loud"but it was no…
[AWP] WhySoGood's Unban Appeal
by Benzi- 1 follower
- 4 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: cant remember i think it was WhySoGood at the time, but my ign rn is Benzi Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:228646414 Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: NONE Discord Handle: benzi#0001 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AWP What server did you receive the punishment on? AWP 24/7 What staff member issued the punishment: Ban Reason: [KillZone-AntiCheat]: Cheating Infraction Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: i think i should be unbanned because i wasnt cheating at all, like i really dont know what happened, i joined the …
Z9 Leader Unban Appeal
by Z9Leader- 4 replies
Name: Z9 Leader Server Banned On: easy surf Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:1:171524770 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 18/6/2016 8:45PM not sure Banning Admin (if known): Thrasher Reason for Ban (if known): DDoSing Why I should be unbanned: because im really sorry will not do it again and i only dosed him because he did to me so i did same sorry.
[AWP] gEFF's Unban Appeal
by gEFFdagoat5423- 12 replies
Your in-game name: gEFF Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:1:119269889 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: STEAM_STEAM_ Discord Handle: gEFF#6969 Server Group: AWP What server were you banned on? COMBAT SURF Staff Member that Punished You: Skyphar Reason for Ban: I made joke video about the combat surf servers knife hit reg. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I made joke video about the combat surf servers knife hit reg. I guess this, accompanying the fact I owned a rival combat surf server lead to my ban. This ban is justified and it has been a couple of years since I have been banned. I would love to be able to join other KZG serv…
Sexy Smexy's Unban Appeal
by Sexy Smexy- 15 replies
Steam Account Name: Sexy Smexy Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:27574550 Alternate Accounts: Not sure which accounts have been banned. Server Group: COMBAT Server: Combat Surf Date / Time of Ban: 02-16-18 15:58 Admin that Punished You: Gimmieyofries, order of "TheRiddler" Reason for Ban: A dox of a member who i do believe is currently banned. Also continuous toxic behaviour, "minge" constant mutes/gags/silences Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: This ban was issued a 1 year and 5 months ago, quite a long ago. Unban attempt #524 Hello, my name is Smexy, my previous application was denied back in March, due to excessive use of ALT accounts…
Kiwikoe's Unban Appeal
by Kiwikoe- 5 replies
Steam Account Name: Kiwikoe Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:502547276 Alternate Accounts: None Server Group: Server: Date / Time of Ban: May 21st Admin that Punished You: Command Console Reason for Ban: Duplicate Account Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Because this is my only steam account
Banned for bhopping
by Clifford- 15 replies
Thanks for looking
[AWP] Demised's Unban Appeal
by null- 1 follower
- 3 replies
What was your IGN (Steam Name) at the time of the punishment: Demised Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:588498697 KZG SteamID Page: Alternate accounts you have association with that may be attached to the punishment: no Discord Handle: Demised#5494 What server group / server did you receive the punishment on? AWP What server did you receive the punishment on? AWP 24/7 What staff member issued the punishment: Console Ban Reason: no reason present Why should I be unbanned / unmuted: because console is dumb and stupid and needs to learn that i suck at awp Do you have an evidence that may prove your case: -SEL…
[AWP] bas1c's Unban Appeal
by fescon- 1 reply
Steam Account Name: bas1c Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:209193722 Alternate Accounts: STEAM_ Server Group: AWP Server: Casual Competitive Date / Time of Ban: 7/16 Admin that Punished You: CONSOLE Reason for Ban: hacking Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I am sorry about hacking, if you can unban me, I will be thankful. before I thought hacking is fun, but now. I know that hacking gets bored and I will get banned. I won't hack again. if I hack, you can banned me forever.
[SKILL] Tro165's Unban Appeal
by tro165- 11 replies
Your in-game name: Tro165 Your Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:67990629 Any smurfs/alternate accounts that you have: nonenone Discord Handle: TRO165#0165 Server Group: SKILL What server were you banned on? SKILL SURF - Noob #1 Staff Member that Punished You: console Reason for Ban: i was banned for having a "duplicate account" Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: i should be unbanned because ive done nothing wrong. This account is not a "duplicate", i dont even have any duplicate accounts. When i went to the ban list on the website i saw that a user called "FADE" was banned before me. FADE is my brother and im assuming my account was detected …
[OTHER] Kawaii's Unban Appeal
by Kawaii Loli- 2 replies
Steam Account Name: Kawaii Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:103388932 Alternate Accounts: NONE Server Group: OTHER Server: Other Reason for Ban: trash talking kzg servers Admin that Punished You: skyprah Reason for Ban: trash talking kzg servers Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: It's been more than a year now. I believe its been long enough for me to have reflected on my ill-intended opinions, actions and decisions due to my past immaturity. I'm sorry skyprah :c
I didnt even do anything wrong.
by lil loco- 5 replies
Name: Lil loco Server Banned On: Surf Steam ID (leave blank if already linked to forum): STEAM_0:0:32183750 Steam Profile Link (leave blank if already linked to forum): Date/Time of Ban: 10:50, 12/09/2016 Banning Admin (if known): SkyPRAh Reason for Ban (if known): Calling Some admin guy a Flog as a joke. and suppose cheating. Why I should be unbanned: I called you a flog as a joke. I don't even own cheats, why would i cheat? if i was cheating I'd like to see proof of Me + my profile actually ingame and "cheating". i've basically done nothing wrong other then calling you a flog as a joke.
by KingSalt- 5 replies
stanley's Unban Appeal
by stanley- 11 replies
Your ingame Name: stanley Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:117953542 Date / Time of Ban: 03-15-17 07:53 Admin that banned or muted (if known): um, it says console? Reason for ban (if known): says something about sleuth? Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Uhh, i have no idea why i was banned in the first place, I restarted my pc, enjoyed myself, had a shower and got back on minigames and i was perm banned?
Dandy's Unmute Appeal
by Dandy- 24 replies
Your ingame Name: Dandy Server you were banned / muted on?: Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91835999 Date / Time of Ban: When i was unabanned. Admin that banned or muted (if known): Thrasher. Reason for ban (if known): Was apart of a "deal" for me to be unbanned that i was to be silenced for a month.. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: Feel like a month is way to long done roughly 2 weeks of the silence and would like to be able to talk to the community
What did I get banned for? :(
by AngeloJ198- 6 replies
Some random person banned me on MG for having maecat #2 as my name then changed it and i got banned.. help ::( liek mg
Unban Appeal
by - BreM - *OLD*- 10 replies
Hi, i have recentley been permantley banned for advertising on minigames. by copy and pasting this text: "Hi, there is this new server called Combat Surf server called OlbivionTek-Surf and thye will imrpove and add new things in the" i was gagged for 1 minute by twinky, when that gagged had finished i was bored and decided to copy and paste hat same text 2 - 3 more times into chat which causing me to get a permanent ban from KillZoneGaming Servers, it have been quite i while since that ban and i really want to start playing again with nothing to do in my spare time.. i would really like a unban since i would never do this or never break a single rule again on MiniGames or…
Uncle Gazza's Unban Appeal
by ✪ Uncle Gazza ✪- 12 replies
Your ingame Name: Uncle Gazza Server you were banned / muted on?: Minigames Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:186383700 Date / Time of Ban: 03/20/17 i think Admin that banned or muted (if known): Sitron Reason for ban (if known): Attempted Scam. Why I should be unbanned / unmuted: I'm really sorry for trying to attempt to scam someone within the community, One of my mates got scammed for hes knife and he kept begging me to find people for him to scam and I did to stop him from bugging me. I haven't tried to scam anyone since I have be banned so I haven't tried for nearly 2 months and will not try again. I would like to say sorry to @Motion for tryin…