189 topics in this forum
Mobile app
by B1N- 9 replies
I don't know if this has been suggested before but i know when I'm at work going through chrome can be a pain, and the thought of a KZG mobile application would get people involved when they can!!! Just a thought.
Point Decay System
by Chawee- 9 replies
Hello, I would like to address an issue with the point system, From what I can see, there is no point decay for not being active on the servers. I first notice this when players with 0% activity have not lost any points yet and this causes the leader boards to be polluted with players that simply don't play but still have a rank on the server. -that down arrow is from their last session (this is from 1v1 server, There are more players just using these as examples) Introducing a point decay system will help active players climbing the leader board since there is no longer players in high ranks or lows ranks holding their position without doing anything. Fro…
(RP) Gambling House
by KennySpag- 9 replies
Hey guys, first time back on the forums for a while. I was watching some darkrp videos today and I thought, “what if we could gamble coins on role play?” This gambling could be anything from just adding a movable ball for things like Skeeball. Or roulette where you shoot the ball and people bet on a colour it would stop on, (red, black or green) and could win either 2x what they won (red/black) or 14x what they won (green). Or a full casino building added to the map. These are just some ideas. I hope you consider this as a exiting new feature for Role Play. Ps. With the ball idea, this would be run in a illegal casino in an apartment. So if you had a betting se…
Check other players stats
by SpaceJam2k- 8 replies
I think every player should be able to check other players stats by typing in chat !stats. it will come up with a list of all the players online on the server. By choosing the player it would come up with hours on server, place and rank. Maybe for admins, moderators and the owners when they check a players stats you can see their latest kicks, bans etc and when the ban/kick was set, how long the ban went for and why they got the ban/kick.
KZ Climb Server
by Pincho- 8 replies
I think a KZ server would be a great addition to KZG using the same ranking system as Easy Surf. If you don't know what KZ is, it is a type of csgo mode/map without many plugins, where the goal is to complete a series of difficult jumps and strafes to get to the end of a map in the fastest time possible, Similar to surf or Bhop
Cleaning up the KZG Easy Surf text-chat
by black knight- 8 replies
I don't know if there is an actual way to stop this from happening but i have noticed the chat gets flooded quite easily on the Easy Surf server. This is mainly because of the !knife and !ws commands which are great and fun commands but it would be great if there was a way to hide these commands when used in the chat. It becomes annoying when you type a message to someone and / or finish a map and go to look at your time or read a message from someone and it is pushed far up because of the commands. In addition to the !knife and !ws commands it is in general a very fast moving chat too which is annoying on Skill Surf servers. Let me know what you think
Custom graffiti sprays
by Noddy- 8 replies
Bring custom sprays that we can customize in to the servers
[RP] Garbage Collector
by Jaggo- 8 replies
Hey there, I reckon there should be an addition towards the 'Garbage Collector' role. I think there should be dumpsters behind all houses / buildings and in the ghetto area. (maybe some near the mines) Anyways, I think garbage collectors should be able to interact with these so they tap E on them and it will Collect or Sort through the rubbish and get some extra money. Upgrades; "Lucky Charm" - Increases chance of finding a rare item ( can be sold for extra money ) "Fast Fingers" - Sorts / Collects garbage faster. Anyways this is just a small tweak that will add more options towards the Garbage Collector job, shout your opinions below
New server idea :D
by Eatthedead7- 8 replies
Trust me guys this time my idea isn't terrible hehe. A zombie survival server with 20 bot zombies versus 2-5 players trying to survive the knifing zombies and having to rebuy when you die (I think the bot limit it 64 or 128) increasing difficulty eg. Heavy armour zombies with 300 units speed bosses and stuff what do you think?
/dm broken af
by Taqo- 8 replies
So my friend Raizu and I were bored af and we came up with /dm on pistol round, we were running around with literal ump's and mp9's on pistol round, its almost impossible to beat that and you can also get fucking HELMETS on pistol round. Please fix this instantly bc others caught on and last pistol round I had was fucking crazy. @skyprah, @panthA Skyprah I know we've had differences but please fix this as fast as possible. this is beyond broken and I tried messaging a few staff and they weren't responding so here I am. who thought of this command, the concept of the command is good. But it's flawed beyond belief. just fix or remove the command ty.
Combat Surf
by Forest- 7 replies
The server needs more admins on the combat surf. I do understand that the server is new and people need 25 hour to be an admin but all these mic spammers are so annoying and need to be muted.
- 7 replies
I know a lot of people will not want this to happen but do have a read of my points and think about the future of the server and what it would bring! Auto-Bhop I think removing A-B would definitely be a big old + I 100% know that this would take an ample amount of time to get use to since it's been around for so long and pretty much every single player relies on it as a form of transport whether it be going to a beacon, rushing a guard, doing a map game and running away from guards. Negatives of auto-bhop: Extremely easy to rebel as a prisoner Hard for guards to shoot prisoners jumping from side to side Any map game with an area that can be bhopped will b…
by Ironstrike- 7 replies
I think the alerts should only be triggered if you have been referred to a thread, for example when you go @"skyPRAh" that should be the only thing that comes up in alerts. l get many emails from kzg anyone about people replying to my "Subscribed thread". We don't also need the alerts box being filled up with it as well. Cheers Ironstrike
Autokick a player that has over 100-120-150 ping.
by SpaceJam2k- 7 replies
Iv realized that the lag is most likely coming from players from different countries. So i think we should set an Autokick to players that have over 100-120-150 ping. This would reduce players that are coming to the server from different countries. and will reduce other players ping from Aus/Nz So maybe if their was a bot that could do this or something. i would be more then happy.
New member rank?
by deSt- 7 replies
Hello KZG Comminity. IMO there should be an additional of a new rank on the forums. 'Member Rank', This would be for the trusted and loyal players of the servers. To obtain this rank you will need to apply. What should come with this rank? The ability to +rep and -rep admin applications. IMO none Admins or non Members should not be allowed +rep or -rep admin apps mainly because of the fact that anyone random can make a forum account and say whatever he wants on the app. When you first make a account on the forums you have a grey name and are classified as a 'Guest' This is really bland and looks like you arn't even apart of the community. I think adding this rank will cre…
FFA death match server
by Rev- 7 replies
I think my friend mag1c might have told skyprah about my idea already but here it is. There is a lack of free for all rifle only, pistol only and awp only Oceania death match servers. Having any of the these servers would be awesome and would be very useful for the community
AWP Only Server
by Pincho- 7 replies
I think an AWP only server would be a great addition to the server list for KZG. With GameMe ranking, store and many maps. Just a suggestion though.
Surf Leaderboard
by PoosKi- 7 replies
Can we get a leaderboard for the easy surf server for every map? E.g: 1- KinG 0.001 2- @skyprah 10.23 3- @destiny 32.23 Top 50? This would be cool as. Cheers, @king
- 7 replies
I think that there should be more staff on at late hours because from 9PM the servers can be loud and just be a put of to playing on the server of your choice.
Combat Surf Needs Admins.
by Dandy♔- 7 replies
Recently the combat surf server has many active players whom are quite deserving of the admin role. Seeing as there are 0 active combat surf admins at the moment I believe people should definitely apply and more admins should vouch those deserving of the role. Also server has been pretty cancer recently active admins would be great. Thank you.
Minecraft Staff App
by Macgregor- 7 replies
Hello, This is just a suggestion, I know Minecraft is a bit of a dead game but just playing multiplayer Minecraft isn't so bad if your playing with friends. So if this server gets a following and more members on the server there might need Staff. This is all in the hands of higher staff on the server. Coolio, Geladak
by lockhaRt- 7 replies
Hello kzg my suggestion is to reset everyones potion/points on the servers every season. At the end of the season who ever has the most points/in number 1 place gets free vip for a mount ect. Thanks for reading.
Store Cosmetics/Skins
by the wage gap doesn't- 7 replies
MG has countless skins/wings/hats/other shit that cover up the hitboxes of the actual player making it a pain in the ass and stressful on poorfags with bad computers like me. An option to disable this so everyone looks normal would be top notch so I don't get -30 fps on nuketown with a full server smh
RP advertisements
by Dongle- 7 replies
Yo, I've noticed lately a lot of spam from medics trying to sell their services and other people trying to sell material goods etc. I reckon it'd be pretty cool to have like an advertising agency placed in one of the vacant buildings which I assume are for future NPC's. It would cost money per advertisement and perhaps that advertisement gets displayed somewhere that isn't the chat box in a different coloured text for an extended amount of time to ensure everyone on the server has seen it. This would both reduce spam and add another feature to the server. Leave feedback! Cheers.
Roleplay Suggestions
by Σxoticrage- 7 replies
Roleplay: @skyprah Should Add Bulk Buy / Crush All Bulk Buy - You Buy the item in groups Morphine = $400 Each Morphine x10 = $4000 And So On Crush All - When you are crushing Papver one by one it will take time and sometimes you REMOVE the Papaver on accident Papaver = 2.00 Seconds = Crushed Papaver Papaver x10 = 20 Seconds = Crushed Papaver x10 And So On Comment What You Think About This. -ExoticRage