189 topics in this forum
[KZG] Combat Surf Vote System
by Clifford- 3 replies
Hi, i am making a suggestion for an automatic map chooser on the combat surf server. the reason is because everyone !nominates the following maps: Dust, Greatriver, legends and ski. many maps that are not those 4 get rtv'd because noone wants a map that they dont know. an example of this is when i was successful in getting the server to play air arena, it was rtv'd on the 1st round then changed to ski. i am proposing this idea because no one ever plays the other maps. please think about having a system in place so the maps get a random rotation and possibly disable the rtv system.
"Knifing is a button"
by SANDOS- 5 replies
In jailbreak, CT's can say that Knifing is a button. However, knifing is a very common thing for us to do as T's. What happens most of the time, is that the CT's are super nazi at the beginning, then slack of towards the middle and only kill few people actually knifing. It isn't fair for the T's who are dying throughout the round because a CT decides to actually kill someone for it when other T's are getting away Scott free. I and many other people think that this command should be banned and not allowed to be used except for maybe when T's take one step out of cells and button freeze when CT's can watch all of them at once. Thank you :)
!knife and !ws command
by bumboy11- 0 replies
Late last year/early this year Valve banned the use of !knife in servers and blacklisted servers with that command on. I suspect !ws is illegal as well so i would suggest you remove those commands from your servers before your servers get blacklisted.
The ability to move around in LR
by deSt- 6 replies
Basically in my opinion once you reach lr you should have the ability to move around and not be told to button freeze lr. Seeing you have made it past the map games 'Last Request' is a reward and being able to move around freely should come with it.
[TTT] 1-hit knife
by Giraffe- 4 replies
Perhaps limit the number of times it can be bought to once per round as it is extremely OP and skill-less if it's any more than that.
5v5 unranked
by Peri- 3 replies
Maybe something like faceit where people could join each other for a 5v5 unranked competitive game (with !skins !ws) ect.
Server Competitions
by medzii- 3 replies
With @dest's recent idea of bringing back the previously suggested scoutz tournament, I thought it could be a good idea to create a tournament for other servers like 1v1, Combat Surf and Casual Comp aswell (if u can think of a way to do this for Jailbreak, Minigames and Easy Surf let me know!). I'd be more than happy to contribute to a prize pool or this could be done simply for the fun of it. The idea was suggested to create staff teams and regular player teams which I've created a poll for above. Also please feel free to post suggestions here and whether you'd be interested. I'd like to get this organised for the 12th or 13th as I'll be home for those two days and anyti…
t overwatch skins
by sgt ion- 2 replies
with the new addition of tracer and d va to jailbreak i think that the t's should be able to be one of the overwatch characters such as widowmaker, junkrat, m cree and reaper. Roadhog would be amazing but his player modle is way to big. It would be cool if we got a mercy ct skin as well. i hope you take this into consideration. i know all the admins are working hard on new skins and i would hate to make your list longer but i think a lot of jb members would love these skins.
[AIM] Stickers - HotdoG
by panthA- 3 replies
Posting this on behalf of HotdoG. 'HotdoG' wrote: Hi, Im HotdoG and I had an idea of what could be added into the aim KZG servers. People could be able to customize their guns/skins with stickers which will enable players to have a to more fun with customization and creativity with their weapons. EDIT: Doesn't have to be just aim, any !ws enabled servers could benefit.
by jary- 4 replies
So on MG there is auto respawn and when it goes to a multi-game map it's still on and I find it annoying to have this on those maps. Would like it to be somehow removed on multi-game maps only. Thanks
Market Place Section on the forums?
by SpaceJam2k- 6 replies
Ok, so i thought of a really good idea. Why don't we make a "Market Place" section on the forums and only for e.g VIP's and possible kzg members that have a 5mnth+ old account on the forums can make a post with what they are selling (csgo accounts, games, etc) Possibly, some higher up staff & owner can be middlemen. I seriously think this would be great for the forums as its another + to getting VIP. So what do u guys think? atleast a try to see how it goes??
Combat surf Keeping weapons
by Dandy♔- 4 replies
I and many others from the combat surf community think after each round you should keep your weapons as it can get quite annoying trying to get them again. Also i find it helpful for people to just start the round off with their previous weapon as they don't have to waste time going for that weapon again. Not much to write about this topic as it is pretty straight forward (:
Community Alliance
by Ulreth*- 1 reply
Hello! A few years ago appeared the idea of creating a community dedicated to SoccerMod in CS:GO, and from that idea we could organize interesting matches in some of our servers around the world, here is some material: Official steam group (server IPs inside): International 11vs11 Match: Brazil vs Switzerland: And here is the important part, we would be very grateful if we can make an alliance between our communities and help each other, this can be done by opening a server in Australia with your name (therefore is yours) and our SoccerMod, we can keep expanding our reach so more peopl…
Dust_2_overcore barrels
by Dandy- 4 replies
Can we remove the barrels on dust_2_overcore (combat surf) - i made this suggestion many months ago, it was accepted yet nothing ended up happening about the situation. Especially want them removed for the surf 6v6 tournament They were originally removed however added back in for whatever reason Thanks
RP advertisements
by Dongle- 7 replies
Yo, I've noticed lately a lot of spam from medics trying to sell their services and other people trying to sell material goods etc. I reckon it'd be pretty cool to have like an advertising agency placed in one of the vacant buildings which I assume are for future NPC's. It would cost money per advertisement and perhaps that advertisement gets displayed somewhere that isn't the chat box in a different coloured text for an extended amount of time to ensure everyone on the server has seen it. This would both reduce spam and add another feature to the server. Leave feedback! Cheers.
Jailbreak war day
by jary- 3 replies
Maybe when a ct selects to do a special day, like a war day would you guys think it would be better to have with pistols or without currently we dont get pistols and i've been thinking it should be added. Because in some fights you may resort to a knife but if this gets added you can switch toa pistol.
- 4 replies
"Strictly" Jailbreak: Prisoner & Guard Skin Packs: All Servers: - War type of models - Overwatch Character Tracer - Agent 47…
Custom tags
by 「Koi」- 2 replies
it would be a cool idea if vip's could have custom tags. the plain vip is still great but..... maybe custom tags made by the community would work out 2. Im not saying that you can just type in a name and it will become a tag. but just a vote in the community. please give me some feedback if you like my idea or not
Dust 2 Beta Casual Comp Server
by Duck..- 2 replies
Hey, I play Aim mostly around these parts but I'm here suggesting a new server, one that doesn't exist or isn't active. As I'm sure a lot of you know, Dust 2 was released on the Beta Build of CS:GO for testing. I've been wanting to test it with others but conflicting times make me not able to. So, why don't we get a beta server up dedicated to Dust 2 Beta Casual Comp? It's fun and also is good for testing. Thoughts?
Killzone Overwatch Server
by Magic- 4 replies
As some may know the new update (which is still in beta) includes dedicated servers, here is the updates info. soon every player can create their own, unique Overwatch experience and share it with their friends, their teammates, or the entire world. Introducing the Server Browser. An extension of Overwatch's Custom Game mode, the Server Browser allows you to adjust the settings on various maps, modes, and heroes, creating your own tailor-made server. If, for example, you want to increase Pharah’s missile speed or remove the cooldown from McCree's Combat Roll, the power is yours. Once you're happy with your settings and you're ready to launch your game, you'll n…
by bumboy11- 2 replies
it'z ya boi bumboy11 Why challenge back on. Its retarded. Please turn it off. FFS. ALL U HAVE TO DO IS TYPE /ckadmin and turn it offffffff D:
by Fybiz- 2 replies
Surf: Hi there reader i was just wondering in my mind just thinking of idea's and i thought well its a surf server right then you should make like a player hat but it goes on your feat and it would be a surf board it just seems to be something that i think would make the server a lot better and maybe a skate board and related stuff to surfing. Admin's: So for the admins on the surf server i think you need more at the moment there is so many mic spammers and they are not stopping because they know there is no admins and i have to keep asking for admins from other servers to come on surf and maybe msg an owner to come mute them because a lot of them are just getting away …
- 3 replies
I have played multiple games where upwards of 7 or 8 people per team using AWPs and more than half of them sitting in mid. My suggestion is to somehow implement a way that only a certain percentage of a team can buy an AWP. For example, full teams of 11 each, 4 or 5 can buy AWP at round start, this doesn't stop players from picking up AWPs, but the majority of them will die anyway, and they can't rebuy AWP again at the next round. I'm not sure if there is a plugin for this, but I do know that some DM servers limit 4 AWPs per team (or server)
Bugs/Glitches Jailbreak
by okikp123- 2 replies
While I was on the map outdoorjail I was experimenting with a few glitches, I will list them below and hopefully skyPrah can fix them: The only spawn effects that work are the confetti and feather selections When you play as a movable ghost you can type !unghost as soon as the game states that a team has won, this respawns you from a dead player to an alive player. All the auras on the server do not work or are invisible. Unusual effects do not do anything. There is the list hopefully they can be fixed.
Minigames suggestion
by Gromp- 2 replies
I would love mg_kirby's to be added to the server, it was the best map on source and i miss it : (Only posting cause atleast 21 admins told me to go on the forums) Link to the map: