832 topics in this forum
Moderator Application - Strawbzz 1 2 3 4
by Strawbzz- 78 replies
Thanks guys please leave your feed back!
Admin Application 1 2 3
by KAYEX- 71 replies
Server Group Minigames Steam Account Name: KAYEX SteamID STEAM_0:0:144792443 Age 14 Description of Yourself Hey im Ethan ive been playing mini games for a while now and i really enjoyed it. im a chill 14 year old guy who is going into year 11 at school and i take school very seriously but i love to play games my hobbies are sport, video games obviously, surfing, fishing, hunting, Hang out with friends/talking. My favorite game is CS:GO i have 1500+ hours And lot of those hours are on KZG servers. Other games i play are H1Z1, Watch_Dogs2, N…
quint3n's Administrator Application 1 2 3
by quint3n- 58 replies
Extra Info: I have made a jailbreak application a long time ago but I believe I have changed A LOT as a player and this time I will not go inactive for a month or 2, as I am starting to enjoy jailbreak more than ever now.
[Fun Mod] Bismuth's Administrator Application 1 2 3
by Bismuth- 53 replies
Steam Account Name: Bismuth Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102717375 Age: 16 Sex: Male Description of Myself: Hello, My in-game name is bismuth then school holidays finish i will start Year11 and i can be a big boy. I love playing video games such as Counter-strike, Ark, Pubg, Rust, and FORTNITE I try my best to make new friends on all games. In my spare time, I play hockey, football, Handball and soccer. I love playing on the killzonegaming community I play all around the kzg servers Combatsurf, Awp, Jailbreak and the Fun server I can make friends easily as well as a very active player in the community and a funny people if you get to know me. Qualities I bring…
Moderator Application - Sammy 1 2 3
by Sammy- 50 replies
Extra Information Below why i think i deserve this rank. 1) I'm Kind . 2) I'm Active. 3) I'm Helpful . 4) Deal With Situations Easily No Matter What The Situation Is. 5) I Will Make Sure No Mic,Chat Spammers Are Spamming. 6) No Hackers Will Be Playing MG Anytime Soon. I deserve this rank because i truly believe i will do well with it and make sure the Minigames server is clean and friendly for everyone to join and have fun on. ENJOY YOUR DAY!! LETS MAKE KZG GREAT AGAIN!
Jailbreak Application. 1 2 3
by (UCU) MadeInChina- 50 replies
(Extra Info) I know I have done one of these before, I didn't want to keep it up as i felt like I wasn't ready for the position after sometime I feel like i now can handle the the position
[Scouts and Knivez] ✪ Wolvez 's Moderator Application 1 2
by ✪ Wolvez- 48 replies
Server you're Applying for?: Scouts and Knivez Steam Account Name: ✪ Wolvez Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:217197593 Age: 14 Description of Yourself: So my real name is Connor, im in the 8th grade as we speak, I live in Victoria Australia ive got a pool and a tennis court in my backyard and I joined this at the start of the year, I mostly play ScoutKnivez, my favorite game mode thats why im applying for staff right now. Im pretty much always on ScoutKnivez, unless im playing a different game or doing comp. Play Time on the server you're applying for?: 2 days and 00:07:30 hours or 50.07 hours What time do you normally play on the Server you're app…
Dandy's Back :D 1 2
by Dandy♔- 44 replies
Back At It. Giving admin another shot as I enjoyed myself last time though resigned for a poor reasoning leading to a split with myself and many higher up staff members. I have taken the short break to try and fix the relationships i once had with the staff members and hope to be accepted as one myself. I'm very active and know the rules well and can deliver right from wrong as many times i'm on the server without admins due to the limited amount of combat surf admins and had to call @skyprah to get on while he's doing something much more important. I feel giving me the admin would help the combat surf community be a better place... And a lot less toxic making a bett…
- 43 replies
Steam Account Name: Poochie the GodGamer Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:71191942 | Discord Handle: Superfly9188#7798 Age: 20 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I am the best Mordhau Gamer™ in OCE and have a strong sense of justice. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Staff Team: I am a Gamer™ and I am the heart and soul of the MORDHAU community. I'm like Norm from Cheers. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzone Gaming Staff Team: I will save this shitty server group from the brink of collapse. I have insider information regarding the new up and comers too. I am also more qualified than any of your other admins. …
Killerjarrod's Apllication 1 2
by KillerJarrod- 42 replies
Thank you for having the time too read my moderator application :love: :love:
JailBreak application. Mod (enjoy reading) 1 2
by (UCU) MadeInChina- 40 replies
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96292932 Steam Name: China What Server are you applying for?: The one and only infamous Jail-Break. Age: 13 Two People Who would vouch for you GimmeYoFries Liam Describe my Self A fun, active member. That is mature, That can handle the situations well! Who can Communicate with the community, always on jailbreak/CS-GO or team speak now days. Always looking for a good chat with someone. That is loved by the community, That likes to Invite the new players into our warm loving community we got going. Like to teach/help out anyone with the stuff they got going on. Can take the heavy memes, Love's saying hello to all the Exciting players …
[Jailbreak] Codex's Admin Application 1 2
by $crim- 39 replies
Server you're Applying for?: Jailbreak Steam Account Name: Codex Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119732360 Age: 13 Description of Yourself: Hi, my name Is Codex/ Jesse. My hobbies are playing Basketball, playing games and stuff like that. I live In Australia, Melbourne. I am one of those types of guys that is humorous and very sporty. I love listening to rap including Logic, Hopsin and many others. I have been playing Jailbreak for over 1 year now, I find I have matured up a lot more than those days. I love playing KZG when i have spare time as there is so many servers to play. I mostly play JailBreak, Roleplay and minigames. When i first started to play, I …
Flip's Application 1 2
by FlipFlopper *OLD*- 38 replies
What server are you applying for: KZG Aim Server Steam profile: Age: 16 Where do you live: Adelaide, Australia Are you available most days: I am on every day How many hours on the server do you have: 2 Days Do you have a microphone: Yes! A Blue Yeti How many hours on CSGO do you have: 796 Hours as of 24/12/16 Have I read and understand the rules of the server I'm applying for: I sure have Why do you want to be an admin: I am insanely active on KZG, mainly on the 1v1 server. I have seen an increase of people breaking the rules but no staff on and i would like to help the server out by being the most ac…
[SKILL] Dandy's Administrator Application 1 2
by Dandy- 38 replies
Steam Account Name: Dandy Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91835999 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Previously admin on kzg resigned due to other opportunities. Have been admin on 4 combat surf servers now. (I am applying for combat surf admin although there was no option for specific combat surf so i just selected skill surf as i thought it just tied together) I dont use forums a lot which i guess is a downside but i will try to be a bit more active on forums as of now on Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming Being a previous admin on 4 combat surf servers i have experience with the rules. Also being a previous admin on kzg 2 years ago? i feel …
[Fun Mod] Kaotic's Administrator Application 1 2
by Kaotic- 38 replies
Steam Account Name: Kaotic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197708528 Age: 18 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm an 18-year-old project manager for the NBN who absolutely loves CSGO, I own multiple businesses and play this way the fun server wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much. If you've seen me online, You know how I am. I find it really hard to describe myself; However, I do have a background in managing players, people and workers. I have previously owned over 25 different game servers, Moderated multiple servers and even Administrated plenty. I work as a project manager so this means I can manager projects (obviously), People, Events etc etc …
- 37 replies
Steam Account Name: yenn Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55652218 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: My name is lauke and im 17 and in my last year of high school and i like to play different types of games but mainly cs go. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I can bring ideas and new things to the table to help the sever and help people in need, i can be straight forward or be strict to help people or stop people from breaking the rules, i don't get angry that often and have a good sense of humor and can bring good times. Why I Deserve to be Part of Killzine Gaming: I want to be apart of the KZG community and staff team because i have played KZG fo…
Moderator Application 1 2
by J_VilL- 36 replies
Steam ID ( Steam Name: J_VilL What Server: Combat Surf Who will vouch?: Liam, Real MeDz and Thrasher Age: 13 Description of yourself: I am an Respectful member of KZG community i love to have bantar in the community and have fun i'm always there to help people. I love bringing fun to the servers but i can also be a little immature on the servers. Why you deserve this rank over the other applicants: I am a hard working active member that is looking to become an moderator and help out our servers and mute all those mic spammers and inappropriate language. I want to bring fun, happy, interesting and enjoyable stuff to our …
- 36 replies
Thanks for taking the time to read my application. EDIT: p sure some more peeps would vouch for me im just lazy ask for more if u want xoxo EDIT2: i didn know im not allowed to rlly mention my application at all my bad please dont close application for my "advertisment" was mistake. if anything close it because im clearly duluded ADDITIONAL VOUCHES: Conkley
[Jailbreak] Codex's Admin Application 1 2
by $crim- 35 replies
Server you're Applying for?: Jailbreak Steam Account Name: Codex Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119732360 Age: 13 Description of Yourself: Hi, my is Jesse and I live in Melbourne. I love going camping and playing basketball. I love playing video games, I have been playing them my whole life. The main games i play are CSGO, H1Z1 and Rust. One of the first games I played was Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas, I had some good memories on that game. Then a couple years after that, I got my first PC, this is when I started playing CSGO. At first I started to play MM, I later realised this is what made me so toxic in my first couple months of KZG. I first started playi…
[AWP] MutatedURMum's Administrator Application 1 2
by MutatedURMum- 35 replies
Steam Account Name: MutatedURMum Steam ID: 76561198436583520 Age: 17 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: Im a very active person i participate in sports eg; cricket football and have enjoyed playing csgo for over 967 hours I like to play with people and have fun. I always like to communicate with other people I Love to make people smile I have put many hours into KZG in awp server Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I comminicate with other people and the people of this server are very kind hearted and no one toxic here i would love to bring excitement and stupidly funny conversations to each map i wont be perfect but with time i can understand sit…
[COMBAT SURF] ApocalypticPancake08's Administrator Application 1 2
by ApocalypticPancake- 35 replies
Steam Account Name: ApocalypticPancake08 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:435024074 Age: 14 Sex: Male Desciption of Myself: I'm just an Aussie kid who lives in sydney i love listening to music, reading about history and playing CS:GO even though i am extremely shit at it. I try to make friends with people and be friendly although sometimes i dont really get the message through. Qualities I bring to Killzone Gaming I try to be friendly even though that mightn't end up being the case i am relatively known in the community and uhh tbh some of those people may not know me for good reasons. I am gooding at stopping and assessing arguments and also making quick decisio…
Current ingame name : Pepsi What server are you applying for?: KZG Minigames Age:15 Where are you located?: Australia NSW Do you have an ingame microphone?: Yes (don't use it much) How many hours on CS:GO?: 2054 How many hours do you have on the server? (Type /pt or /playtime or gameme in server): 26 Have you read the server rules for the server that you are applying for admin on?: Yes not much but I can remember them Have you ever donated to the server?: Yes for perma VIP Name at least two people who will vouch for you to be an admin: Wage Gap,Kwala and Thrasher Why do you want to be an admin on Killzone Gaming?: Well I want to help the sever out in so many …
Schmaky's Admin Application 1 2
by ✪ Schmaky®- 33 replies
:smiling: Thank you for reading my application any feed back will mean heaps thnaks :)
Admin Application 1 2
by ForceX- 32 replies
Thank you for reading my application any feedback is most appreciated and constructive and criticised feedback is the best thank you.